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中文命名实体识别方法研究及其在文本分类中的应用Chinese Named Entity Recognition Study and Application in Text



培 养 单 位 : 软件学院

工 程 领 域 : 软件工程

申 请 人 : 刘彬

指 导 教 师 : 李 春 平 副教授





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关键词:中文命名实体识别 链式条件随机场 动态条件随机场 文本分类



Named Entity, as the basic information unit of text, is important to the correct understanding of a text. Named Entity Recognition is to identify the words in a document belonging to Named Entities and further classify them into some predefined categories. Chinese Named Entity Recognition is more difficult than English Named Entity Recognition because of the special characteristics of Chinese language. How to gain better recognition effect of the Chinese Named Entity Recognition? How to reduce the Named Entity Recognition error which caused by the uncertainty error of segmentation? How to use Named Entity Recognition technology on other natural language processing tasks? We will research on these problems in the paper.

We design a Chinese Named Entity Recognition method and implement it at first. And then, we research the application of Dynamic Conditional Random Fields in organization names recognition and the application of Chinese named entity recognition in Chinese text categorization. In this paper, the main work and contribution include:

Design a Chinese Named Entity Recognition method and implement it based on linear-chain conditional random fields. We propose a new labeling solution which using different strategy for simply entities and complex entities. At the same time, we collect some Chinese language material and build some dictionaries for person names, location names and organization names. These dictionaries are helpful us building our feature templates and these feature templates are useful through experiments. Comparing with other named entity recognition mehtod, our method can get better performance in experiments. Propose a new organization name recognition method based on Dynamic Conditional Random Fields. The method merges word segmentation and Name Entity Recognition into one process. It can get higher recall than similar methods and reduce the Named Entity Recognition error which caused by the uncertainty error of segmentation as fully as possible.

Use Chinese Named Entity Recognition technology in text categorization. Considering existing feature selection methods are all based on statistical probability model, we propose a feature selection method which uses Named Entity Recognition technology. At the same time, we design a term weighting method for Named Entity. Comparing with other common feature selection methods in text categorization, our method is effective.

Keywords:Chinese Named Entity Recognition

Linear-chain Conditional Random Fields

Dynamic Conditional Random Fields Text Categorization

