interneurons of the neocortical inhibitory system

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b c d e c-NAC b-NAC d-NAC c-AC b-AC d-AC c-STUT b-STUT d-STUT i-BST r-BST t-BST c-IS b-IS RS
35 mv
30 mv
30 mv
350 ms
1 s
400 ms
Figure 5 |Different electrophysiological classes of inhibitory interneurons.Five classes have been observed, based on the steady-state response to a sustained current injection in the soma: non-accommodating (NAC); accommodating (AC); stuttering (STUT); bursting (BST); and
Kv1.1Kv1.2Kv1.4Kv1.6Kv β1Kv β2Kv2.1Kv2.2Kv3.1Kv3.2Kv3.3Kv3.4Kv4.2Kv4.3HCN1HCN2HCN3HCN4SK2Ca1αA Ca1αB Ca1αG Ca1αl Cab1Cab2Cab3CB PV CR Nf
E 61E 60E 59E 58E 57E 56E 55E 54E 53E 52E 51E 50E 49E 48E 47E 46E 45E 44E 43E 42E 41E 40E 39E 38E 37E 36E 35E 34E 33E 32E 31E 30E 29E 28E 27E 26E 25E 24E 23E 22E 21E 20E 19E 18E 17E 16E 15E 14E 13E 12E 11E 10E 9E 8E 7E 6E 5E 4E 3E 2E 1
Figure 7 |Correlation map relating the different ion-channel genes with specific electrical parameters.Ion-channel genes are indicated on the right, electrical parameters along the top. See online supplementary information S3(table) for identities of
electrical parameters. The colour indicates the value of the coefficient for each gene, which represents the sign and magnitude of the correlation between the gene and the value of each electrical parameter. Red indicates that if the gene is expressed, the value of the electrical parameter will be towards the maximal value recorded in the 203 cells, and vice versa for blue. The value of the electrical parameter can be calculated by summing the ‘colours’ (coefficients) horizontally for all those genes that were detected in a neuron.Modified, with permission, from REF.85© (2004) Oxford University Press.
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