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Modifications to Special Terms and Conditions of FIDIC Contract
The amendments to the particular conditions of FIDIC red book is, through friendly consultations by the parties to this agreement, made and concluded as follows:
1、 Modification to Article [Appendix to the Letter of Tender]
Appendix to the Letter of Tender refers to the documents named as Appendix to the Letter of Tender in accordance with requirements in the general conditions and the Contractor shall submit the document to the Owner's satisfactory when required by the Employer.

2、Modification to Article [The Site] 对1.1.6.7[现场]的修改
The Site refers to the *****Island of the Republic of Indonesia

3、Modification to Article [The Engineer] in the general conditions of the Contract
The Engineer refers to the Employer's representative.

4、 [Design Organization] [设计单位]
The "Design Organization" refers to ****** International Engineering Co., Ltd, which will undertake the design work for the Project.

5、 [Supervising Engineer] [监理工程师]
The "Supervising Engineer" refers to ****** Project Management Co., Ltd. The Supervising Engineer will supervise and inspect the Project implementation and its quality, and conduct monthly payment estimation, measurement, alternation and settlement with the Employer. It will involve in the Project as the Employer's representative.



6、Modification to Article 1.4 [Laws and Languages] in the general conditions of the Contract
This Contract and the Correspondence are written in both Chinese and English, while the English shall be regarded as the interpretive language. The Contract is governed by laws of the Republic of Indonesia.


7、Modification to Article 1.5 [Priority of Documents] in the general conditions of the Contract
The documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. For the purposes of interpretation, the priority of the documents shall be in accordance with the following sequence:

a) the Contract Agreement,
b) Notification of Award on
c) Letter of Tender and its Appendices,
d) Correspondence and Minutes, whose priority shall subject to the latest issued documents (if any),
e) The Particular Conditions,
f) The General Conditions,
g) Bill of Quantities, Description of Bill of Quantities and the Tender Documents,
h) Specification and Requirements,
i) Drawings,
j) Data Sheet and other documents which constitute components of the Contract.
k) The Letter of Tender and other part of the Tender expressed by both parties to be included in the Contract.
If any ambiguity or discrepancy is found in the documents, the representative of the Employer shall issue any necessary clarification or instruction. Both parties shall observe the following rules: For the contractual documents and correspondences generated during entering the Contract, the newest version or latest issued documents shall prevail,
Unless otherwise agreed, the agreements, letters, minutes, memos and other documents related to the entering or executing of this Contract signed, issued or received during the contractual period shall constitute constituent part of this Contract.


8、Modification to Article 1.6 [Contract Agreement] in the general conditions of the Contract
Unless otherwise agreed, both parties shall sign the Contract Agreement within 15 days after the Contractor received the Notification of Award. The Contract Agreement shall be based on the form attached to the contractual conditions. The costs of stamp duties and similar charges (if any) imposed by law in connection with entry into the Contract Agreement shall be borne by the each party.



9、Modification to article 1.8 [Care and Supply of Documents] in the general conditions of the Contract
9.1 The requirements for organizing for the following Contractor's documents:
9.1.1 Details on Construction Schedule and Method (Article 4.1), for Employer's verification only. Upon the Employer's requirement, the Contractor shall submit the details on construction schedules and methods recommended by the Employer, including but not limited to: construction methods and description of each stage: schedule and measures to ensure construction progress; management program; Construction plans for safety, including the risk analysis of important part; Project management organization chart, including detailed information about Contractor's employees and estimated total Contractor's equipment in each main stage.
9.1 下列承包商文件的编制要求是:

当业主提出要求时,承包商应提交其建议采用的工程施工安排和方法的细节,应包括但不限于:详细的施工方法和各主要阶段的描述; 施工进度计划及保证施工进度措施; 质量管理方案; 安全文明施工方案,包括重要部位的风险分析;项目管理机构图,包括各主要阶段所需的承包商各级人员和总承包商设备估计数量的详细情况。

9.1.2 Submit Progress Report for Employer's verification according to Article 4.21 [Progress Report]. The verification period is **days.
9.1.3 According to Article 6.10 [Records of Contractor's Personnel and Equipment] in the general conditions of the Contract, this document doesn't need verification.
9.1.4 Subject to Article 7.2 [Samples] in the general conditions of the Contract, this document needs to be verified.
9.1.5 Submit Programme according to Article 8.3 [Programme], for Employer's verification only.
9.1.1 根据通用合同条款4.21款[进度报告]规定提交进度报告,此文件业主仅进行审核,审核期为**天。

9.1.2 根据通用合同条款6.10款[承包商人员和设备的记录],此文件不需要审核。

9.1.3 根据通用合同条款7.2款[样品],此文件需要批准。

9.1.4 根据通用合同条款8.3款[进度计划]规定提交进度计划,此文件业主仅进行审核。

9.1.6 Completion drawings and records. The Contractor shall be responsible for drawing the Completion drawings on the blueprint (which shall be provided by the Employer, including the blueprint for completion drawings), reflecting the real situation of the Project completion and indicating foundation of each modification, such as modifying according to which design No. and provide relevant evidence. The completion records shall contains adequate details such as recording the accurate location, size of completion, detailed description of implemented word, including but not limited to factory certification and testing records of production equipment/
materials, construction diary, concealed engineering acceptance records and relevant materials, working procedure, positions (branches), engineering quality inspection records and project quality evaluation chart, quality accidents records, on site videos and pictures, etc. The completion drawings and records shall obtain the Employer's agreement and in conformity with archive requirement of local urban construction archives management department. The Review Period of completion drawings and records is 4* days. Submission procedures of completion drawings and records: the Contractor shall provide two copies of completion drawings and materials when submitting completion test report.
The above mentioned Contractor's documents shall be written in language for communications stipulated in Article 1.4 of the general conditions of the Contract.






9.2 Review and approval process审核、批准程序
The Contractor shall be responsible to prepare all Contractor's document and any other documents required to guide the Contractor's personnel. The Employer's personnel shall have the right to inspect those documents in wherever there are prepared. If the Employer's Requirement has defined Contractor's documents which shall submitted for the Employer's review and/or approval, those document shall be submitted with the undermentioned notice according to the requirements. In the following provisions of this Sub-Clause, (i)”review period”means the period required by the Employer’s Representative for review leading to consent and (if so specified) for approval, and (ii) “Contractor’s Documents”exclude any documents which are not specified as being required to be submitted for review leading to consent and /or for approval. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, each review period shall not exceed 2*days, calculated from the date on which the Employer receives a Contractor’s Document and the Contractor’s Notice; This Notice shall state that the Contractor’s Document is considered ready for review leading to either review (approval, if so specified) and for use. The Notice shall also state that the Contractor’s Document complies with the Contract, or to the extent to which it does not comply. The Employer may, within the review period, give Notice to the Contractor that a Contractor’s Document fails (to the extent stated) to conform to the Contract. If any Contractor's Document fails to conform, it shall be rectified, resubmitted and reviewed (and, if specified, approved) in accordance with this Sub-Clause, at the Contractor’s cost. For each part of the Works, and except to the extent that the prior approval or consent of the Employer shall have been obtained:








a、in the case of a Contractor’s Document which has ( as specified) been submitted for the Employer’s approval or consent:
i. the Employer shall give Notice to the Contractor that the Employer gives his consent that the Contractor’s Document conforms with the Employer’s Requirements or is approved;
ii. execution of such part of the Works shall not commence until the Employer has either approved or given his consent to the Contractor’s Document; and
iii. the Employer shall be deemed to have approved the Contractor’s Documents or given his consent that the Contractor’s Documents conform to the Employer upon the expiry of the review periods for all the Contractor’s Documents which are relevant to the design and execution of such part, unless the Employer has previously notified otherwise in accordance with sub-paragraph(i);
i. 业主应通知承包商,说明承包商文件已经批准,可以附或不附意见,或说明承包商文件(在指明的范围)未能符合合同规定;
ii. 在业主批准承包商文件前,工程的相应部分不应开工;和
iii. 除非业主此前已按照第(i)目发出通知,在与该部分工程的设计和施工相关的所有承包商文件的审核期期满时,应视为业主已批准该承包商文件;
b、execution of such part of the Works shall be in accordance with those Contractor’s Documents for which the Employer has given his consent as to the conformity with the Employer’s Requirements, (and, if specified, approved); and
c、if the Contractor wishes to modify any design or document which has previously been submitted for review(and, if specified, approval), the Contractor shall immediately give Notice to the Employer, accompanied by a written explanation of the need for such modification. Thereafter, the Contractor shall submit revised documents to the Employer in accordance with the above procedure. The Contractor shall be prepared immediately if the employer instructs the contractor to make further documentation. Any such consent and/or approval (where specified)(under this Sub-Clause or otherwise) shall not relieve the Contractor from any obligation or responsibility. If errors, omissions, ambiguities, inconsistencies, inadequacies or other defects are found in the Contractor’s Documents, they and the Works shall be corrected at the Contractor’s cost, notwithstanding any consent or approval under this Clause.





10、 Modification to Article 1.1.3 [Abide by the Law] in the general conditions of the Contract
Before the commencement of the Project, the Employer shall at least obtain the following licenses: Forest Clearance, Construction Permits, Environmental Approvals and Explosive Magazine Licenses. The Employer and the Contractor shall pay the taxes and duties respectively in accordance with legal provisions of the Republic of Indonesia. In the event that new rules have been issued to adjust the taxes, both parties shall pay the taxes according to the new rules.



11、Modification to Article 4.1 [Contractor's Obligation] in the general conditions of the Contract: [Contractor's Design]
The Contractor shall design the temporary construction and be responsible for the completeness, stability and safety of its design. The Contractor shall, based on its design, accurately calculate the tentative project cost; among which the temporary work shall be counted into basic measure fee as lump price, and the cost shall not be adjusted except modification made according to Article 12.3 [Valuation] in the general conditions of the Contract. The Contractor's design of temporary work shall be confirmed by the Employers according to relevant rules at the Contractor's cost. The increase of temporary work cost caused by the Employer's confirmation of program adjustment shall be bore by the Contractor and the Contractor shall not claim for the construction period.



12、Modification to Article 4.2 [Performance Guarantee] in the general conditions of the Contract 对通用条款4.2款[履约担保]的修改
The Contractor shall submit performance security within **days after signing the Contract. The Performance Security shall be issued by a bank accepted by the Employer, and shall be based in the sample form included in the tender documents, or in another form approved by the Employer.
The amount of performance security is USD (in words: )


13、Modification to Article 4.6 [Cooperation] in the general conditions of the Contract: Other Contractors on Site (Independent Contractor)
13.1 Provision of Service提供服务
a、Other contractors on site: 在现场的其他承包商:
1) The contractors on site include but not limited to: 现场承包商包括但不限于:
Mining and discharge field contractor, dock contractor, tunnel contractor, etc.
b、The Contractor shall accept the unified coordination management of the Employer and work closely with the Employer's personnel, any other contractors employed by the Employer and any other legal public authorities to ensure that the works can be carried out normally.

14、Delete Article 4.7, and replace with the following terms:
4.7 The Contractor shall set out the Works in relation to original points, lines and levels of reference specified in the Contract or notified by the Employer and undertake relevant cost. The Contractor shall be responsible for the correct positioning of all parts of the Works, and shall rectify any errors in the positions, levels, dimensions or alignments of the Works.


a、The Contractor shall use reasonable efforts to verify their accuracy before using the original points, lines and levels of reference provided by the Employer, and shall notify the Employer in for rectification in case of any errors found. The Employer shall be responsible for any errors in these specified or notified items of reference. The Employer and the Contractor shall jointly retest the control network and transfer it to the contractor after retesting. After the transfer, if the Contractor shall be responsible for any rework or delay caused




b、The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection and maintenance of all levels and original points, and if any level or base point is shifted or destroyed, the Contractor shall, at its own expense, recover or restore it.
c、All setting out work shall be conducted by metrology engineers or personnel with qualifications or rich experience.
d、Upon the Employer's requirements, the Contractor shall provide all equipments and labor force for the Employer's engineer to inspect levels and setting out work. Any inspection of any engineers shall not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility on the accuracy of the setting out.




15、 Modification to Article 4. 10 [Field Data] in the general conditions of the Contract
The Employer shall be responsible for the accuracy of the geological data and design documents and be responsible to change the design if the site condition is not in conformity with the design information.

16、Modification to Article 4.14 [Avoidance of Interference] in the general conditions of the Contract: the Third Party
16.1、Interference to properties and residences nearby对邻近房地产、居民等的干扰
a. The Contractor shall pay attention to the location of the construction site, and the distance between the adjacent properties. The Contractor shall reasonably arrange the construction schedule to minimize the damages, noise or any other interference or inconvenience caused to the adjacent properties or the roads or footpaths to the Site.


b. The Contractor shall from time to time spraying water to the places where may cause dust on Site and all vehicles delivering materials to or off the site shall be covered or wetted avoid spillage and dust emission.
c. The Contractor shall operation and maintenance of all machinery and equipment used by the Contractor shall be based on the principle of minimize avoid fumes and offensive odour, and use silencer, shock absorber and sound absorber to reduce the noise to satisfy the Employer and the government's requirements.
b. 承包商须定时为现场内可能引起尘埃的地方洒水,承包商须为运送至现场或由现场运走的运载物喷洒或盖好。


d. The Contractor shall control the settlement caused by construction in the allowable rang

16.2、Modification to 4.15 [Access Route] in the general conditions of the Contract: Site Access
a、The Contractor shall conduct on-site inspection and count the construction cost generated by the local restrictive environment, including transportation, properties adjacent, municipal pipelines, environmental sanitation, etc. Provided that the Contractor didn't obey or pay attention to those requirements, the claim for prolonged construction period or lost occurred therefore shall not be accepted;
承包商应到工程现场视察并对当地之限制环境、包括交通状况、周边房地产、乡镇管线、环卫等使用规则引致的工程费用限制等适当地预算于本合同总价内, 假若承包商没有遵守或留意其中之要求, 所有因此而令工期延长或损失的索偿均不会被接纳;
b、The Contractor shall pay attention to all temporary slopes, bridges, sidewalks, barrier and doors and carry out maintenance and repair to all facilities on the access during the complete construction period, including road damages caused by other person;
c、The Contractor shall keep the road clear at any time (including the emergency access), take all safety measures to ensure the safety of all people and vehicles and undertake all compensations caused by its negligence;
d、The entrances and exits of the Site and all vehicles shall obtain the Employer's prior consent;
e、During the entire contract period, the Contractor shall use and maintain the site access according to requirements of local government authorities or the Employer.

16.3、 Modification to 4.16 [Transport of Goods] in the general conditions of the Contract [Material Transportation and Handling]
a. The Contractor shall endeavor to carefully transport and handle the construction materials and equipments to avoid blocking the streets, roads and sidewalks or hinder the traffic. Also, the Contractor shall take charge of delivery of any imported FOB or ex warehouse materials at the appointed time and pay all storage and transportation cost.


b. For all outsourcing materials and equipments, the primary principle is the purchaser shall be responsible for the land transportation and seaway transportation as well as the risk of damage
during transportation; The Employer shall arrange the Contractor to carry out inspection or test after the goods arrived at the port. After accepted the qualifications, all goods (including the production equipment purchased by the Employer) shall be transferred to the Contractor for unloading, on-site transportation, storage and custody and the cost occurred shall be undertook by the Contractor (the cost shall be counted into construction fee). The disqualified goods shall not be delivered into construction site.



c. The Contractor shall undertake all obligations of transporting and handling of all engineering materials and construction machinery and consulting with all relevant authorities.

17、Modification to Article 4.18 [Protection of the Environment] in the general conditions of the Contract
17.1、Protection to Public公众的保护
The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the public free from casualties.
17.2、Protection to Public Property公众财产的保护
The Employer shall be responsible for the maintenance of public roads. The Contractor shall repair and protect all public property, roads and facilities and undertake all cost caused by repairing all damages of non-normal uses.


17.3、Protect and repair the damaged properties, roads and utilities adjacent
a. The Contractor shall protect, support, maintain and repair all buildings, roads, barriers, telephone communications, cables, water pipes, sewage pipes and other private or public properties or facilities may be interfered or damaged during construction.
b. The Contractor shall keep its employees from damaging nearby properties, roads and communal facilities. Provided any damages caused by, the Constructor shall be full liable to repair and undertake all cost, including the damages caused by its sub-contractor during construction.
c. The Contractor shall, prior to the commencement of the work, review drawings of the routes and locations of public utilities and communications equipment in the relevant departments. Those documents shall be used for reference only and the Contractor shall comprehensively detect all utilities on site and provide enough allowance for the arrangement.
a. 承包商必须保护,以及在各方面支持、维持及修复所有邻近工地的建筑物、道路、栅栏、

b. 承包商应完全负责保证其工作人员不会损坏邻近房地产、道路、公共设施等。


c. 承包商应于开工前在有关部门审阅显示公用事业和通讯设备的路线和位置的图纸。


d. The Contractor shall provide maximum protection in construction to avoid damage or affect the communal facilities, and to be responsible for the damages directly or indirectly caused by the contractor or his representative's action or neglects, and the Contractor shall provide all temporary works required to fully support and protect such equipment.
e. For any ground subsidence or displacement caused by the Contractor, the Contractor shall be responsible for hiring relevant institutes to monitor any ground subsidence or displacement of the adjacent industry, road, and pipelines caused by the construction, and shall report and undertake all relevant cost at the Employer's designated time. If it is regulated by relevant departments, the Contractor shall employ other similar organization for monitoring or inspection at its own cost.
d. 承包商在工程进行期间提供最大的保护,以避免现场范围以内的乡镇配套公共事物设备受到损坏或影响,并负责由他或他的代表所做的或疏忽而直接或间接引起的损坏,承包商须为充分支撑及保护此等设备而进行所需的一切临时工程。

e. 如出现因承包商原因引起的任何地面沉降或移位,承包商需负责雇佣有关机构对临近产业、道路、及乡镇管线等作出由本工程所引起之任何地面沉降或移位作出监测,并按业主的指定时间呈报及承担有关的所有费用。


17.4、Protection of existing slopes现有斜坡的保护
a. All existing slopes within or near the construction site shall be under the Contractor's protection.
b. The Contractor shall provide, maintain and remove after completion all necessary temporary drainage system to protect slopes, roads and pathways from landslide or subsidence.
c. The construction will be implemented by section to keep the stability of existing slopes and prevent landslide. The Contractor shall perform its duty in accordance with instructions of the Employer and authorities concerned, and the bid price shall contain all necessary additional cost.
d. All landslide or subsidence caused by the Contractor shall be repaired at the Contractor's cost.
a. 所有在施工现场内及周围的现有斜坡都由承包商负责保护。





17.5、 Protection of existing on-site shortcuts, footpath, stairs, etc.。
