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Dear Bob,
I’m very happy to receive your letter, and I’m g lad to hear that you will go to China to learn Chinese he re. I have already found a fiat for you. It is on Fangc ao Street, which is not far from Jianxin Chinese Schoo
l. Bus No.11 can take you there, and it is one stop b efore the Chinese School. The flat is on the third floor w ith 3 rooms, one of which is bedroom, the other two are b athroom and kitchen. There are a bed, a sofa, a desk an
d som
e chairs in this 25 square-metres small fiat, and th
e rent is 500 yuan per month. Maybe this fiat is not a s good as your wish, but I’ll try my best to meet your n eeds. I
f it is not suitable enough, write to me an
d I will look for another better place.
Hope you will come here soon!
All the best!
Li Hua


Dear Bob,
Welcome to China! You wrote to me to find a pla ce for you.
I have found an apartment on Fangcao Street near J ianxin Chinese School. It is on the third floor and there’r e three rooms in it: a bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroo m. There is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair in the be droom. The house is 25 square metres and the rent is 50 0 yuan per month.
Also from this house you can get to your schoo
l easily. Just take the No.11 bus at the bus-stop in fron t of the building. It is only one stop. At last, will yo u please tell me the time you arrive? Then I’U be abl
e to meet you at the airport, see you.
Best wishes !
Li Hua 满分理由

Dear Bob,
How are you these days?
I’m so glad to know that you’ll come to our cit y to learn Chinese. You asked me to find a place for yo u. Now I’ve found one which I think is pretty good. The place is on Fang Cao Street which is near the No.11 bus s
top. It’s just one stop away from Jianxin Chinese School.
There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom an
d a bedroom. Though it is not very big, only 25 squar
e metres, I think it is suitable. By the way, the re nt is 500 yuan per month. I hope you’ll like it. I
f no
t, I’ll try to find another place for you.
You rs,
Li Hua



Dear Bob,
I’m so glad that you are coming to learn Chines e here. I’ve already found you a house near our school. I’d like to tell you something about it.
You may get on No.ll bus at Fang Cao Street an
d th
e next stop is just Jian Xin Chinese School. The hou se is near the school. It is about 25 square metres. I n the bedroom, there is a bed, a sofa standing against th
e wall and a table near the window. You may find a ligh t on the table and a chair next to it. There are two o ther rooms connecting the bedroom. The left one is a bath room and the right one is a kitchen. So you may cook b
y yourself. The rent for the house is 500 yuan per month.
Hope you’ll enjoy staying here!
Li Hua

Dear Bob,
I’m glad to hear from you.
Welcome to our city in september. I’ve found a su itable house for you.
The house is on Fang Cao Street, not far from t he Jianxin Chinese School. If you take the No.11 bus, i t is just one stop.
It is a flat on the third floor of a building. I t has three rooms, a living-room, a bathroom and a kitche n. You can cook yourself. The mirror, the basin and th
e bathtub are very convenient for you. In the living-roo
m, there is a bed, a sofa and a desk with chair. The d esk is next to the window. It will be good for stud
y. The total size is 25 square metres and the rent is 5 00 yuan a month.
Will you be satisfied with this flat, or you wan t another one? Just let me know. I’ll try my best to h elp you.
Li Hua
本文内容详实,描述具体细腻,用词适当准确,如“suitable house”、“not far from’’等,另外文中的选择疑问句也很有新意。

Dear Bob,
I’m excited when I received your letter. I’m ve ry glad to hear that you’ll come to our city to learn Ch inese. I’ve found a flat for you, but I don’t know whe ther you like it or not.
The flat has three rooms: a bathroom, a kitchen an d a living-room. There is a sofa, a bed and a table i n the living-room. The flat is about twenty-five square me tres. The rent is five hundred yuan every month. The buil ding of the flat is on Fangcao Street, not far from th
e school. You can take Bus No.11 to Jianxin Chinese schoo
l. It’s only one stop. Do you like it? If you don’
t, I’ll help you to look for another one. I’m waiting f or your letter!
Li Hua
本文语言运用朴实自然,表述清晰,无雕饰痕迹,行文合乎逻辑,从开头的“excited”到结尾的“waiting for”,内容完整详实。

Dear Bob,
I’m glad you will come to learn Chinese in Septem ber. I’m sure we will have a good time together.
I’ve found a fiat for you. It’s on Fangcao Stree t near the school. You can take Bus No.11 to go to th
e Jianxin Chinese School. The fiat is 25 square meter
s. There is a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. I
n the bedroom, there is a bed, a sofa and a desk wit
h a chair. The rent is 500 yuan per month. It’s a good f lat, isn’t it? I hope you’ll like it.
When you come, tell me the exact time. I’ll m eet you.
Li Hua

本文另一个特色是语言亲切自然,合乎逻辑,‘‘I’m sure…”、‘‘It’s a g ood…isn’t it?”等。

Dear Bob,
I’m very glad to hear from you and know that yo u are coming in September. I have already found you a fl at and I want to tell you something about it. It is 2
5 square meters with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitche
n. There is a bed and a sofa in the bedroom and als
o a desk, a chair under the window where there is enoug h light in the daytime. Well, the flat is on the third fl oor of a building on Fangcao Street which is near the Jian xin Chinese School. From the flat you can take the No.11 b us for only one stop and the stop is just outside your sc hool. Does it satisfy you? If not, please just let m
e know and I will find you another one.
Well, I have to stop now. Expecting your coming.
Li Hua
本文语言朴实亲切,字里行间情真意切,无微不至,“where there’s enough light in the daytime”、“Does it satisfy you?”等,另外定语从句用得十分自然,全无刻意雕饰的生硬之感。

Dear Bob,
I’m very glad to hear that you will come here t o start your Chinese lesson in September. I’ve found a f lat, a 25-square-meter one, which includes a bedroo
m, a bathroom, and a kitchen for you with the rent 5 00 Yuan per month. It is on the third floor. In the bedro om there is a chair, a desk, a bed and a sofa. By the w ay, the flat is on Fangcao street, not far from Jianxi
n Chinese School. Bus No.11 can take you there. What th
e most convenient is that it’s only one block between th
e school and your flat. I
f you come here, you will fin d it a good place for you to live in. What do you thin k of it? And it’s essential for me to know your earlies
t reply.
Sincerely yours,
Li Hua
长句的使用,复合句的使用是本文获满分的重要因素,比如“I’ve f ound…per month.”内容丰富、详实,而且结构多变,一句话表达了4个方面的内容,作为书面语是很独特也很实用的,再有"what the most convenien t is…”主语从句的使用也很抢眼。

Dear Bob,
I have found a place for you to live in. Th
e room is on Fangcao Street, which is only one stop dis tant from Jianxin Chinese School. You can take No.11 Bu
s there.
It’s a small fiat with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitche n. And it is only 25 square meters. The rent is 500 Yua n every month. In the bedroom, there is a sofa, a bed, a chair and a desk. Do you like it? If not, pleas e tell me and I will find another room for you.
Li Hua
