研究生英语考试文章总结summary writing如何写
WritingDirections: For this part, you are to write a summary of either of two articles that are presented to you in the following. Your summary should be 150-200 words. Remember to write neatly.Science and HumanityThe twentieth century saw more momentous change than any previous century: change for better, change for worse; change that brought enormous benefits to human beings, change that threatens the very existence of the human species. Many factors contributed to this change but—in my opinion—the most important factor was the progress in science.Academic research in the physical and biological sciences has vastly broadened our horizons; it has given us a deep insight into the structure of matter and of the universe; it has brought better understanding of the nature of life and of its continuous evolution. Technology—the application of science—has made fantastic advances that have affected us beneficially in nearly every aspect of life: better health, more wealth, less drudgery (单调沉闷的工作), greater access to information.Sadly, however, there is another side to the picture. The creativity of science has been employed to the detriment(损害) of mankind. The application of science and technology to the development and manufacture of weapons of mass destruction has created a real threat to the continued existence of the human race on this planet. We have seen this happen in the case of nuclear weapons. Although their actual use in combat has so far occurred only in 1945—when two Japanese cities were destroyed—during the four decades of the Cold War, obscenely huge arsenals(武器库) of nuclear weapons were accumulated and made ready for use. The arsenals were so large that if the weapons had actually been detonated (爆炸) the result could have been the complete extinction of the human species, as well as of many animal species.William Shakespeare said: "The web of our life is of a mingled (混合的) yarn, good and ill together. " The above brief review of the application of only one strand of human activities—science—seems to bear out this adage (格言). But does it have to be so? Must ill always accompany good deeds? Are we biologically programmed for aggression and war?I am not an authority in genetics, but from my readings and life-long observation I do not see any evidence that we are genetically condemned to commit evil. On the contrary, on very general grounds I would say that genetically we are destined to do things that are of benefit to the human species, and that the negative aspects are mistakes, transient errors in the process of evolution. In other words, I believe in the inherent goodness of Man.We are thus faced with a daunting (威吓,使胆怯) dilemma. As a process of natural evolution, science should be allowed to develop freely, without restrictions. But can we afford the luxury of uninhibited research in the natural sciences, with its awesome (可怕的) potential of total destruction, in a world in which war is still a recognized social institution?The preservation of the human species and its continuing enhancement demand that we learn to live with one another in peace and harmony. But this learning process has been slow and arduous (费力的), and is not yet complete. Due to the harsh conditions under which primitive man lived, he often had to fight with other human beings for survival. Individual killing and, later, collective killing—war—thus began to be seen as a natural phenomenon.We are still not organized for a war-free world. But in the meantime, the human species may be brought to an end by the use of the tools of destruction, themselves the product of science and technology.In my opinion, the problem has to a large extent arisen from the uneven rate of advance in thedifferent areas of human activities, in particular, between the progress in the natural sciences—which include the physical and biological disciplines, and the various social sciences—economics, sociology, politics (with psychology perhaps at the interface between the two major groups). Undoubtedly, there has been much faster progress in the natural sciences than in the social ones.Why have the natural sciences, especially the physical sciences, advanced so much faster than the social sciences? It is not because physicists are wiser or cleverer than, say, economists. The explanation is simply that physics is easier to master than economics. Although the material world is a highly complex system, for practical purposes it can be described by a few general laws. The laws of physics are immutable (不可改变的). They apply everywhere, on this planet as well as everywhere else in the universe, and are not affected by human reactions and emotions, as the social sciences are.How can we tackle this unevenness in the rate of progress of different.areas of science? Two ways come to mind:one, by accelerating the rate of progress in the social sciences; two, by slowing down the rate of advancement of the natural sciences in some areas, for example, by the imposition of ethical codes of conduct.Clearly, the former is by far the preferable way. What we would like to see is faster progress in the social sciences, leading to the establishment of a social system which would make war not only unnecessary but unthinkable; a system in which the existence of old, or the invention of new, weapons of mass destruction, would not matter, because nobody would dream of using them; a system in which people will be able to say: “nuclear weapons: who cares?”Responsibility for one's actions is, of course, a basic requirement of every citizen, not just of scientists. Each of us must be accountable for our deeds. But the need for such responsibility is particularly imperative for scientists, if only because scientists understand the technical problems better than the average citizen or politician. And knowledge brings responsibility.In any case, scientists do not have a completely free hand. The general public, through elected governments, have the means to control science, either by withholding (抑制) the purse, or by imposing restrictive regulations harmful to science. Clearly it is far better that any control should be exercised by the scientists themselves, through a self-imposed code of conduct. The establishment of an ethical code of conduct for scientists is an idea whose time has come.Summary:Science and HumanityThe twentieth century has made greater change to the world, which was brought by the progress in science, than any previous century. Unfortunately, not all these changes did good to the human society. Some of them have done serious damage to mankind and have been even predicted to destroy the whole world someday if out of control. In fact, mankind is not biologically programmed for violent behaviors like war. People are faced with a dilemma in which we would like to see science develop freely, but cannot afford the result of that. It is a basic instinct that man tends to protect oneself by fighting with others. The progress in the nautral sciences is much faster than that in social sciences because laws in natural sciences are immutable and apply everywhere and are not affected by human reactions and emotions. For even developmemt and for a better future of mankind, imposition of ethical codes is necessary. Everyone should be responsible for his behavior, especially the scientists. (166 words)China Sees Opportunities in Climate ChangeUNLIKE America’s leaders, China’s bosses are not much troubled by recalcitrant(顽强的)legislatures. The government has therefore had no difficulty in executing a smart volte face(完全改变)on climate change. Around three years ago its fierce resistance to the notion of any limit on its greenhouse-gas emissions started to soften. It now seems to be making serious efforts to control them.One reason for this change is the country’s growing awareness of its vulnerability to a warming world. The monsoon(季风)seems to be weakening, travelling less far inland and dumping its rainfall on the coasts. As a result China is seeing floods in the south-east and droughts in the north-west. At the same time the country’s leaders are deeply concerned about the melting of the glaciers on the Tibetan plateau, which feed not just the Ganges, the Indus, the Brahmaputra and the Mekong but also the Yangzi and Yellow rivers .A second reason is China’s growing sense of global responsibility. The country is not only the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases; it now regards itself, and is regarded, as one of the w orld’s leading powers, and therefore expects to work with the other big powers to tackle global problems such as the economic crisis, nuclear proliferation(核扩散)and climate change.A third reason is energy security. Although China has large coal reserves, it is also a big importer. Concerns about excessive dependence on foreign fossil fuels sharpened when China’s oil imports rocketed and, in 2005, the attempt by CNOOC(China National Offshore Oil Corporation), China’s largest offshore oil and gas company, to buy America’s Unocal was rebuffed. China’s push into nuclear and renewable energy has been driven by its need to diversify its energy sources.The fourth reason is economic. The Kyoto protocol has given China an incentive to clean up its act. China has received $2 billion through the CDM(Clean Development Mechanism) for cleaning up its industrial processes and building clean-energy capacity—half the money that has flowed through the CDM. That is expected to rise to $8 billion by 2012.But a longer-term economic motive springs from a shift in the way China thinks about growth. In the past, its all-out drive for growth has led it to rebuff pressure to cut emissions. Attempts to control pollution foundered on the performance-assessment system for officials at all levels of government, which prioritises growth. But that has been adjusted to encourage energy efficiency, and at the same time the leadership has started to argue that growth and greenery are compatible.Since Wen Jiabao took over as prime minister, the leadership has tried to define economic growth as something broader and longer-term than GDP figures imply: the emphasis has been on a “harmonious society” and “scientific development”. Nobody was sure what the latter meant, but Mr Wen has recently been talking about a more “resource-efficient environmentally friendly society” and Hu Jintao, the president, has referred several times to a “low-carbon economy” and a “green economy”.Local pollution may help to explain the shift. Residents are infuriated by filthy air and water that kills people and damages unborn children. Policies to cut carbon-dioxide emissions—through reducing the energy used to produce goods—can help clean up China’s cities at the same time.More interesting is the idea that clean energy might be a source of growth rather than a constraint on it. China, so the argument goes, missed out on the computer revolution. It makes hardware, but American firms own most of the valuable stuff—the intellectual property for the software. “You can’t get rich making socks and toys,” explains Lin Jiang, director of the China Sustainable Energy Programme at the Energy Foundation in San Francisco. “They’re looking for the next growth industry. Clean energy clearly has huge potential. And no country dominates the industry yet. It’s a wide-open field.” Hu Angang, an economist at Tsinghua University, calls this “a huge opportunity for China. The country will become the largest renewable-energy market, bio-energy market, clean-coal market, nuclear-power market, carbon-exchange market, environmental-technology market, low-carbon economy, exporter of low-carbon products and low-carbon-technology innovator.”The government is giving the economy a shove in that direction. In 2006 the five-year plan set a target for a 20% cut in the energy intensity of GDP by the end of 2010. The start was slow, but by the end of last year it had managed 10% and it now looks on track for its target. According to Mr Lin, that would mean a reduction in carbon emissions of 1.5 billion tonnes per year by 2010, more than the Waxman-Markey bill’s caps for domestic industry would take out of America’s economy by 2020. China has relatively tight vehicle fuel-efficiency standards . Electric vehicles are being generously subsidised ($8,800 for a car and $73,500 for a bus) and the government plans to build the capacity to produce half a million a year by 2012.The most visible changes have come in renewable energy. In 2005 the National People’s Congress passed legislation to offer subsidies for renewable energy—around twice the amount for coal. For wind energy, the target was set at 20GW of capacity by 2020. The subsidy generated so much building that China now expects to hit that target by the end of this year and is aiming for 150GW by 2020. “It’s like a gold rush right now,” says Mr Lin. The target for solar energy, similarly, has been raised from 1.8GW to 20GW by 2020.To put this in context, wind currently generates only 0.4% of Chinese electricity. Coal generates 80%. And, although China’s government does not have to jump the legislative hurdles faced by America’s president, it sometimes struggles to get policy implemented on the ground. Yet if China’s many layers of government can be persuaded that green means growth, they will cleave (坚持)to this policy; and the leadership seems keen to make that happen.China, thus, is after the same “green jobs” that Americans have been promised as part of their road to economic recovery. America has huge advantages in terms of technology and capital, but China has a couple of things going for it too: cheaper labour and a leadership unconstrained by the need to get re-elected every four years. China can play a long game, which helps when dealing with climate change.SummaryChina Sees Opportunities in Climate ChangeIn order to help deal with climate change, Chinese government made a smart change and will make serious efforts to control its greenhouse gas emissions. As a big importer of energy resources, with the raising awareness of its vulnerability to a warming world and the growing sense of global responsibility, with the incentive given by the Kyoto Protocol and $2 billion provided by the CDM for cleaning up its industry processes and building clean-energy capacity, this change is justified for China. Since China's leadership realized that growth and greenery are compatible and advocated to have a "low-carbon" and "green" economy, the government set a target of a reduction in carbon emissions of 1.5 billion tons per year by 2010 by tightening vehicle-efficiency standards and diversifying its energy sources, such as wind energy. Actually, the practice of "green jobs" is a great opportunity for China to clean up its cities and build clean-energy capacity. In the long run, China will become the largest renewable energy market in the world. With cheaper labours and a stronger leadership, China can play a long game in dealing with climate change. (187 words)。
研究生英语summary万能模板第一段:介绍第一句:As is symbolically depicted by the cartoon,there is sb doing sth, doing sth, with sb doing sth.斜线区域可以替换为:with sb doing sth/with sth in front of/behind sp.第二句:This picture reveals a phenomenon that people in growing numbers are paying attention to the value of sth, ignoring the necessity of sth.斜线区域可以替换为:an undeniable truth that the virture/quality of being XXX perform an indispensable role in our life.第二段:内涵+原因角度段落不能公开了,确实大多数不是我自己写的,只是我考研的时候从各个地方整理的,分享出来只是希望能够希望为大家节省一下整理的时间。
祝大家考研顺利!Part1第一句套话:It can be inferred that the author of the picture is drawing our attention to the value/necessity/harm of sth.Part2从以下角度中选择2个来谈一下,加入on the one/other hand或in the first/second place来隔开构成分层(前8个的为最通用最基础角度):个人-->个人品质:XXX很重要:影响一生+获得竞争优势XXX很重要:保持积极向上的心态个人-->社会公德:XXX很重要:帮你成为一个真正的人例:As the world becomes materially rich, wealth accumulation and pursuit of comfort have become a fashion trend. Many young adults influenced have become spendthrift/dependent on sth, they intentionally or unintentionally deny the detrimental effect of pollution on environment.XXX很重要:随着物质丰富,人们忽视可XXX的影响第二段补充:如果发现第二段感觉字数不够,可以用以下“套话”嵌入增加字数。
考研英语小作文写作总结Title: Summary of Writing for Postgraduate English Essay。
Writing essays is an essential part of the postgraduate entrance examination. It requires candidates to demonstrate their ability to express ideas clearly and logically, as well as to analyze and argue effectively. In order to succeed in the exam, candidates need to master the skills of essay writing and practice regularly. In this essay, we will summarize the key points of writing for the postgraduate English essay.First of all, it is important to understand the requirements of the essay question. Candidates should carefully read the question and identify the key pointsthat need to be addressed. They should also pay attention to the instructions given, such as word limit, format, and style. By understanding the requirements, candidates can structure their essay effectively and ensure that theyanswer the question comprehensively.Secondly, candidates should organize their ideas logically. A well-structured essay should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. In the introduction, candidates should provide background information and state their thesis statement. In the body, they should present their arguments and evidence to support their thesis. Inthe conclusion, they should summarize their main points and restate their thesis. By organizing their ideas in this way, candidates can make their essay coherent and easy to follow.Thirdly, candidates should use appropriate language and style. They should avoid using jargon or complex vocabulary that may confuse the reader. Instead, they should use clear and concise language to convey their ideas effectively.They should also use appropriate grammar and punctuation to ensure that their essay is well-written and easy to read.By using the right language and style, candidates can makea good impression on the examiners and score high marks.In addition, candidates should practice writing essaysregularly. Writing is a skill that improves with practice, so candidates should set aside time to write essays on a regular basis. They can also seek feedback from teachers or peers to help them improve their writing skills. By practicing regularly, candidates can become more confident in their writing abilities and perform better in the exam.In conclusion, writing essays for the postgraduate English exam requires candidates to demonstrate theirability to express ideas clearly and logically. By understanding the requirements of the question, organizing their ideas effectively, using appropriate language and style, and practicing regularly, candidates can improve their writing skills and succeed in the exam. With determination and hard work, candidates can achieve their goal of entering a postgraduate program.。
英文作文如何写summary英文:Writing a summary in English involves condensing the main points and ideas of a text while maintaining clarity and coherence. To begin with, it's essential to read the text thoroughly to grasp its central theme and supporting details. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write an effective summary:1. Understand the Text: Before summarizing, make sure you understand the text's purpose, main idea, and key arguments or events.2. Identify Key Points: Highlight or jot down the main points, arguments, or events in the text. These are the elements you'll focus on in your summary.3. Paraphrase Succinctly: Express the main points of each section or paragraph in your own words. Aim forclarity and brevity, avoiding unnecessary details or examples.4. Maintain Structure: Organize your summary in a logical order, reflecting the structure of the original text. Start with an introduction that briefly describes the text and its context, followed by the main points in sequential order, and end with a concluding statement.5. Avoid Personal Opinions: A summary should be objective and focused solely on the content of the text. Avoid inserting your own opinions or interpretations.6. Check for Accuracy: Ensure that your summary accurately represents the main ideas and arguments of the original text. Double-check any facts or figures to avoid misinterpretation.7. Revise and Edit: Once you've drafted your summary, revise it for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Remove any redundant or unclear phrases to streamline the summary.Now, let's proceed to the Chinese version.中文:写英文摘要涉及将一篇文章的主要观点和思想浓缩起来,同时保持清晰和连贯。
❖ Lack of clean water further adds to women's burdens: many of them have to spend as much as three or more hours just to fetch water,putting them at great risk of developing various diseases, further depriving them of the time avalable to better their life financially and emotionally.
❖ In the process of urbanization, many women are left behind to take care of everything single-handedly. Those who migrate to cities face new challenges as well, like economic exploitation and meanly living conditions.
❖ Discriminatory inheritance, property ownership and limited access to agricultural support systems render women unable to ensure food safety, soil conservation and land sustainability.
❖ Disasters are more likely to strike poor women harder who live in poor-quality houses and disaster-prone areas. To make things worse,they are ill-informed and do not react as quickly as they should in an emergency due to the social restrictions on women about "propriety".
During the past two years, I have been engaged in the rigorous journey of postgraduate study, which has been both challenging and rewarding. It is time to summarize my experiences and reflect on the lessons I have learned.Firstly, the preparation for the postgraduate entrance examination was a crucial part of my journey. It required me to review and reinforce my knowledge of the subjects I had studied during my undergraduate years. I spent countless hours reading textbooks, solving practice problems, and participating in study groups. The process was not easy, but it was worth it. I gained a deeper understanding of the subjects I had previously studied and developed better study habits.Secondly, the academic environment of the postgraduate program has broadened my horizons. The professors and fellow students have been incredibly supportive and knowledgeable. They have introduced me to new fields of study and encouraged me to explore my interests further. Through seminars, discussions, and group projects, I have learned to think critically and independently, which is essential for academic research.Moreover, the postgraduate study has helped me improve my communication and teamwork skills. As a member of a research team, I have learned to collaborate with others and share ideas. This experience has taught me the importance of effective communication and the value of diverse perspectives. I have also participated in various conferences and workshops, which have allowed me to present my research findings and receive feedback from experts in the field.In addition, the postgraduate study has enhanced my time management and self-discipline skills. Balancing the demands of coursework, research, and personal life can be challenging. However, through trial and error, I have developed a routine that helps me stay organized and focused. I have learned to prioritize tasks, manage my time effectively, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.Furthermore, the postgraduate study has inspired me to pursue a careerin academia. I have realized that my passion lies in research andteaching. I am eager to contribute to the advancement of my field and share my knowledge with future generations. To achieve this goal, I am actively seeking opportunities to publish my research and participate in international conferences.In conclusion, the postgraduate study experience has been transformative. It has equipped me with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to pursue my academic and professional goals. I am grateful for the opportunities and challenges I have encountered during this journey. As I look forward to the future, I am determined to continue learning, growing, and contributing to the field of study that I am passionate about.In the next few years, I will strive to publish my research, collaborate with experts in the field, and ultimately, achieve my dream of becoming a professor. I am confident that the skills and knowledge I have gained during my postgraduate study will help me achieve these goals. Thank you for the support and guidance I have received throughout this journey.。
研究生英语summary范文In the realm of academia, the art of summarizing is a crucial skill that transcends disciplines. As a graduate student, mastering the ability to distill complex information into concise summaries is essential for both academic and professional success.Summarizing an English text requires a deep understanding of the material, the ability to identify key points, and the skill to present them in a coherent and succinct manner. It's about capturing the essence without losing the integrity ofthe original content.A well-crafted summary should be objective, avoiding personal opinions or interpretations. It should reflect the author's main arguments, findings, or themes, and bestructured in a way that is easy for readers to follow.In the context of English literature, a summary might highlight the central conflict, the development of characters, and the overarching themes of a novel. It should also respect the original author's voice and style, ensuring that the summary remains true to the source material.For academic papers, the summary must encapsulate the research question, the methodology, the findings, and the implications of the study. It should be written in a neutral tone, with a focus on clarity and brevity.In the business world, a summary of a report or proposal should outline the problem, the proposed solution, and the expected outcomes. It should be persuasive, yet concise, designed to inform and influence decision-makers.The length of a summary can vary, but it's generally shorter than the original text, often by half or even more. The key is to prioritize information, ensuring that every sentence contributes to the overall understanding of the material.Lastly, a good summary is not a substitute for reading the original text. It serves as a tool for quick reference, a way to refresh one's memory, or to provide an overview for those who may not have the time to delve into the full text.In conclusion, the summary is a versatile tool in the graduate student's toolkit. Whether for academic papers, literature reviews, or professional reports, the ability to summarize effectively can enhance one's communication skills and contribute to the clarity of one's academic and professional endeavors.。
❖ The writer finds that women are unequal to men in every way. (They are underprivileged and put under social and moral restrictions. )He believes that an exploration into biomass energy can shed light on the synergy between gender, poverty and environment issues.
❖ Disasters are more likely to strike poor women harder who live in poor-quality houses and disaster-prone areas. To make things worse,they are ill-informed and do not react as quickly as they should in an emergency due to the social restrictions on women about "propriety".
❖ The writer calls for forward-looking strategies to integrate gender into environmental analysis. To be more specific: Allow more participation in environmental policies and actions on women's part; put the government priority on fostering gender equity and subsidize it; resort to a scientific paradigm as well as a social approach in the environmental analysis.
❖ The writer calls for forward-looking strategies to integrate gender into environmental analysis. To be more specific: Allow more participation in environmental policies and actions on women's part; put the government priority on fostering gender equity and subsidize it; resort to a scientific paradigm as well as a social approach in the environmental analysis.
❖ Lack of clean water further adds to women's burdens: many of them have to spend as much as three or more hours just to fetch water,putting them at great risk of developing various diseases, further depriving them of the time avalable to better their life financially and emotionally.
❖ Disasters are more likely to strike poor women harder who live in poor-quality houses and disaster-prone areas. To make things worse,they are ill-informed and do not react as quickly as they should in an emergency due to the social restrictions on women about "propriety".
考研英语作文自己总结My Reflections on Preparing for the Postgraduate Entrance Examination。
As a postgraduate entrance examination candidate, I have been preparing for the exam for more than half a year. During this period, I have gained a lot of experience and insights.Firstly, time management is crucial. Preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination is a long and arduous process. One needs to allocate time wisely and efficiently, and stick to a strict schedule. It is important to balance study time, rest time, and leisure time. I found that setting a daily study plan and weekly schedule helped me stay on track and avoid procrastination.Secondly, a positive attitude is essential. Preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination is not easy, and there will be ups and downs. It is important to maintain apositive attitude and keep a clear mind. I found that listening to motivational speeches, reading inspiring stories, and talking to supportive friends and family members helped me stay motivated and optimistic.Thirdly, practice makes perfect. The postgraduate entrance examination covers a wide range of subjects, and it is important to practice as much as possible. I found that doing mock exams, solving past papers, and attending review classes helped me improve my skills and knowledge.It is also important to analyze mistakes and learn from them.Lastly, self-care is crucial. Preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination can be stressful and exhausting, and it is important to take care of oneself. I found that exercising regularly, eating healthily, and getting enough sleep helped me stay physically and mentally fit. It is also important to take breaks and do things that one enjoys, such as reading books, watching movies, or hanging out with friends.In conclusion, preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination is a challenging but rewarding process. With proper time management, a positive attitude, practice, and self-care, one can achieve success. I hope that my reflections can be helpful to other postgraduate entrance examination candidates.。
研究生英语考试 段落概括范文
![研究生英语考试 段落概括范文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/45b28492c0c708a1284ac850ad02de80d5d8064b.png)
以下是一个例子:Title: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health In this article, the author discusses the impact of social media on mental health. Firstly, the author points out that social media has become an integral part of people's lives, with over 3 billion users worldwide. However, the downside is that excessive use of social media has been linked to various mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression.The author goes on to elaborate on the potential reasons behind this correlation. One factor is the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) culture that social media perpetuates. Users are constantly bombarded with images and posts portraying others' perfect lives, leading to feelings of inadequacy and inadequacy. Furthermore, social media companies' algorithms aredesigned to keep users engaged, often at the expense of their well-being. This results in people feeling the need to constantly check their feeds and reply to messages, leading to addiction and withdrawal symptoms when they are unable to access their social media accounts.In conclusion, the author emphasizes that it is important to recognize the potential negative impact of social media on mental health. Individuals should be mindful of their social media use and take steps to limit their exposure, such as setting boundaries for screen time and being aware of the FOMO culture. Additionally, social media companies should prioritize users' well-being over engagement, implementing measures such as algorithm changes to reduce addiction and harmful content. By taking these steps, we can mitigate the negative impact of social media on mental health and promote a healthier digital lifestyle.。
summary writing方法(一)
![summary writing方法(一)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b92564561fb91a37f111f18583d049649b660ef0.png)
summary writing方法(一)Summary Writing 方法什么是 Summary WritingSummary Writing 是一种提炼和总结文章或段落中主要观点和信息的技巧。
总结Summary Writing 是一种提炼和总结信息的重要技巧。
研究生英语考试 段落概括范文
![研究生英语考试 段落概括范文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/90ec681a3d1ec5da50e2524de518964bce84d263.png)
范文:The passage discusses the importance of emotional intelligence (EI) in leadership. It states that while IQ and technical skills are necessary for success, EI plays a crucial role in effective leadership. The author argues that EI helps leaders to connect and engage with their team members, understand their emotions, and make informed decisions. The passage further provides several strategies to develop and enhance EI in leaders.The first paragraph introduces the concept of EI and its significance in leadership. It states that EI is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others. The author asserts that leaders who possess high levels of EI are more likely to build strong relationships with their team members.The second paragraph presents the argument that EI enables leaders to connect and engage with their team members. It explains that leaders who are emotionally intelligent are more likely to inspire and motivate their team members. The passage highlights the importance of empathy in leadership, as it allows leaders to understand and resonate with their team members' emotions. The author suggests that leaders should actively listen and seek to understand different perspectives to foster effective communication.The third paragraph discusses the role of EI in decision-making. It states that leaders with high EI are better equipped to make informed decisions because they can assess the impact of their actions on others. The passage emphasizes the importance of self-awareness in leadership, as it helps leaders to recognize their biases and make objective decisions. The author suggests that leaders should reflect on their emotions and seek feedback from others to improve their decision-making skills.The fourth paragraph provides strategies to develop and enhance EI in leaders. It suggests that leaders should focus on self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. The passage emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and self-evaluation to identify areas for improvement. The author also encourages leaders to seek feedback and support from mentors or coaches to accelerate their development.In conclusion, the passage highlights the significance of emotional intelligence in leadership and provides strategies to develop and enhance EI. It asserts that leaders with high levels of EI are more likely to connect with their team members, understand their emotions, and make informed decisions. The passage serves as a reminder for aspiring leaders to prioritize the development of emotional intelligence in their quest for success.。
Scientists Shouldn t Be Surprised by the Popularity of Intelligent DesignIn this article Scientists Shouldn Be Surprised by the Popularity of Intelligent Design which addresses many s t cientists grumps over the persistence if ID (Intelligent Design), Scott Lilienfeld postulates that many Americans approval of id cannot beblamed on their lack of common sense but rather their dependence on their common sense or intuition in making judgments which turns them away from the theory ofnatural selection. According to Lilienfeld, the difficulty in intuiting how marvelous creatures and organisms have resulted from natural selection has prevented many Americans from accepting Darwinian Theory while the same common sense hasmade ID rather tempting to them. As is indicated by a multitude of examples of wrong beliefs based on common sense, intuition does not provide a reliable means of understanding the world. Unfortunately, scientists and science educators have failed toteach research methods and academic skills that can help debunk misconceptions compatible with people s common sense. Finally, Lilienfeld concludes that a radicalshift in science education has to be initiated so that scientists would not face fiascowhen confronting erroneous claims refuged by people s common sense.Empowerment and Restraint in Scientific CommunicationIn his artic l”eEmpowerment and Restraint in Scientific Communic”a,t P io h i n lip Campbell highlights a dire likely consequence of biologists increased ability toobtain and distribute scientific information that such information may be exploited by people with heinous intentions. Scientific communication, according to Campbell, hasseen significant development due to the invention of powerful software and hardware that facilitate scientists acquisition of information and reduce the trouble the mayotherwise have to take in order to publicize their research. However, the resultingplethora of biological information spawns a hazard that the information may be usedto build biological weapons, and this hazard has come to people s attention withsynthetic biologsyresent development. Campbell points out that it is relatively easyto abuse biological knowledge while biological studies often bring about unexpected results. People using biological information for malicious purposes may be whoeverhave leant to exploit simple biological technologies and are not necessarily committedto terrorist agendas. Campbell believes that the decisions made by funding agenciesand scientific journals who are the gatekeepers of biological research will be crucialin reducing the risks of information abuse and what proactive measures should betaken has to be considered by all related parties.Summary Of …Ethical, Legal And Social Implications Of Autonomous Systems‟In his article”Ethical legal and social Implications of Autonomous systems”,AustinModine highlights that robot driver will control the vehicles which raises problems in different social levels.Autonomous robots will deprive people of their control.ForModine‟s assume that human interaction is necessary,but human will make mistakesbecause of their wrong decision.Autonomous systerms also have a tendency to make mistake.And there is a problem that who will be responsible for the failure.A concern that autonomous systems are held back until they don‟t make mistakes any more.Thereaction to failures between autonomous systems and manned systems should bechosen if it make less mistakes than human-operators and technical systems.Finally,Austine Modine conclude that many questions should be solved inorder to make autonomous systems accept legally and socially.Summary Of …Why Do Things Become More Complex‟In his article “Why Do Things Become More Complex” Carrington highlights aphenomenon that simplicity becomes more complex, and people are interested in the complexity. In the history, the turbojet engine invented by Frank Whittle just use asimple compressor-turbine combination as the motivation. After many years, the jetengine changed more complicated as the pressure of commercial and military interests,usually by adding a subsystem. Modern engines have a vastly complex array of interconnected subsystems subassemblyes. The jet engines work like a cheetah both inthe outside and inside, sleekly and complicatedly. In the process of growing complexity, it has many obstacle for people to overcome, such as new bureaucraticoffices and departments. The complexity brings a mass of problems to keep theperformance like maintenance repairs, et.al.. And functions and modifications tends to increase complexity through overcoming limitations, abnormal circumstances andadapting to the complex world. The renewable simplicity often emerges slowly afterthe growing complication. Finally, Carrington concludes that complexity should bechecked so that it can evolves naturally and deliver powerful performance. And alsoneed to final things to bring renewable simplicity after the complexity.。
研究生英语作文概括模板Introducing a Master's Essay Template:Introduction:In contemporary society, masters-level education plays a vital role in an individual's personal and professional development. As such, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of how to write an effective essay at this academic level. This essay aims to outline a comprehensive template for writing a master's essay, which will enhance the clarity, coherence, and overall quality of the piece. Body:1. Background/contextual information: Begin the essay by providing some background information on the chosen topic, establishing a context that engages the reader's interest and introduces the main thesis.2. Literature review: The next step is to conduct a thorough literature review related to the topic. Emphasize recent and relevant academic sources to support the arguments and establish credibility.3. Problem statement/hypothesis: Clearly state the problem you aim to address or the hypothesis you seek to prove. Clearly define the scope and limitations of the essay.4. Methodology: Describe the methods used to collect and analyze data, ensuring transparency and replicability. This section should clearly outline the research tools employed and the reasons behind the methodological choices.5. Data analysis and findings: Present and analyze the obtained data in a coherent manner. Use appropriate data visualization techniques, such as graphs, tables, or charts, to enhance clarity andfacilitate understanding. Interpret the findings objectively, discussing their implications for theory or practice.6. Discussion: Engage in a critical discussion of the findings, relating them to the existing literature. Identify similarities, differences, and potential limitations. Offer valuable insights or suggestions for future research in this field.7. Conclusion: Summarize the main points discussed, highlighting the significance of the findings and their implications. Emphasize the essay's contributions to knowledge and suggest avenues for further investigation.8. References: Provide a comprehensive list of all sources cited in the essay. Follow the appropriate referencing style, adhering to the guidelines provided by the academic institution or the target journal.Conclusion:This essay has presented an elaborate template for writing a master's essay that covers various essential aspects of academic writing at this level. By adhering to this template, students can ensure clarity, coherence, and scholarly rigor in their essays, resulting in enhanced learning outcomes and improved academic performance. With practice and refinement, mastering this template will undoubtedly support students in their pursuit of advanced academic degrees.。
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❖ The writer calls for forward-looking strategies to integrate gender into environmental analysis. To be more specific: Allow more participation in environmental policies and actions on women's part; put the government priority on fostering gender equity and subsidize it; resort to a scientific paradigm as well as a social approach in the environmental analysis.
❖ - This central theme is summarized clearly and accurately in a one-sentence thesis statement.
❖ - The thesis statement does not contain specific details discussed in the text.
❖ To begin with, environmental deterioration like deforestation reduces biomass energy dramatically, sending poor women to collect wood fuel for long hours instead of studying or working, perpetuating their poverty.
❖ - Omit all personal opinions, ideas, and inferences. Let the reader know that you are reporting the author’s ideas.
❖ ►5.Formulate the Thesis Statement. ❖ - Formulate a central theme that weaves the one-
❖ In the article, the writer argues that attention to gender issues sharpens environmental studies and helps relieve poverty.
❖ …… ❖ …… ❖ ……
❖ To conclude, a gender perspective will go a long way toward making smarter environmental policies and programs, alleviating poverty at the same time. They are interlocked and interactive.
Steps in Writing a Summary
❖ ►1.Read the article ❖ ►2.Reread the Article.
❖ - Divide the article into segments or sections of ideas. Each segment deals with one aspect of the central theme. A segment can comprise one or more paragraphs.
❖ Lack of clean water further adds to women's burdens: many of them have to spend as much as three or more hours just to fetch water,putting them at great risk of developing various diseases, further depriving them of the time avalable to better their life financially and emotionally.
❖ - In other articles, you may have to write your own one-sentence thesis statement that summarizes this central theme.
several aspects to an effective thesis statement:
sentence segment-summaries together. This is your thesis statement.
❖ - In many articles, the author will state this directly. You may wish to take his direct statement of the thesis and restate it in your own words.
❖ - The thesis statement is stated at the beginning of the summary.
❖ The writer finds that women are unequal to men in every way. (They are underprivileged and put under social and moral restrictions. )He believes that an exploration into biomass energy can shed light on the synergy between gender, poverty and environment issues.
❖ - Label each segment. Use a general phrase that captures the subject matter of the segment. Write the label in the margin next to the segment.
❖ - Highlight or underline the main points and key phrases.
❖ Even in developed countries, they have to live with inequality in such realms as energy, education and labor division.
❖ The worsening environment and changing climate affect women negatively by increasing water scarcity,increasing the disease burden, etc. But women can help reverse the downward trend by taking public transportation more and promoting renewable energy.
❖ - It comprises two parts: ❖ a) the topic or general subject matter of the text ❖ b) the author’s major assertion, comment, or position on
the topic.
❖ Discriminatory inheritance, property ownership and limited access to agricultural support systems render women unable to ensure food safety, soil conservation and land sustainability.
❖ At the same time, women become more vulnerable as victims of indoor air-pollution. They can access fewer resources of biomass energy due to privatization of communal lands.
❖ Unclean water, pollutants in the environment, climate changes and poor nutrition work together to pose a threat to women's health, espeacilly pregnant women.Ignorance of AIDS afflict many women in Africa, affecting agriculture in this laationships among these ideas.
❖ - Omit specifics, such as illustrations, descriptions, and detailed explanations.