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1. cock-a-doodle-do


2. clip-clop


3. tick-tack


4. hoot(toot)


5. dub-a-dub


6. jingle-jangle


7. meow(或meou)


8. hiss


9. dingdong


10. ping


11. giggle


12. pit-a-pat


13. cuckoo


14. babble


15. smack


16. 萧萧

【译文】(a horse) neighs, (the rain) patters, (the wind) whistles, (the trees) rustle

17. 鸣

【译文】(birds) chirp, (frogs) creak, (a bugle) honks

18. 皮鞋声

【译文】the clicker-clack of the leather shoes

19. 锣声

【译文】the clangor of the gong

20. 表的响声

【译文】the tick-tack of the watch

21. 雷声

【译文】the rumbling (rolling) of the thunder

22. 收音机的声音

【译文】the squeaking of the radio

23. 公共汽车声

【译文】the thumping of the bus

24. 麻将声

【译文】the clatter of mahjong

25. 门铃声

【译文】the jingle of the door bell

26. A horse neighs/whinnies/nickers.


27. The train clattered out of the station. 【译文】火车哐唧哐唧驶出车站。

28. The shutters clattered in the wind.


29. The girls clattered away at their luncheon.


30. The dishes and bowls slid together with a clatter.


31. The thunder rolled in the distance.


32. There came the hum of machines.


33. The offices were quite. Far below I could hear the rumble of tube trains carrying commuters to the west end.


34. “Whee-ee-ee! Whee-ee-ee!” The police whistles shrilled suddenly.



35. Those standing behind whispered and chattered all the time.


36. They hissed him off the stage.


37. The clock ticked, the fire cracked.


38. About this time a brick came through the window with a splintering crash. 【译文】大约在这个时候,有人从窗户外面抛了一块砖进来,噼里啪啦砸得很响。


39. The ship hooted down the river.


40. The clock ticked away the minutes.


41. A bitter storm of sleet, dense and ice-cold, swept the wet streets, and rattled on the trembling windows.

