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学术地位? Academic status? 追寻幸福? After happiness?
3.1 Principle and the Supreme Ultimate? 3.2 The ether? 3.3 Cosmology? 3.4 The nature in man and other creatures? 3.5 Moral cultivation? 3.6 The bravo or hero and the sage and worthy? 3.7 Inspirations?
Chu Hsi (1130-1200), styled Yuan-hui, lived for 70 years old in the Southern Sung dynasty.
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籍贯为安徽南部的婺 源,而他出生在福建 中部的的尤溪。 He was a born into a literary family originally native to Wu-yuan, at the southern tip of Anhwei. His own birthplace was Yu-hsi in central Fujian.
Zhengxiang Wei Ph.D. in Philosophy Professor
Tsinghua University
1、中国哲学史(上下册) 冯友兰著,华东师范大学出版社 2011年版 2、中国哲学简史,冯友兰著,赵复三 生活.读书.新知三联书店2009年版
• 追寻幸福?
• After
• Academic status?
• 谁?
• Who?
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Review of the contents
3.1 理与太极? 3.2 气? 3.3 万物之生? 3.4 人物之性? 3.5 道德修养? 3.6 英雄豪杰与圣贤? 3.7 感想如何?
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction 7. Tung Chung-shu One Hundred Schools 8. Neo-Taoism Comfucius , Mencius 9/10. Buddhism (1) (2) Lao Tzu, ChuangTzu 11. Neo-Confucianism Xun Tzu, MoTzu, 12. Marxism in China Han Fei 13. Islam and Christianity 6. The sole dominating in China (TBD) position of Confucianism
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朝廷恐会招弃贤之嫌,而任用 又恐其干扰朝政,故谴其到偏 僻之地江西南康为官,顺便到 庐山白鹿洞书院讲学。韩胃当 权时,因他曾指责过韩,而被 加害为伪学之首,两年后病故。 南宋理宗皇帝在位时被追认为 太师。
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The court was afraid that it would be criticized for not employing the talented, while it was also afraid that Chu Hsi might be a troublemaker. Therefore, he was sent to be an official in a remote area Nan-kang in Jiangxi Province , he taught in the Academy of the Cave of Bai-lu in Mountain Lu in his spare time. Then he was accused as the leader of False Learning by Han-wei who rose in power. Chu-Hsi had ever criticized Han-wei, so he was retaliated. Two years later, he died of disease. He was entitled as the Great Master when the Emperor Li-zong of the Nan-sung Dynasty reigned.
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3、A History of Chinese Philosophy, Vol.1 & 2, by Yu-lan Fung (Author) , Derk Bodde(Translator),Princeton University Press (August 1, 1983) 4、 A Short History of Chinese Philosophy by Yu-lan Fung (Author), Derk Bodde (Editor)
In 1313 Emperor Jen-tsung of the Yuan, the Mongol dynasty that succeeded the Sung, ordered that the Four Books should be the main texts used in the state examinations, and that their official interpretation should follow Chu Hsi’s commentaries. This practice was continued throughout the Ming and Ch’ing dynasties, until the abolition of the state examination system in 1905, when the government tried to introduce a modern educational system. It remained the most influential single system of philosophy until the introduction of Western philosophy in China at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
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幸福之路 ◎ 大公无私
Way of pursuing happiness: Behave according to public ends instead of selfish ends.
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圣人千言万语只是教人存天理, 灭人欲。学者须是革尽人欲, 复尽天理,方始为学。
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The Commentary on the Four Books, Chu-tzu Yu-lei or Classified Conversations of Chu His, and Chu Wen-kung Wen-chi or Collected Writings of Chu Hsi
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道学经过了周敦颐、邵雍、张载和二 程的发展,演变出弟程颐开创的理学 和兄程颢开创的心学二大学派。二程 均为周敦颐的弟子。朱熹集理学之大 成,而王阳明则完成了心学的思想体 系。他的最重要的著作为《四书集注》 (《论语》、《孟子》、《大学》和 《中庸》)。
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公元1313年,元仁宗发布诏令, 以《四书》为开科取士的标准, 并以此书为解释《四书》的依据。 明、清两朝沿袭元制,直到 1905年,清政府废科举才终止 了这套做法。直到十九世纪末、 二十世纪初,西方学术传入中国 前,程朱理学始终是中国最有影 响的哲学学派。
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其父为进士,因为人正直而 得罪秦桧,失官居家,以教 书为业。朱熹十九岁为进士, 曾上谏皇帝被拒,后退居福 建的武夷山讲学和著书立说, 名声颇大。
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His father was a jin-shi who was a person that had passed the state examination, so that he was qualified to be an official. He was of integrity and offended Qin-hui, so he lost his position as an official, returned to home, and taught students to make a living. Chu Hsi became a jin-shi when he was 19 years old. He had ever made suggestions to the Emperor who refused to adopt. He lived in the Mountain Wuyi in Fujian Province, taught and wrote books. He became very famous academically.
于? 1.2 来自? 1.3 生活经历? 1.4 主要作品?
1.1 Lived? 1.2 From where? 1.3 Life experience? 1.4 Main works?
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朱熹,字元晦,生卒年代为 1130-1200年,享年70岁, 南宋时期人。
The growth of Neo-Confucianism through the efforts of Chou Tun-yi, Shao Yung, Chang Tsai, and the Ch’eng brothers. The ideological differences of the Ch’engs paved the way for the emergence within Neo-Confucianism of two major schools: those of Rationalism (Li Hsueh or “Study of Principle from the younger brother Ch’eng Yi) and Idealism (Hsin Hsueh or “Study of Mind” from the elder brother Ch’eng Hao). Chou Tun-yi was the teacher of the Ch’eng brothers. With Chu Hsi, the philosophical system of the Ch’eng-Chu school reached its culmination. The Lu-Wang school represented by Lu Chiu-yuan and Wang Shou-jen was completed by Wang Shou-jen. His most important work was the Commentary on the Four Books (the Confucian Analects, the Mencius, the Chung Yung or Doctrine of the Mean, and the Ta Hsueh or Great Leaning)