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总体设计 Total design
一 、选电机select motor
1. 2.
类型Type: Y系列Series Y 容量Power: 工作机要求电机功率:
Power required by service machine
P电′=P工/η总=2/0.83= 2.41(KW)
P工=Fv/1000=5000×0.4/1000=2 (KW)
P2 3 2.31 T2 9.55 10 9.55 10 59.75NM n2 369.2
P3 3 2.22 T3 9.5510 9.55 10 237.68NM n3 89.2
P4 3 2.11 T4 9.55 10 9.55 10 790.22NM n4 25.5
o α1 151.2 Fr=2ZF0 sin 2 3 154 sin 895N 2 2
2. n1=n电=960rpm n2=n1/i V带=960/2.6=369.2rpm n3=n2/i 齿= 369.2/4.14=89.2rpm n4=n3/i 链=89.2/3.5=25.5rpm
P1 3 2.41 T1 9.55 10 9.55 10 23.97NM n1 960
2. 分配 Distribute speed ratio
① ② ③
i总=i带 i齿轮 i链 为各部分尺寸相称: i带 i链 i齿轮 i带=2~4 For size coordination in several stages of drives i链=2~6 i齿轮=3~6
i带=2.6 i链=3.5 i总 37.65 i齿轮= = =4.14 i带 i链 2.6 3.5
四、确定带根数Z Numbers of belt
P 2 . 65 P 2 . 65 d d Z Z 2 2. .9 9 ( P0 P0 ) K K L (0.95 0.115) 0.92 0.93 0 0 L P 42表4-7:P0 = 0 . 95 KW 0 P0 = 0 . 0001 T n = 0 . 0001 1 . 2 960 = 0 . 115 KW 1 0 1
Design of power transmission parts (带 Belt、齿轮 Gear、链 Chain) 三、装配图设计 Assembly drawing 轴 Shaft、 轴承 Bearing、 键Key
Parts drawing 五、说明书 Instrument book
Length of belt and centre-to-centre distance
1. Owing to:
0.55(D1+D2)+h≤a≤2 (D1+D2)
→ 初取 a0= D1+D2 =100+260=360mm
2 ( D D ) 1 L0 2a ( D1 D2 ) 2 2 4a 2 (260 100) 2 360 (100 260) 1303 mm 2 4 360 根据P38表4 3,取L d=1250mm
η总= ηV带η轴承η齿轮η轴承η链η轴承η卷筒
= ηV带η轴承3η齿轮η链η卷筒 =0.96×0.993×0.97×0.96×0.96
查手册,取电机额定功率 By handbook and rated power of the motor is determined. Ped=3KW>2.41KW
设计步骤 Design procedure:
电机选择Select motor 一、传动装置总体设计 总传动比及其分配 Total design of Determine and driving device
distribute speed ratio
Kinematics calculations
选择额定转速 Rated speed is: n电=960rpm 4. 结果Results: Y132S-6 ( Ped=3KW、n电=960rpm)
二、总传动比及分配 Determine and distribute speed ratio
1. 总传动比
Speed ratio i总
n电 960 i总= = =37.65 n 卷 25.5 601000 v 601000 0.4 n 卷= 25.5rpm D 3.14 300
3. 求实际中心距a
The final centre-to-centre distance
Ld L0 1250 1303 a a0 360 333.5mm 2 2 取a=335mm
4. 校验包角α1 Check the arc of contact
D 2 D1 260 100 o o α1 180 60 180 60o 151.2 o 120o a 335 合适 (如果α1 120o , 可以增大中心距 a)

3. 转速 Speed: 可选同步转速 Standard synchro-speed :
750 rpm 1000 rpm 1500 rpm 3000 rpm
Larger motor size and higher motor cost
Larger driving advice size
带传动设计实例 Design example of belt drive
带式运输机如图所示 Belt conveyer is shown in Fig 已知 Known data: F=5000N、v=0.4m/s、D =300mm、 载荷平稳 Steady load、 两班制 Two-shift operation。
P40 图4-8 :
=1.1×2.41=2.65KW n1=960rpm
二、带轮计算直径 Diameters of pulley(D1、D2)

P40 表4-5或表4-6 : A型:Dmin=75mm 取D1 =100mm 则 D2= D1 ×i= 100×2.6 =260mm (圆整 Round,取尾数为0或5)
带传动设计Design of the belt drive
[已知Known data] :
P1=2.41KW、i=2.6 (n1=960rpm、n2=369.2rpm)、 载荷平稳 Steady load、 两班制 Two-shift operation
一、带型号 Section of V-belt
2. 校验传动比误差
Check the error of speed ratio
Δi 5% i Δi i i实际 100 %=0 5% i i ( i实际 D2 ) D1
3. 校验速度 Check peripheral velocity
3.14100 960 υ 5.02m / s 5 ~ 25m / s 601000 601000 合适 若υ 5m / s, 则增大D1 then increase D1
P44表4-8: T=1.2 P44表4-9:K =0.92
P45表4-10:K L =0.93. L 取 Z=3 ( 10 ~ 12)
五、确定初拉力 F0 和压轴力Fr
Initial tension Force acting on the shaft
Pd 2.5 K α 2 F0 500 ( ) qυ υZ Kα 2.65 2.5 0.92 2 500 ( ) 0.1 5.02 154N 5.02 3 0.92 P38表4-2:根据A型 q=0.1kg / m
Kinematics calculations (各轴P、n、T)
1. P1= P电′=2.41KW P2= P1 ηV带=2.41×0.96=2.31KW
P3= P2 η轴承η齿轮=2.31×0.99×0.97
P4= P3 η轴承η 链=2.22×0.99×0.96