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姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________


一、按照词的类别,仿照例子把单词的编号写在横线上。 (共1题;共3分)

1. (3分) Are there any ________ in the ________ ?


二、选出每组单词中与其它三个不同类的词 (共5题;共10分)

2. (2分) My cousin's birthday in on the _________of October.

A . three

B . first

C . two

3. (2分) pen

A .

B .

4. (2分)—How heavy are you? —I'm 46

A . metres

B . kilograms

C . long

5. (2分)选出不同项()

A . fun

B . great

C . kind

D . find

6. (2分)找出与其他三项不同类的单词

A . ride

B . took

C . could

D . was

三、根据上下文意思补全句子中单词所缺的字母 (共7题;共23分)

7. (8分)按要求写一写

(1) balloon (复数)________

(2) fall (现在分词)________

(3) sit (现在分词)________

(4) help (形容词)________

(5) photo (复数)________

(6) go (第三人称单数)________

(7) put (现在分词)________

(8) stand (现在分词)________

8. (8分)看图填写字母补全单词。

(1) c ________;p

(2)sc ________;________f

(3) c ________;________;t

(4)sw ________;________;ter

(5)gl ________;ves

9. (1分) Thirty years old,Mike's grandpa listened to the r________ and read newspaper for news.

10. (2分)

—How many ________do you have?

—I have six________.

11. (2分)—What ________(颜色) is it?

—It's ________(绿色的).

12. (1分)Don't ________ the flowers.

13. (1分) H________ old are you?

四、选出最佳答案,并把其编号写在括号内 (共19题;共38分)

14. (2分)—__________ is this ?

—It's a cherry.

A . Where

B . How

C . What

15. (2分)—________ in your schoolbag?

—Many books and a pencil box.

A . What

B . What's

C . Where

16. (2分) Before breakfast,I wash ______ hands.

A . me

B . mine

C . my

17. (2分) Lingling__________got a pet dog. ()

A . has

B . have

C . had

18. (2分) What the dogs doing?

A . is

B . are

C . do

19. (2分) It's 12 o'clock! We are eating ________ lunch.

A . a

B . the

C . 不填

20. (2分) That's too late!

A . 太迟了!

B . 那真是太好了!

21. (2分) How____do you weigh?

A . much

B . tall

C . old

22. (2分) Her mother often helps

A . hers

B . she

C . he

D . her

23. (2分) In the past,farmers got their crops in .

A . by hand

B . in hand

C . on hand

24. (2分) It is very ________ in winter(冬天).

A . warm

B . cool

C . cold

25. (2分) _________ is James going?

A . What

B . Where

C . Who

26. (2分)妈妈问你喜不喜欢这个汤。她说:

A . Do you like this soup?

B . Do you like this congee?

27. (2分)选出不同类的一项

A . short

B . elephant

C . panda

28. (2分) Do you like pears,Amy?

A . Yes,I do.

B . No,I don't.

29. (2分)选出与其他两项不同类的一项()

A . plane

B . evening

C . ship

30. (2分)你告诉你的妈妈,你学会做饭了,而且还会洗衣服,你妈妈说这是真的吗,你会说:

A . That's good.

B . I'm sorry.

C . Certainly!

31. (2分)— Is this your schoolbag?

— ______________
