急性胰腺炎合并代谢综合征的临床特征及预后影响因素分析 钟瑞

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the Goodman - Kruskal Gamma analysis was used for two - way ordinal categorical data. An ordinal logistic regression analysis was used to
d收基作通oi金稿者信:1项日 简 作0.目期 介 者39::::62泸动钟 汤90/2州基瑞 小j0. i市金(伟s-1s0n科(,93.电911技46-02子-012局119信);基)-,修箱;男5金泸2回:,55(州主6日81.37市要2期42034人从27:6021)民事.02;026政泸胰80@.-府州腺0q20q西市疾33. c-南三病om2医方研7。。科联究大合。学基科金技(Z战14略37合);作西项南目医(科20大19学LZ附X属NY医DJ院24科)研基金(07037);西南医科大学附属医院博士启
临床肝胆病杂志第 卷第期 年月 , , 36 8 2020 8 J Clin Hepatol Vol.36 No.8 Aug.2020
/ )*+
钟 瑞a,严永峰a,蒋 鑫a,徐 欢a,彭 燕a,汪 敏b,付文广c,汤小伟a
模型 1,SAP 组对比非 SAP 组为模型 2。 结果显示,模型 1 中 MS 患者发生非 MAP 是 MAP 的 5. 867 倍( OR = 5. 867,95% CI:3. 072 ~
11. 207,P < 0. 001) ;模型 2 中 MS 患者发生 SAP 是非 SAP 的 7. 214 倍( OR = 7. 214,95% CI:3. 018 ~ 17. 244,P < 0. 001) 。 模型 1 和
BMI、更低的 HDL - C( P 值均 < 0. 05) 。 有序 logistic 回归分析显示,BMI 是 AP 病情发展的独立危险因素[ 比值比( OR) = 1. 091,
95% 可信区间(95% CI) :1. 041 ~ 1. 143,P < 0. 001] 。 根据 AP 严重程度建立二元 logistic 回归模型,设立 MAP 组对比非 MAP 组为
采用 Goodman - Kruskal Gamma 分析。 有序 logistic 回归分析评估 BMI 与 AP 严重程度的关系;二分类 logistic 回归分析 MS 与 AP 严
结果 重程度的关系。
MS 合并 AP 最常见的病因为高脂性 ( 48. 3% ) 和胆源性 ( 24. 7% ) ,SAP 更易合并 MS ( χ2 = 141. 519,P <
较两组患者的基本临床特征;根据 AP 严重程度分为轻型急性胰腺炎( MAP) ( n = 317) 、中度重型急性胰腺炎( MSAP) ( n = 171) 、重
型急性胰腺炎( SAP) ( n = 102) ,比较 3 组患者的 MS 成分指标。 符合正态分布的计量资料两组间比较采用 t 检验,多组间比较采用
单因素方差分析;不符合正态分布的计量资料两组间比较采用 Mann - Whitney U 检验,多组间比较采用 Kruskal - Wallis H 检验。 进
一步两两比较均采用 Bonferroni 校正法。 计数资料组间比较采用 χ2 检验,单向有序分类资料采用趋势 χ2 检验,双向有序分类资料
: ( ) ( ) Abstract Objective To investigate the clinical features of acute pancreatitis AP with metabolic syndrome MS and the influencing
factors for prognosis. Methods A retrospective analysis was performed for the clinical data of 590 patients with AP who were admitted to
, ( ) , the two groups. According to the severity of AP they were divided into mild acute pancreatitis MAP group with 317 patients moderate - ( ) , ( ) , severe acute pancreatitis MSAP group with 171 patients and severe acute pancreatitis SAP group with 102 patients and the component
, , The Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University from January 2013 to January 2019 and according the presence or absence of MS
they were divided into MS group with 178 patients and non - MS group with 412 patients and basic clinical features were compared between
2 均显示 HDL - C 为 AP 病情发展的保护因素( OR = 0. 593,95% CI:0. 387 ~ 0. 910,P = 0. 017;OR = 0. 314,95% CI:0. 160 ~ 0. 614,
结论 P = 0. 001) 。 AP 入院时合并 MS 提示患者预后较差,其中 BMI 和 HDL - C 水平与患者病情发展密切相关。 关键词:胰腺炎; 代谢综合征; 体征和症状; 预后 中图分类号:R576 文献标志码:A 文章编号: ( ) 1001 - 5256 2020 08 - 1794 - 05
西南医科大学附属医院a. 消化内科;b. 营养科;c. 肝胆外科,四川泸州646000
摘要:目的 方法 探讨合并代谢综合征(MS)的急性胰腺炎(AP)患者临床特征及预后影响因素。 回顾性分析 2013 年 1 月 -
2019 年 1 月西南医科大学附属医院收治的 590 例 AP 患者的临床资料,根据有无 MS 分为 MS 组( n = 178) 和非 MS 组( n = 412) ,比
钟瑞,等. 急性胰腺炎合并代谢综合征的临床特征及预后影响因素分析
( ) , investigate the correlation between body mass index BMI and severity of AP and a binary logistic regression analysis was used to investi ( ) gate the correlation between MS and severity of AP. Results The most common causes of MS with AP were hyperlipidemia 48. 3% and ( ) ( , ), biliary disease 24. 7% . The patients with SAP were more likely to have MS χ2 = 141. 519 P < 0. 001 and the patients with AP and , , MS tended to have a significantly higher clinical system score significantly more local and systemic complications significantly longer hospi , , ( ) tal stays a significantly higher ICU admission rate and a significantly higher mortality rate all P < 0. 05 . The severity of AP increased ( , , , ),( , ) with the increase in MS components overweight hypertension diabetes and dyslipidemia G = 0. 540 P < 0. 001 . There were signifi , , ( , ) cant differences between the MAP MSAP and SAP groups in BMI F = 9. 291 P < 0. 001 and high - density lipoprotein cholesterol ( )( , ), HDL - C χ2 = 40. 351 P < 0. 001 and the SAP group had significantly higher BMI and significantly lower HDL - C than the MAP ( ) group and the MSAP group all P < 0. 05 . The ordinal logistic regression analysis showed that BMI was an independent risk factor for the ( [ ] , [ ]: , ) progression of AP odds ratio OR = 1. 091 95% confidence interval CI 1. 041 - 1. 143 P < 0. 001 . Binary logistic regression mod , els were established based on the severity of AP with MAP group versus non - MAP group as model 1 and SAP group versus non - SAP group , ( as model 2. The results showed that in model 1 the incidence rate of non - MAP was 5. 867 times that of MAP in patients with MS OR = , : , ), , ( , 5 867 95% CI 3. 072 - 11. 207 P < 0. 001 and in model 2 the incidence rate of SAP was 7. 214 times that of non - SAP OR = 7. 214 : , ) 95% CI 3. 018 - 17. 244 P < 0. 001 . Both model 1 and model 2 showed that HDL - C was a protective factor against the progression of AP ( : , : , ; : , : , ) model 1 OR = 0. 593 95% CI 0. 387 - 0. 910 P = 0. 017 model 2 OR = 0. 314 95% CI 0. 160 - 0. 614 P = 0. 001 . Conclusion , AP with MS on admission may suggest poor prognosis and BMI and HDL - C are closely associated with disease progression.
Clinical features of acute pancreatitis with metabolic syndrome and influencing factors for prognosis
, , , , , , , ( ZHONG Ruia YAN Yongfenga JIANG Xina XU Huana PENG Yana WANG Minb FU Wenguangc TANG Xiaoweia. a. Department of , , , , Gastroenterology b. Department of Nutrition c. Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery The Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University , , ) Luzhou Sichuan 646000 China
0 001) ,AP 合并 MS 患者有着更高的临床系统评分、更多的局部和全身并发症、住院时间更长百度文库ICU 入住率与病死率更高( P 值均 <
0. 05) 。 随着 MS 成分( 超重、高血压、糖尿病、血脂紊乱) 增加,AP 严重程度随之增加( G = 0. 540,P < 0. 001) 。 不同 AP 严重程度组 间比较,BMI( F = 9. 291,P < 0. 001) 、HDL - C( χ2 = 40. 351,P < 0. 001) 差异均有统计学意义;SAP 较 MAP、MSAP 患者有着更高的
indicators of MS were compared between the three groups. The t - test was used for comparison of normally distributed continuous data be
, ; tween two groups and a one - way analysis of variance was used for comparison between multiple groups the Mann - Whitney U test was , used for comparison of non - normally distributed continuous data between two groups and the Kruskal - Wallis H test was used for compari ; son between multiple groups Bonferroni correction was used for further comparison between two groups. The chi - square test was used for ; , comparison of categorical data between groups the trend chi - square test was used for comparison of one - way ordinal categorical data and