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Where is the market? 市场在哪?
• Local market China: Fresh + canned product 国内市场:鲜品+罐头产品 Yearly increase of about 50 million Chinese people who can afford luxury shopping. 可承受高消费的中国人每年大约增长五千万。 • Export market: Canned product only 国外市场:仅罐头产品 The international canned market is stagnating. Prices are under pressure 国际罐头市场萧条,价格压力大
What have these markets in common? 这些市场的共同点是什么?
• Require a high(er) quality product. 需要更高品质的产品 • Require a good looking product. 需要外观好的产品 No spots or blutches 无斑点 • Require a clean product. No residues. 需要安全的产品。无残 留 Free from chemicals. We don’t want a melamine affaire in the mushroom industry. 杜绝使用化学药品,我们不希望在蘑菇产业上发生“三聚氰胺事 件” • Require certificates HACCP EUREPGAP 需要认证体系 • Require consistancy in quality and quantity 需要保质保量 Production volumes and quality have to be good 365 days a year. 一年365天,每一天都必须做到产量与质量均稳 定 • Value for money 经济效益 Good quality pays off. Produce what the market asks for. 品质好才有回报。按市场需要生产
Chinese mushroom production at present: 中国蘑菇生产现状
• Weaknesses: 不足
• Low production per square meter 单产低 Maybe the production per square meter sounds not to bad but it takes 4 months to achieve! 或许每平米产量还可以,但周期长达4个月 • Low quality mushrooms 品质差 Due to the slow growing speed and poor composts the mushrooms are vulnerable for diseases. Especially at the end of the yearly cycle 走菌缓慢,发酵料品质差易染病害,尤其是生产末期 • Low hygene 卫生条件差 There are hardly any hygene measurements except for spraying chemicals 几乎不采取任何卫生措施,除了喷化学药品
The future in Agaricus production in China: threats and opportunities. 中国双孢菇生产的未来:挑战与机遇
Christiaens Group 克里斯蒂安集团 Mark Jacobs 马克 雅各布斯
In this presentation I would like to focus on the position China can play in the global mushroom market in the near future. What are the threats an what are the opportunities; Where is the market and what does that market want. During a few trips to China in the last year I was able to visit several mushroom farms with different growing techniques. I visited farms in the provinces Xinjiang, Hebei, Fujian and Sichuan. All with different allthough the majority used a common technique which I have based my remarks on. Off course there are farms which are already introducing other, more modern techniques in different levels. 在这个报告中,我将重点讨论中国在未来国际食用菌市场上的地位。 挑战是什么,机遇是什么;市场在哪里,以及市场需要什么。 在过去几年里,我来中国几次,参观了一些采用不同栽培工艺的食用 菌厂家。我参观过的厂家分别在新疆,河北,福建和四川。他们尽管 都不尽相同,但采用的都是最普遍的技术,我的报告就是基于这种普 遍技术。当然,也有一些厂家在不同层面上已经引进了更先进的现代 技术。
• Availability of cheap labour 劳动力低廉 Both the fresh and the high quality canned product require hand picking. This is still cheap in China. 鲜品及高品质罐头产品都需 要手工采摘。这在中国仍然便宜 • Competative in the high quality canned product. 高品质罐头产品有竞争力 The lower qualities can be produced cheaper in Europe and suffer already with overproduction. 低品质产品在欧洲越来越便宜并且 已经是产能过剩
“Standard” buildings in Fujian and Sichuan 福建,四川的“标准”厂房
“Standard” buildings in Fujian and Sichuan 福建,四川的“标准”厂房
… long production cycles 生产周期长
Chinese mushroom production at present: 中国蘑菇生产现状
… China has the world’s richest history in mushroom consumption and healing… 中国在食用菌消费和药用方面历史最悠久
First class mushrooms from Italy 意大利的一级菇
An excelent product. The customers are willing to pay more for such a product. 很棒的产品!消费者愿意花更多的钱买这样的产品。
• Environmental awareness. 环境意识 People and government in China take more care for: 中国人民与政府越来越关注: green, sustainable energy, 绿色,可持续能源 energy saving, 节能 clean producing, 清洁 生产 carbon footprint. 碳标 记 • Also export demands a clean product 出口也需要安全产品 If you can show them a state of the art production facility will give you a pole position 如果你能向他们展示一套生产设备工艺, 那将会在他们的心目中占据有利位置
• Strengths: 优势
• Low investment farms 投资少 The farms are all build with basic, local materials. 就地取材 • Low running costs (low energy) 运行成本低(低能耗) Only natural heating and cooling is used 仅依靠自然加温降温 • Low labour costs 劳动力成本低 Family run enterprises with low wages 家庭作坊式企业,工资低 • Low compost costs 堆料发酵成本低 Phase one compost is used which is produced out of local ingredients on a traditional way 就地取材,用传统工艺进行一次发酵 • Low cost price 成本低
“Standard” buildings in Fujian and Sichuan福建,四川的“标准”厂房
“Standard” buildings in Fujian and Sichuan 福建,四川的“标准”厂房
Houses under construction in Sichuan 四川,正在建设中的厂房
• China has a quick growing internal market 中国有着高速成长的国内市场 More people can afford to buy a high grade product 越来越多人能消费得起高级产 品 • Mushrooms are popular in China 食用菌在中国已普遍 No doubt about it. They don't need much promotion 这点毫无疑问。不需要太多的宣传 • The Chinese people are more aware of health issues 中国人更加注重健康问题 The recent melamine affaire has had a lot of publicity. See it as an opportunity. 最近三聚氰胺事件已经曝光。不妨以此 为契机
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Chinese mushroom production at present: 中国蘑菇生产现状
• Weaknesses: 不足
• High use of chemicals 大量使用化学药品 Traces of these chemicals can and will be found in the mushrooms 会在蘑菇中发现这些化学药品的残留 • Seasonal production 季节性生产 Due to this it is very difficult to build a steady profitable internal fresh market in China. Overflooding of the market in November till March. No mushrooms for the rest of the year. 因此在中国很难建立一个收益稳定 的国际鲜销市场。从十一月到来年三月,市场供应 量过大甚至泛滥,而其它时间却无鲜品供应