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PartⅠMatch the words and phrases in Column A with the corresponding definitions or relevant information in Column B. (10%)

A B a. assumpsit 1. the addition of labor to the chattel of

another, without the latter’s consent,

which so changes the chattel that the title to

it is transferred to the laborer

b. chattel 2. a writ form a higher court to a lower one

requesting a transcript of the proceedings of a

case for review

c. amicus curiae 3. a legal action to enforce or recover damages

for breach of a simple contract

d. verdict 4. a court order prohibiting a party from a

specific course of action

e. accession 5. an article of personal, movable property

f. injunction 6. to file an indictment with the court before an

accused stands trial

g. acquittal7. friend of the court

h. grand jury8. the deliberate, willful giving of false,

misleading, or incomplete testimony under oath i. certiorari9. the final decision of a jury concerning a

matter of fact submitted to it by the court for


j. unilateral 10. one party’s major evidence and arguments


k. tort11. the state of being found or proved not guilty l. mala in se12. the unlawful appropriation of another’s


m. case-in-chief 13. a civil wrong other than a breach of contract or a breach of trust

n. perjury14. a promise is exchanged for an act of


o. conversion15. actions that are intrinsically immoral

p. petit jury16.a written statement charging a party with the

commission of a crime or other offense, drawn

up by a prosecuting attorney and found and

presented by a grand jury .

q. trust17.a system whereby the defense can challenge up

to 3 jurors without giving any reasons.

r.peremptory challenge 18.consisting of twelve citizens duly qualified

to serve on juries, impaneled and sworn to try one or more issues of facts submitted to them and to give a judgment respecting the same,

which is called a verdict.

s. hung jury19.the confidence reposed in a trustee when

giving the trustee legal title to property to

administer for another, together with the

trustee's obligation regarding that property

and the beneficiary

t. indictment20.a jury which is unable to reach a verdict

Part II Translate the following sentences and paragraphs. (30%) 1.(5%) The term "Information" does not include any information

which at the time of disclosure or thereafter is (i)

generally available to or known by the public (other than as

a result of its disclosure by A Company or its
