中考英语专题复习 专题十九 任务型阅读 第2讲 五选五+阅读表达

中考英语专题复习 专题十九 任务型阅读 第2讲 五选五+阅读表达
中考英语专题复习 专题十九 任务型阅读 第2讲 五选五+阅读表达




1. 掌握本篇五选五中出现的高频词及长难句。

2. 掌握五选五的解题技巧, 并能够指出本篇五选五中运用到的解题技巧。

3. 通过五选五高频词、长难句等语料的积累, 及五选五解题技巧的练习, 灵活应对各种五选五习题。



“巧妇难为无米之炊”, 在英语学习的过程中, 语料的积累至关重要。对于五选五高频词和长难句的梳理, 能够为我们今后的学习和提升打下良好的基础。

亲爱的同学, 老师已经为你梳理出了本篇文章中的一些高频词和长难句, 快来看看你掌握了吗?

高频词(课前检测学生的词汇量储备, 以教师提问的形式进行。能够准确翻译的为优, 模糊翻译的良, 不会翻译的为差。)



as well 也,还有

instead adv. 反而,代替

silly adj. 愚蠢的

lose weight 减肥

keep fit 保持健康

popular adj. 流行的

hopefully adv. 有希望地adj. hopeful

take place 发生,举行

suddenly adv. 意外地,忽然地

trainer n. 运动鞋

长难句(课前检测学生的句型储备, 以教师提问的形式进行。能够准确翻译的为优, 模糊翻译的良, 不会翻译


1. In some schools when it rains and it’s too wet to play football or hockey, children have to do cross country running instead.(优良差)

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ 句意:在一些学校,当下雨时会太湿以至于不能踢足球或玩曲棍球,孩子们不得不用越野跑来代替。


2. The race covers a fantastic route(线路) in which runners pass lots of the famous places like the London Eye and Big Ben.(优良差)

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ 句意:这个比赛覆盖了一条极好的路线,在这条路线上赛跑者经过许多著名的地方,像伦敦眼和大本钟。



“方法得当, 事半功倍。”只有语料的积累, 没有好方法的辅助也是不够的。对于五选五解题方法的梳理, 能够帮助我们更好地理解五选五的命题逻辑, 在有足够语料积累的基础上, 能够帮助我们争取高分。

亲爱的同学, 老师已经为你精心整理了五选五的解题技巧, 快来看看你掌握了多少?















典题精析例题:Make good word choices.When we’re not sure which word is the right one for a sentence, look it up in a dictionary. Many of us choos e words in a hurry and don’t take the time to decide if they’re proper. 2.

解析:本题考察的是并列逻辑。空格出现在第二段的段末,是用来对第二段的黑体小标题进行解释的,浏览选项可知E选项中的关键词good word choices与小标题一致,故选E,意为“好的词汇选择对好的作品是重要的”。

答案:E “Good word choices are necessary for good writing.”


解题技巧1. 空格前后意思相反或矛盾,找含转折含义的选项;

2. 选项含转折逻辑,另一种常见的考查方式是空格后对该选项进行详细阐述、说明和例证。

典题精析例题:5. But with a few simple steps, we can improve our writing skills and learn how to write better articles.


答案:D “It is not easy to become a better writer.”


解题技巧1. 如果选项中含有代词,则判断哪个空格前的句中所含有的名词代入后使上下文连贯;

2. 如果空格后句中有代词,则判断哪个选项所含名词代入后上下文连贯。

典题精析例题:Every year in April, the London marathon(马拉松)takes place. The race covers a fantastic route(线路) in which runners pass lots of the famous places like the London Eye and Big Ben.______3____.

解析:本题考察的是指代逻辑。根据空格所在段第一句Every year in April, the London marathon (马拉松)takes place.“伦敦马拉松在每年四月举行”,可知本段讲述的重点为伦敦马拉松,浏览选项可知B项People come from all over the world to run in it.中的it代替的是London marathon,故可推断出正确答案。

答案:B “People come from all over the world to run in it.”





典题精析例题:Mr. Longman and Mr. Martin were both badly ill1 . Mr. Longman was able to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon.

解析:本题考察的是因果逻辑。根据空格前句子可知“Mr. Longman和Mr. Martin都病的很严重”,这是事件的原因,那么空格处应该填的是事件的结果,浏览选项可知应填C,意为“他们住在相同的病房里”,即可推断出正确答案。

答案:C “They were in the same hospital room”.


解题技巧1. 如果选项的表达类似于“There are mainly three types of …”则该选项一般位于文章较前面的位置,用于引出后文对这几种类型的详细阐述;

2. 如果空格位于某段段首,则一般是本段的主旨句;如果空格位于某段段尾,通常是结论、概括性语句。

典题精析例题:Many of us don’t spend a lot of time improving our writing skills. This can be a problem when we hand in our articles. Good writing skills will help us improve our grades and benefit us later in life. 1.



答案:B “The following tips can be helpful.”





A It’s not because marathons have got easier

B People come from all over the world to run in it

C Sadly,running is often quite unpopular at school

D Now, lots of people go out running in their spare time

E People find it so exciting that they want to try it themselves



社会现象类记叙文225 5-7分钟__/5 ★★★

Running is free, it’s easy and now it’s becoming cool as well. Many people do not have enough time to play a team sport, so instead they have started going running. In the past, running in the street was seen as a bit silly. But things are changing.____1___.Some people go to lose wei ght while others go simply to keep fit. Even at 6 o’clock in the morning you sometimes see runners in the streets. Scientists say that running is a very good way to keep fit.

____2___.In some schools when it rains and it’s too wet to play football or hockey, children have to do cross country running instead. Now as running has become more popular, hopefully more young people will take it up.

Every year in April, the London marathon(马拉松)takes place.The race covers a fantastic route(线路) in which runners pass lots of the famous places like the London Eye and Big Ben.______3____.

Interestingly, marathon running used to be seen as a hard sport, but now even people who are very unfit take part in marathons every year!_____4___; it’s because people have become more interested in running.After the marathon every year the streets suddenly become full of runners._____5____.All you need is a pair of trainers and will power, so what are you waiting for?

A. It’s not because marathons have got easier

B. People come from all over the world to run in it

C. Sadly, running is often quite unpopular at school

D. Now, lots of people go out running in their spare time

E. People find it so exciting that they want to try it




1. 解析:本题考察的是转折逻辑。空格前有一句话But things are changing.意为“但是事情正在改变”,所以空格前后的句意应该相反。空格前In the past, running in the street was seen as a bit silly.意为“在过去,在街上跑步有点愚蠢。”,所以空格后句意应该与它相反,浏览选项可知选D,意为“现在,很多人在他们的空闲时间出去跑步”。


2. 解析:本题考察的是总分逻辑。空格位于第二段段首,是第二段的主旨句,浏览第二段,根据段意及段中关键词In some schools可知这一段讲述的是跑步在学校的情况,浏览选项可知选C,意为“令人遗憾地,跑步在学校经常是很不受欢迎的”。


3. 解析:本题考察的是指代逻辑。根据空格所在段第一句Every year in April, the London marathon(马拉松)takes place.“伦敦马拉松在每年四月举行”,可知本段讲述的重点为伦敦马拉松,浏览选项可知B项People come from all over the world to run in it.中的it代替的是London marathon,故可推断出正确答案。


4. 解析:本题考察的是转折逻辑。根据空格后句子it’s because people have become more interested in running.“因为人们对跑步变得更感兴趣了”和选项做对比可知选A,意为“不是因为马拉松变得更简单了”。答案:A

5. 解析:本题考察的是指代逻辑。根据空格前句子After the marathon every year the streets suddenly become full of runners“每年马拉松后街上都充满了跑步者”,可知本段的主题是马拉松,故应选E,意为“人们发现马拉松如此的令人兴奋以至于他们想亲自尝试”,这里it指代的是marathon。



(学生在教师的指导下, 回顾本讲中积累的五选五的知识和方法)






总分逻辑 2





as well

instead adv.

adj. 愚蠢的

lose weight

keep fit

adj. 流行的

adv. 有希望地

take place

suddenly adv.

n. 运动鞋


1. 这个箱子太重,这男孩提不起。


2. 他们找寻的文件已经找到了。


3. In some schools when it rains and it’s too wet to play football or hockey, children have to do cross country running instead.


4. The race covers a fantastic route(线路) in which runners pass lots of the famous places like the London Eye and Big Ben.


5. The print is too small for me to read without glasses.



Doctors in Germany have warned people that headbanging could be bad for your health. 1 . Dancers shake their heads from back to front, and from side to side, very quickly.

Doctors say this could injure(伤害)the brain. 2 . The man had no history of head injuries but had been headbanging for many years. He began to have bad headaches after going to a heavy metal concert.

3 . They gave him a brain scan(扫描)and found bleeding in his brain. He needed an operation to repair it. Doctors made a hole in his brain to take out some blood.

4 .

Doctors say the risk of injury to the brain from headbanging is low and heavy metal fans do not need to stop doing the dance completely. The head doctor AriyanPirayesh said: “We are not against headbanging. Rock ‘n’ roll will never die. 5 . We just think if our patient had gone to a classical (古典的)concert, th is would not have happened.”





1. The box is too heavy for the boy to carry.

2. The documents for which they were searching have been recovered.


4. 这个比赛覆盖了一条极好的路线,在这条路线上赛跑者经过许多著名的地方,像伦敦眼和大本钟。

5. 印刷字体太小,我不戴眼镜就看不清。


1. E

2. D

3. C

4. B

5. A


1. 掌握本篇阅读表达中出现的高频词及长难句。

2. 掌握阅读表达的解题技巧, 并能够指出本篇阅读表达中运用到的解题技巧。

3. 通过阅读表达高频词、长难句等语料的积累, 及阅读表达解题技巧的练习, 灵活应对各种阅读表达习题。


“巧妇难为无米之炊”, 在英语学习的过程中, 语料的积累至关重要。对于阅读表达高频词和长难句的梳理, 能够为我们今后的学习和提升打下良好的基础。

亲爱的同学, 老师已经为你梳理出了本篇文章中的一些高频词和长难句, 快来看看你掌握了吗?

高频词(课前检测学生的词汇量储备, 以教师提问的形式进行。能够准确翻译的为优, 模糊翻译的良, 不会翻译的为差。)

单词/短语 词性 词义 拓展

掌握情况 优

差 minimalist n.


minimalism n. 极简派艺术

messy adj. 凌乱的,散乱的

encouraged adj. 被激励的,受到


v. encourage 鼓励 collect





charity n. 慈善

actually adv. 实际上,事实上

organized adj. 有组织的v. organize组织

advertisement n. 广告v. advertise


mindful adj. 留心的

continue v. 继续,延续

长难句(课前检测学生的句型储备, 以教师提问的形式进行。能够准确翻译的为优, 模糊翻译的良, 不会翻译的为差。)

1. I started clearing out a lot of the things which I didn’t use.(优良差)

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ 句意:我开始清理许多我不用的东西。


2. AlthoughI know thatI would never need thesethings again, I still foundit very difficultto get rid of them.(优良差)

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ 句意:虽然我知道我不会再需要这些东西,但我仍然发现很难摆脱他们。



“方法得当, 事半功倍。”只有语料的积累, 没有好方法的辅助也是不够的。对于阅读表达解题方法的梳理, 能够帮助我们更好地理解阅读表达的命题逻辑, 在有足够语料积累的基础上, 能够帮助我们争取高分。

亲爱的同学, 老师已经为你精心整理了阅读表达的解题技巧, 快来看看你掌握了多少?
















设题方式1. What is the writer’s question in Letter A?

2. Where were the researchers from?

3. Who can help shy people?

4. Why did Burton decide to have the slides painted?

5. When was Burton Holmes born?

6. How are parents’ jobs different from children’s jobs according to Letter A.

典题精析On November 30, 1906, George Bidder dropped a bottle from a boat into the North Sea. The weighted glass bottle sank almost to the sea floor, and then it move slowly for 108 years and 138 days.

问题:How long did the weighted glass bottle move in the sea?

解析:本题为细节题。题干意为“这个玻璃瓶在海里移动了多长时间?”,根据关键词“the weighted glass bottle move in the sea”可将答案锁定在第一段第二句中“The weighted glass bottle sank almost to the sea floor, and then it move slowly for 108 years and 138 days.”,故填“For 108 years and 138 days”。

答案:For 108 years and 138 days.




提问形式为一般疑问句,首先锁定范围,在范围内划出依据,然后使用Yes / No作答。

设题方式1. Do parents have homework according to letter B?

2. Is being shy always a big problem according to the passage?

3. Could Francis and Craig read the “map” of DNA in 2000?

4. Will the step-by-step guide show you how to start a club?

典题精析Its journey ended when Marianne Winkler found the bottle in xx. Winkler was then on vacation on Amrum Island. She picked up the bottle when it was washed up onto the beach. She saw a piece of paper inside, but didn’t break it open. She could tell that the bottle was old. So she didn’t want to damage it.

问题:Did Marianne Winkler find the bottle in xx?

解析:本题为是非题。题干意为“Marianne Winkler是在xx年发现这个瓶子的吗?”,根据第二段第一句Its journey ended when Marianne Winkler found the bottle in xx.可以判定答案是肯定的,故填“Yes”。




1. 介绍某个物体,新兴事物或抽象概念时:What……is.

2. 介绍某个人物时:Who……is.

3. 介绍做某事的方法时:How to do …… / How……

4. 介绍某事物的优/缺点时:The benefits / advantages / disadvantages of ……

例1. What is the passage mainly about?

解答:What shyness is and how to deal with it. 例2. What is the main idea of the passage?

解答:How to run a studio system?

例3. What is the passage mainly about?

解答:Who Andrew Matthews is and his book.

设题方式1. What is the passage mainly about?

2. What does the writer mainly tell us in passage?

3. What is the main idea of paragraph 4?

4. What do you learn from this story?

5. What is the purpose of this passage?

典题精析Scientists now understand that a fire can be a natural part of a healthy forest. As a result, countries like Australia allow more fires to burn naturally. Sometimes, fire fighters even start fires to get rid of(去除)dead wood. Of course, they carefully control the fires. The fire thins out old trees. This allows sunlight to reach the ground. As a result, fires help new trees to grow. Therefore, if a fire is not a serious threat(威胁)to people, firefighters may let it burn naturally.

问题:What is the main idea of paragraph 4?

解析:本题为段落主旨题。题干意为“第四段的主要意思是什么?”,根据第四段段首句可知“澳大利亚允许更多的火自然燃烧”,而后面的内容解释的是这样做的原因是保持森林健康,综合这两点并运用in order to短语即可得出正确答案,应填“In order to keep forests healthy, some fires may be allowed to burn naturally.”。

答案:In order to keep forests healthy, some fires may be allowed to burn naturally.



设题方式1. Do you think the selfie is good? Why?

2. What can be filled in the blank(空白)at the end of letter B?

典题精析I think it’s only fair that teenagers help out a bit at home. They might not like it, but it’s good for them. It teaches them how to look after themselves. This is really useful when __________.

问题:What can be filled in the blank(空白)at the end of letter B?

解析:本题为活用题。题干意为“在letter B结尾的空白处能够填什么?”,这类题的答案比较灵活,不是唯一的,只要和文章的主旨一致就可以。本段主要说的是孩子们在家里做一些家务能够帮助她们学会照顾自己,当_____, 这一点是有用的。那么一定是孩子离开家,独自生活的时候,答案与此主题一致即可。

答案:they leave home to go to college/ live on their own ……





1 What does minimalism suggest?

2 How did the writer get rid of some of her CDs and books?

3 How did the writer feel after getting lots of things out of her room?

4 Why is it hardto be a minimalist?

5 What are the advantages of being a minimalist?



日常生活类记叙文341 6-8分钟__/5 ★★★

Becoming a Minimalist

I have too many things. My bedroom is often very messy. I have shelves with

dirty books I never read and CDs Idon't listen to. My drawers are filled with

clothes I never wear. I was getting upset that I never had any space in my bedroom.

Then I read about minimalism. Minimalism suggests that you only keep the most

necessary and important thingsand get rid of(处理掉)everything else.After

reading about minimalism Ifelt encouraged to solve my problem.

I started clearing out a lot of the things which I didn’t use. I collected bags of clothes to give to charity. I sold some of my CDs and books online.AlthoughI know thatI would never need thesethings again, I still foundit very difficultto get rid of them. My brain tried to stop me from letting them go. I said to myself “I might need them in the futur e!?” or “won’t I besad if I lose that?” But the things was, I knew Icouldn’t keep everything.

After getting lots of thing out of my room, I actually became quite excited to see the tidy room with some fresh space.And an organized bedroom also makes me have a clear and organized mind!The main idea behind minimalism is to cut down what you own, and by doing this you can really valuethethings you have.I t’s not easy to be a minimalist. We are often told that it is betterto have more things. Advertisements try to make us believethat we will only be happy by spending more money to buy more things. Of course I’m not a perfect minimalist—I’ve only just started. I still own a lot of things which I do n’t really need, butI think thiswas a good start. In the future, I will be more mindful of what I buy. And I will continue to make an effort to get rid of what I don’t need.

1. What does minimalism suggest?


2. How did the writer get rid of some of her CDs and books?


3. How did the writer feel after getting lots of things out of her room?


4. Why is it hardto be a minimalist?



5. What are the advantages of being a minimalist?




1. 解析:本题为细节题。题干意为“极简主义者建议什么?”,根据题干将答案锁定到第一段的关键句Minimalism suggests that you only keep the most necessary and important thingsand get rid of(处理掉)everything else,即可推断出答案,这里要记得把minimalism换成it,更符合英语语言习惯。

答案:It suggests that you only keep the most necessary and important thingsand get rid ofeverything else.

2. 解析:本题为细节题。题干意为“作者是怎样处理掉他的一些CD和书的?”,根据题干锁定第二段关键句I sold some of my CDs and books online.,即可推断出正确答案,这里要记住两点,第一点是人称的变化,I 要变成she;第二点是用代词them来替代问题中提到的some of my CDs and books。

答案:She sold them online.

3. 解析:本题为细节题。题干意为“在把许多东西从房间中拿出去后作者的感觉是怎样的?”,根据题干锁定文中关键句After getting lots of thing out of my room, I actually became quite excited to see the tidy room with some fresh space,根据本句可以判定当时作者的感觉应该是excited,但要注意答案的简洁性,直接答She felt excited就可以。

答案:She felt excited.

4. 解析:本题为细节题。题干意为“为什么很难成为一个极简主义者?”,根据题干锁定文章关键句It’s not easy to be a minimalist. We are often told that it is betterto have more things,即可推断出答案,这里要注意why问because答这一问答技巧。

答案:because we are often told that it is better to have more things.

5. 解析:本题为细节题。题干意为“成为极简主义者的优点是什么?”,浏览文章,可将答案锁定在文章最后一段中,本题优点不止一条,要细心查找。根据I actually became quite excited to see the tidy room with some fresh space.可知极简主义可以使房间多出一些空间,看起来更整洁,总结出it helps us to keep our room tidy;根据And an organized bedroom also makes me have a clear and organized mind!可知一个有组织的卧室也能够使我们有一个清晰地和有组织的意识,总结出have a clear and organized mind;根据and by doing this you can really value the things you have.可知极简主义可以使你重视你所拥有的东西,总结出really value the things we have;根据In the future, I will be more mindful of what I buy.可知以后作者不会再乱买东西,那样就会省钱,总结出save money,根据以上这几点用并列连词and连接即可推断出答案。

答案:It helps us to keep our room tidy, have a clear and organized mind, save money and really value the things we have.


(学生在教师的指导下, 回顾本讲中积累的阅读表达的知识和方法)












minimalist n.

adj. 凌乱的,散乱的encouraged adj.

v. 收集

charity n.

adv. 实际上,事实上organized adj.

advertisement n.

mindful adj.

v. 继续,延续


1. 虽然很疲劳,但他继续工作。


2. 他正在读一本关于战争的书。


3. I started clearing out a lot of the things which I didn’t use.


4. AlthoughI know thatI would never need thesethings again, I still foundit very difficultto get rid of them.


5. Although he has a lot of money, yet he is unhappy.




日常生活类记叙文344 6-8分钟__/5 ★★★

I love travelling so you can imagine my disappointment when I knew that my local train station would be closed for five months. Unfortunately I do not have a car but I realized that I could start carpooling.

Carpooling is the sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in a car. As a result, carpooling can be a cheaper choice than public transport because everyone in the car shares the cost of petrol(汽油). I recently did carpooling for the first time and it was very easy to find a driver.

I used a website which lists drivers’ descriptions and found someone who was going to the same place as me. The descriptions provided a lot of information such as the driver’s first name, age and gender as well as reviews from previous(以前的)passengers. I decided to travel with a lady who had very good reviews. I paid for my share of the petrol through the website and planned to meet her in the town center.

It may seem quite dangerous to travel with a stranger but there are some safety actions. Firstly, the driver cannot receive your money until you text him or her a code(密码)at the end of your journey. This means that if you are unsatisfied with your trip, the driver will not be paid. Secondly, it is important to read quite a number of the drivers’ descriptions and reviews when you choose a driver. Lastly, I would suggest travelling with a friend so that you will feel safer and less lonely.

I had a very good experience carpooling. Not only was the trip very cheap, but the driver and the other passengers were really friendly. They were all French so I had the chance to practice speaking some French.As train and petrol prices are rising, both drivers and passengers can benefit from this cheaper form of travel. More importantly, carpooling provides a fantastic opportunity to meet interesting people on your travels.

1. How did the wri ter usually travel before starting carpooling?


2. Who pays for the petrol when people do carpooling?


3. When can the driver receive the money from a passenger?


4. To keep safe, what does a passenger need to do when choosing a driver?


5. In the writer’s opinion, what are the advantages of carpooling?






minimalist n. 极简抽象派艺术家

messy adj. 凌乱的,散乱的

encouraged adj. 被激励的,受到鼓舞的

collect v. 收集

charity n. 慈善

actually adv. 实际上,事实上

organized adj. 有组织的

advertisement n. 广告

mindful adj. 留心的

continue v. 继续,延续


1. Although he was tired, he kept on working.

2. He was reading a book, which was about war.


4. 虽然我知道我不会再需要这些东西,但我仍然发现很难摆脱他们。

5. 他虽然有很多钱,但并不幸福。


1. By train.

2. Everyone in the car.

3. When the passenger texts him or her a code at the end of the journey.

4. The passenger needs to read quite a number of the drivers’ descriptions and reviews.

5. It’s cheap for both the driver and the passengers and it provides a fantastic opportunity to meet interesting people on your travels.
