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(以上字体Times New Roman, 小3号;加粗)
(以下字体均为:Times New Roman;小4号;行距:1.5倍)ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Abstract (in English) (1)
Abstract (in
Chinese) (1)
Ⅰ Introduction (1)
1.1Multi-Media With Erroneous Zones (1)
1.1.1 Erroneous Zone 1 (2)
1.1.2 Erroneous Zone 2 (2)
1.1.3 Erroneous Zone 3 (2)
1.1.4 Erroneous Zone 4 (3)
ⅡCountermeasures (3)
2.1 Unsuitable
Operation (4)
2.2 Over stimulation In Courseware (4)
2.3 Vague Content with Automatical
Tra nsformation (5)
2.4 Neglect Of Teachers’ Function (5)
ⅢConclusion (6)
3.1 Prospect in English Teaching (6)
3.2 Personal Opinions of Further Research (6)
BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………….7 DECLARATION
Discussion on the Application of Multi-media
In English Teaching
(字体:Times New
Abstract: With the rapid development of computer and popularization of the network, the present teaching pattern that still uses traditional teaching method “one chalk, one blackboard” seems to be unable to meet the requirements in
the present society any longer, and English teaching is no exception. The introduction of the multi-media teaching
method to the English class has been one of the tendencies to the development of English teaching. But the misuse of the modern tools will surely result in the bad effect to English teaching. So English teachers should take an active part in
the research of how to use the multi-media teaching method in English teaching and try to avoid its misuses.
Key words: multi-media; English teaching; overcome
(都英文摘要和关键词都是两边翻转;5号字;行距:单倍;字体:Times New Roman;
“Abstract” 和“Key words” 两个词或词组要加粗)
(关键词相交处用分号隔开) Roman;小3号字;居中;加粗)
? Introduction (一级标题4号字;字体:Times New Roman;
加粗)(以下正文均为:小4号字;字体:Times New Roman;行距:1.5倍)
The application of multi-media in English teaching has broken the traditional
teaching patte rn “one chalk, one blackboard”. It processes the words, images, voice and animation and other information by the computer and forms an all-around teaching system. It is not only a good medicine to the Chinese student with their mute English but also benefit to the improvement
of students’ language ability and students’ subjective initiative shall be fully developed. It can improve teaching efficiency and teaching quality effectively.
1.1 Erroneous Zones in the Use of Multi-Media
(二级标题小4号;字体:Times New Roman;加粗)
Multi-media teaching is a brand news teaching model and poses a new challenge to teachers. If it is used improperly
or used with erroneous zones in rational knowledge, it can bring much bad effect to the teaching.
1.1.1 The use of the multi-media as the leading teaching methods (与二级标题相同;加粗)
There are many outstanding strong points in multi-media teaching comparing with the traditional teaching. But it is
not valid everywhere. It has both advantages and disadvantages. Some teachers cannot see the advantages and disadvantages of the multi-media in their teaching and cannot exploit to the fully the multi-media’s favorable conditions
and avoid unfavorable ones. They cannot use the multi-media and ignore the function of teacher. The multi-media teaching programs of theirs are only the alation of letters, images, and the contents of books, just like a refurbished version of the book. There is no innovation in their class. They just show the multi-media teaching program in their English class and teacher just like a projectionist. Teacher become the
slave of the multi-media and cannot be as the leading
teaching main subject.
1.1.2 The change of the “Teacher Teaching” into “Machine Teaching” and the ignorance of the main teaching status of students
The multi-media teaching encourages students to combine speaking and practice and to strengthen the memory. But some teachers consider that advanced teaching methods must bring
the advanced teaching ideas. Some teachers use the
multi-media as the teaching tools. Teacher still acts as the center of the teaching and students are still the passive accepter. Force-feed type educates still give full play to
their remarkable skill (Bernard, 2021;210). (夹注方法:1. 写
出作者的姓名(英语学者用last name,东亚地区学者用其姓名的全称)加逗号;2. 作品出版时间加分号;
3. 参考作品的页码) (夹注内容应放在应放在标点符号之前)
1.1.3 The replacement of the Student-to-Teacher with Student-to-Machine.
There is a very friendly interface in the multi-media teaching program. Students can choose different study content according to their own practical study standard and their own
interests. But this does not mean that teacher can give up. Teaching is a mutual activity to both teacher and students. Teacher and students can icate with each other by talk, information tation and feedback to implement teaching plan
and accomplish teaching target (Christopher, 1986: 46). If
the multi-media is used blindly in teaching processing, only think a lot of student-to-machine talk and ignore the
student-to-teacher ication, the relation between the student and teacher will become dim as time passes. Further more, the relation between the student and teacher will become dim as
time passes. Further more, the multi-media will be cold reception by students. The enchantment of the class does not exist any more and the teaching effect is seriously
influenced. How we can make the best use of the multi-media teaching program and how to improve our teaching effect is
left to every teacher.
1.1.4 The misunderstanding of multi-media method
Some teachers pursue the newest high technology and braveness simply, make the teaching program to the
achievement exhibition of the multi-media teaching and cannot use the multi-media to put the axe in the helve that cannot
be solved in the traditional teaching. They do not look the multi-media as the assistant teaching tool. They make the
multi-media teaching program very beautiful and flaming, but this just detracts students’ attention and bothers students’ observation. We must know that the multi-media assistant teaching is not only the art, but also the science. As the assistant English teaching software, solving the problems met
in English teaching should be the
primary. We should look the actual effect of the software, not emphasis on the eyewash.
Ⅱ Countermeasures (一级标题4号字;字体:Times New Roman;加粗)
The countermeasures are the measures and the remedies which the educators can take measures to correct the misunderstandings or misusing of multi-media English teaching.
2.1 (二级标题小4号;字体:Times New Roman;加粗)
Take the man as the primary and adopt the advantages of
the multi-media. When we make the multi-media teaching program, we must know that it is only and can be only the assistant teaching tool for our teaching. Students and
teacher should be always the primary. Teacher is the leading and students are the principal part. With the interposition
of multi-media, teacher is less participated in the class and students are more active in the class. But this does not mean that teacher is not the leading any longer, Teacher is always the designer of the class, exponential of the study and the organizer of the class. The teaching art is improved. Teacher should pay more attention to giving students advices. Further more, teacher should set up his own teaching style in his
multi-media teaching program to make his lessons more vivid and vigorous. Every teacher must not be controlled by the
multi-media. The multi-media teaching program is not the
repeat of the hook, not the relish of the lessons, it is the
re-creation which can meet the requirement of teaching
contents and students' practical cites by teacher.
2.2 Pay attention to actual effect and be intent on
nothing but usefulness. Although computer has the function of multi-media and super-media, it can only be a media in
teaching program. Some teachers take it as all-media. They cannot look the multi-media computer all round from the sides of media. They use computer to complete every thing they can do. The blackboard is only the ornament within their vision and computer becomes another book to students. As we all know, the function of the multi-media does not always work. We must think over when, where and how
班级英语0801 (注意原山经、原山财班级中文名称不同)
学号 2021110067
On Anti-Gothicism in Northanger Abbey
Li Xiaohui
Under the Supervision of
Wang Junhua
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
School of Foreign Studies
Shandong University of Finance and Eics
May 2021
It would not be possible for me to complete the thesis without the generous help of many. First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to convey my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor Dr. Wang Junhua, under whose supervision I have obtained valuable ideas and precious suggestions. He is very intelligent on thesis instruction and also shows his great patience to me during my writing. I also want to thank all the teachers in the School of Foreign Studies of Shandong University of Finance and Eics for their beneficial courses I have attended during my college life. Besides, I owe my deep thanks to my roommates who have been encouraging me all the time, and to my colleagues at Jinan Longre Foreign Language Training Center
who willingly took my part of duties so that I could have enough time for thesis writing.
L. X. H.
On Anti-Gothicism in Northanger Abbey
Li Xiaohui
Northanger Abbey, one of Jane Austen‘s famous works, mainly tells the story of an innocent girl, a Gothic novel fan, who treats herself as the heroine of a Gothic novel and makes many ridiculous adventures by taking Gothic stories as real happenings, but finally learns to distinguish between the imaginary life in novels and the real life of her own. The novel criticizes the ridiculousness and meaninglessness of Gothic novels in a satirical way. The thesis analyzes Austen‘s parody of Gothic plot, characterization, and the heroine‘s Gothic adventures in Northanger Abbey, and arg ues that the work reveals her anti-Gothicism through a comparison with the typical features of prevailing Gothic novels in her age.
Key words: Northanger Abbey; Jane Austen; anti-Gothicism
题目Analysis of the contextual meaning of English Word 作者张芳丹层次本科专业英语学号指导教师
1 设计(论文)题目及专题:Analysis of the contextual meaning of English Word
2 学生设计(论文)时间:自年日才开始
3 设计(论文)所用资源和参考资料:
〔1〕Nida , E .A . Language in Culture and Society. New York : Harper&Row . 1964. (the whole book) 〔2〕Ogden, C. K and Richard, I. A. The Meaning of Meaning 〔M〕. London: Rout ledge and Kegan PAUL. 1923. (the whole book) 〔3〕Saeed, J. I. Semantics. Oxford: Blackwell. 2021. (from page 53 to 132)〔4〕胡壮麟.语言学教程〔M〕.北京:北京大学出版社.2021.6 (the whole book)〔5〕何伟.瑞典语语篇中的时态研究. 北京大学出
版社.2021.2 (from page 50 to 193)4 设计(论文)完成的主要内容:
Ⅰ. Contextual Meaning and Figures of Speech 5 提
6 发题时间:年月
Analysis of the contextual meaning of English Words
As is known to us, the context is the environment that the word is used, it often determines the exact meaning of words. Nowadays, more and more words appear to express new concepts with the development of the science and technology. But not every concept has its own word. Therefore, many words are used to express some new concepts, then a word has its special meaning due to the place where it is used, namely contextual meaning. In this paper, the author divides context into two parts: figures of speech, culture. The analysis on contextual meaning of English words is able to provide a clue for understanding the meaning of English words used in some special context rightly as well as to avoid embarrassment caused by interpreting a word literally.
Key Words
English words; context; contextual meaning
Ⅰ. Contextual Meaning and Figures of Speech
Ti is known to all that language is the means of ication. In ication, figurative language is often employed by writers or speakers to make his idea concrete and vivid. A fresh,
proper figure of speech can appeal to the imagination, create mental picture and make the speech or writing vivid, impressive and interesting. English, as a ication device, are full of figures of speech. Most of figures of speech are based on resemblance in image. They may be direct or implied comparison, likening inanimate objects to people or addressing them as such. Some figures of speech are based on the association between the things and people, between the part and the whole, or between opposite things, etc. others come into being through usage, proverbial relationship or exaggeration. To。