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= There are many leaves which had fallen on the ground. (地上有许多落叶)
Some of them, born and brought up in rural villages, had never been to Beijing. = Some of them , who had been born and brought up in rural villages, had never been to Beijing.
❖ terrified people = the people who are terrified
❖ an organized way = a way that is organized
❖ affected area 灾区
= the area which is affected
stolen culture relics = culture relics that had been stolen
过 去
分 词
The Past Participle used as
Attribute and Predicative
1.English is a widely used language.
2.He threw away the broken cup. 3.This is one of the schools built in 1980s.
6. Astonished children 7.a broken vase 8.a closed door 9.the tired audience 10.a trapped animal
1.people who are terrified 2.seats that are reserved 3.water that is polluted 4.a room that is crowded 5.a winner that is pleased
4.Prices of daily goods bought through a computer can be lower than store prices.
单个过去分词作定语,常放在被修饰词的 前面;过去分词短语作定语,常放在被修饰 词的后面。
❖ spoken English = English which is spoken
Find more examples in the reading passage where the past participle is used as attribute and predicative.
1) Doctor John Snow was a well-known doctor in London. (Attribute) 2) John Snow told the astonished people in Broad Street. (Attribute) 3) He got interested in the two theories. (Predicative) 4) Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood
及物动词的过去分词表示“结束了的被 动动作”或者没有一定的时间性,只表示 “被动关系”。
❖ boiled water = water which has boiled
❖ fallen leaves = the leaves which have fallen
6.children who look astonished 7.a vase that is broken 8.a door that is closed 9.the audience who feel tired 10.an animal that is trapped
There are many fallen leaves on the ground.
Past Participle as the Predicative
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. children who look astonished
7. a vase that is broken 8. a door that is closed 9. the audience who feel tired 10. an animal that is trapped
Past Participle as the Attribute
1. terrified people 2. reserved seats 3. polluted water 4. a crowded room 5. a pleased winner 6.
7. 8. 9. 10.
the book recommended by the teacher = the book which was recommended by the teacher
printed articles = articles that are printed
Discovering Useful Structures P4
PastБайду номын сангаасParticiple as the Attribute
Past Participle as the Predicative
1.terrified people 2.reserved seats 3.polluted water 4.a crowded room 5.a pleased winner
(他们中的一些人,在农村出生并长大, 从没去过北京)
❖ polluted water = water which is polluted
❖ reserved seats = the seats which were reserved
❖ trapped animal = the animal which was trapped