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水润滑轴承利用新型工程复合材料替代贵重金属作为高性能传动件材料,用自然水替代矿物油作为润滑介质,具有高可靠、低噪声、长寿命、无污染、易维护、耐磨损、高效节能等一系列显著优势。但当前针对水润滑轴承的综合性能试验设备和测试手段还不够完善,不能真实完整地模拟水润滑轴承及传动系统的实际工况。针对上述问题,本文研究了一种水润滑轴承综合性能实验平台,能模拟水润滑轴承及其传动系统的复杂工况,可测量水润滑摩擦副的多项综合性能参数。本文的主要研究内容如下: 研究了一种水润滑轴承性能实验台,并对其关键技术参数进行了计算,对电机型号进行了选择。介绍了试验台的动力与载荷传递过程,对实验中摩擦系数和轴心位移的测量方案进行了介绍。





Using a new engineering composite material in place of precious metal as its high performance transmission material, and water instead of mineral oil as its lubricant medium, water lubricated bearing has significant advantages of high reliability, low noise, long life, no pollution, easy maintenance, wear resistance, high efficiency, energy saving and so on. But the present comprehensive performance test equipment and testing method for water lubricated bearing are not perfect enough. The actual working condition of the water lubricated bearing and its transmission system, Such as loading position, arrangement direction of shaft and bearing, testing for experimental subject of large size and high specific pressure, comprehensive simulation of the vibration loading, cannot be fully simulated.

For the above problems, a comprehensive performance experiment platform for water lubricated bearing and its transmission system has been designed and developed in this paper. It can simulate the complex working conditions of water lubricated bearing with large size and high specific pressure and its transmission system. Various performance parameters of water lubricated friction pair can be tested online to study on the key scientific problems of the dynamic service behavior about such water lubricated mechanical transmission system. There are some important scientific significance and engineering practical value in the research. The main research works are listed as follows:

Accessing to the research status of water lubrication sliding bearing test machine in the internal and external, and analysis of the deficiencies and combined with the needs of the present and the functional model of water lubricated sliding bearing test machine is designed. This design uses UG to draw a 3D solid diagram of the sliding bearing test machine, and carries on the virtual assembly, drawing the key parts of the 2D engineering graphics with CAD. Because the test press needs to simulate the load, the design contains the design of the load system.. The composition and performance index of the load system are introduced, and the dynamic analysis of the loading system is carried out. The test machine is installed and debugged, and the problem of which is solved, and the friction coefficient is tested as the working index of the test machine. The results show that the test machine is working correctly,
