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在20年代70年代初,R. A. Singer等人首次提出航迹融合问题,其推导了表征两航迹关联概率的“相关方程”其实就是计算两条航迹间的玛氏距离:

[1] R. A. Sin ger and A. J. Kany uck. Computer con trol of multiple site track correlati on ”Automatica , vol. 7, pp. 455-463, July 1971.
[2] R. A. Singer and A. J. Kan yuck, Correlation of Multiple-Site Track Data ” IEEE Tran sactio ns on Aerospace and Electro nic System, vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 180-187, March 1970.

1979年,J . Speyer在多传感器分布式估计问题中将估计间的相关性考虑其中,但其不适用于假设检验问题[3]。


[3] J. L. Speyer, Computati on and Tran smissi on Requireme nts for a Decen tralized Linear- Quadratic-Gaussian Control Problem ” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , vol. 24 no. 2 pp. 266-269, 1979.
[4] A. Willsky, M. Bello, D. Casta non, B. Levy, G. Verghese, Combi ning and Updat ing of Local Estimates and Regional Maps Along Sets of One-Dimensional Tracks ” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 799-813, 1982.
1981年,Y. Bar-shalom等人推导了两局部估计误差互相关的简单递推公式,将互相关性融入假设统计量公式中。


—耳J(劭# +砌&-Efk —型h)(科屮—刘ij
[5] Y. Bar-Shalom, “ On theTrack-to-Track C orrelation Problem , IEE” Transactions on Automatic Control , AC-26, 571-572, Apr. 1981
在[5]的基础上,1986年,Y Bar-shalom等人在⑹ 中推导了考虑公共过程噪声带来的相关性的情况下的分布式估计融合的航迹融合公式,其中互协方差计算与[5]中相同:
X= f $ + 0 - PU)(严+ pj - plj- P")7 (卫一壬).
)(0 +円-円一f - Ph)
f = 0 + 円(0 + 曲)-1(0-己)
=丹(P + P丿厂I? + P
M = Pi —尸(P +円)7 = Pi(P + B)T
[6] Y. Bar-Shalom and L. Campo, The Effect of the Common Process Noise on the Two-Se nsor Fused-Track Covariance ”,IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems , vol. 22, no. 6,
pp. 803-805, 1986.
但[6]中的贝叶斯最小均方误差理论是建立在一个不成立的假设上的,且1988年,[7]比较了⑹ 中所推导的融合公式(状态向量融合)与最优的方法(量测融合,即是集中式融合),结果表明[6]中的方法效果比最优方法差,虽然均方误差仅低了7%其只是一种次优
[7] J. A. Roecker and C. D. McGillem, “Comparisonof Two-Sensor Tracking Methods
Based on State Vector Fusion and Measurement Fusion ” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electro nic Systems, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 447-449, 1988.

1995年,O. E. Drummon提出采用带全局估计反馈的航迹融合结构来处理互相关问题,但其只针对不存在过程噪声情况[8];
1997 年,Oliver E. Drummon又提出Tracklet 方法(Trakclet , 可以认为是一个目标的航迹数据,与其他目标的的Tracklet都不想关),并采用混合式融合,来综合分布式融合与集中式融合的优缺点[9][10]。

同时,C. Y. Chong 也提出一种基于所谓“ imformation graph ” 的分布式融合算法[11][12]。


[8] O. E. Drummond, “ Trackfusion with feedback, in Proc.1996 SPIE Conf. Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets , vol. 2759, pp. 342 -360, 1996.
[9] O. E. Drummond, “ A hybrid sen sor fusi on algorithm architecture and tracklets, in Proc. 1997 SPIE Conf. Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets , vol. 3163, pp. 512 -524, 1997.
[10] O. E. Drummond, “ Trackletsand a hybrid fusion with process noise, in Proc. 1997 SPIE Conf. Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets , vol. 3163, pp. 512 -524, 1997.
[11] C.Y. Cho ng, S. Mori, W. H. Barker and K. C. Cha ng, Architectures and algorithms for track association and fusion, IEEE AE” Syst. Mag. , pp. 5 -13, Jan. 2000, Also in Proc. 1999 Int. Conf. on In formation Fusio n, Su nny vale, CA, July, 1999.
[12] C. Y. Cho ng, S. Mori and K. C. Cha ng,
Distributed"multitarget multise nsory tracki ng, in Multitarget-Multise nsor Track ing: Adva need Applicati ons, Y. Bar-Shalom, Ed. Norwood, MA:
Artech House, 1990, pp. 247 -295.
2003年,X. R. Li针对之前的估计融合准则存在的缺陷和约束性,例如要求局部估计误差非相关、局部估计的动态模型相同、网络结构和信息形式简单等问题,发表了一个系列文章。


由于在分布式融合中,局部估计误差的互协方差不管在上诉的WLS,BLU 还是LMMSE线性最小均方误差)意义下都是一个十分关键的量。


[13] Li, X. R., et al, Optimal li near estimatio n fusio n -Part I: Un ified fusi on Rules, "IEEE
Tran sacti ons on In formation Theory , vol. 49, no. 9, pp. 2192-2208, Sept. 2003.
[14] Li, X. R. and Zhang, P, Optimal li near estimatio n fusi on -Part III: Cross-correlati on of local estimation errors, "In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Information Fusion Montreal, QC, Canada, Aug. 2001.
2010年,Ting Yuan和Bar-Shalom针对非均匀航迹融合问题,即局部传感器使用不同的目标状态空间,且其存在一个非线性转换,例如传感器A 为笛卡尔坐标系,目标状态为[x, x ' , y, y '],而传感器B目标状态为[0 ,0,'真推导了此情况下的LMMS和MM估计方法及其互相关计算方法。

[15] T. Yuan, Y. Bar-Shalom, X. Tian, Heterogeneous
track-to-track fusion, "In Information
Fusion (FUSION), 2011 Proceedi ngs of the 14th In ternatio nal Co nference on .IEEE, pp. 1-8, 2011.

1996 年,K.Uhlma nn 提出了协方差交叉(Covaria nee in tersection CI)融合算法来解决这个问题[16],也开启了分布式融合的另一重要研究方向。



[16] J. K. Uhlmann, General data fusion for estimates with unknown cross covariances, "In Proceedings of the SPIE Aerosense Conference, vol. 2755, pp. 536 —547, 1996.
[17] S. J. Julier and J. K. Uhlma nn, N&n-diverge nt estimati on algorithm in the prese nee of unknown correlations," In Proceedings of the American Control Conference, vol. 4, pp.
2369-2373, 1997.
[18] S. J. Julier and J. K. Uhlmann, General decentralized data fusion with covarianee
in tersect ion (Cl), "In D. Hall and J. Llia ns (Eds.), Han dbook of Multise nsor Data Fusi on , Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, ch. 12, 2001.

[19] M. Hurley, An in formatio n theoretic justificati on for covaria nee in tersect ion and its generalization," In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Information Fusion,
Ann apolis, MD, 2002, 505 —511.
[20] W. Niehse n, Informati on fusi on based on fast covaria nee in tersect ion filteri ng, " In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Information Fusion, Annapolis, MD, 2002, 901—905.
[21] D. Franken, and A. Hupper, Improved fast covaria nee in tersect ion for distributed data
fusion," In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Information Fusion , Franklin Plaza, Philadelphia, PA, July 2005.


[22] [23]提出一种协方差联合(Covarianee union, CU )算法来

文献[23]提出马氏距离来检测估计间的统计误差,并提出一个自定义的门限来检测不合理性,也提出一个结合了CI和CU 算法的容错机制。


[22] J. K. Uhlmann, Covarianee consistency methods for fault-tolerant distributed data fusion,”nformation Fusion , 4 (2003), 201 —215.
[23] S. J. Julier, J. K. Uhlma nn, and D. Nichols on, A method for deali ng with assig nment
ambiguity, "In Proceedi ngs of the 2004 America n Con trol Co nference, Bosto n, MA, 2004, 4102—4107.
另一方面则是多传感器的多目标跟踪融合,如广义CI融合算法,基于随机极的广义CI 算法,PHD、CPHD、Gaussian Mixture CPHD, Bernoulli,多目标-多伯努利迭代(MeMBer Filter)滤波器的CI融合算

2003年,N. Okello等人文献[25][26]在局部航迹的相等量测的情

2004 年,X. Lin, Y. Bar-Shalom 和T. Kirubarajan 在文献[27]中提伪量测的概念出来解决exact bias estimation问题,文献[28][29]对其进行了扩展,如递归最小二乘有偏估计和最优最小均方误差有偏估计。



[24] Y. Bar-Shalom, P. K. Willett, X. Tian, “Tracking and data fusion, ” A Handbook of
Algorithms, Yaakov Bar-Shalom, 2011.
[25] N. Okello and S. Challa, "Joint sensor registration and track-to-track fusion for distributed trackers," in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 40, no. 3,
pp. 808-823, 2004.
[26] N. Okello and B. Ristic, "Maximum likelihood registration for multiple dissimilar sensors," in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 1074-1083, 2003.
[27] X. Lin, Y. Bar-Shalom, and T. Kirubarajan, "Exact multi sensor dynamic bias estimation with local tracks," in IEEE Tran sacti ons on Aerospace and Electro nic Systems, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 576-590, 2004.
[28] X. Lin, Y. Bar-Shalom, and T. Kirubarajan, "Multisensor-multitarget bias estimation of asynchronous sensors," in Proc. SPlE, vol. 5429, pp. 105-116, 2004.
[29] X. Lin, Y. Bar-Shalom, and T. Kirubarajan, "Multi sensor multi target bias estimation
for gen eral asynchronous sen sors," In IEEE Tran sact ions on Aerospace and Electro nic Systems, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 899-921,2005.
[30] D. J. Papageorgiou and J. D. Sergi, "Simultaneous track-to-track association and bias removal using multistart local search," in Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conference, pp. 1-14, 2008.
[31] D. Huang, H. Leung, and E. Bosse, "A pseudo-measurement approach to simultaneous
registration and track fusion," in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 48,no. 3, pp. 2315-2331, 2012.

2013年,E. Taghavi, R. Tharmarasa, T. Kirubarajan 等人在文献[32]提出的实际解决方案具有数学合理性和计算可行性。

这个新方法是基于在融合中心重构的局部估计的卡尔曼增益,且利用了O.E. Drummond 的Tracklet 方法来连续跟新航迹,以此来为有偏估计提供一个低计算量的算法。


[32] E. Taghavi, R. Tharmarasa, T. Kirubarajan, et al, “Bias estimation for practical distributed multiradar-multitarget tracking systems,” Information Fusion(FUSION), 2013 16th
International Conference on IEEE, pp. 1304-1311, 2013.。
