梁实秋 中英简介

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1903年梁实秋出世在北京。他的父亲梁咸熙,是一个清朝末年的秀才。在1915到1923期间他曾就读于北京的清华学校。之后他在科罗拉多大学学习再往后他踏上了他的研究生学习在哈佛和哥伦比亚大学。在哈佛大学他的研究方向是西方文学批评,受到白璧德新人文主义的影响。Liang was born in Beijing in 1903. His

father, Liang Xianxi, was a Xiucai in the Qing Dynasty.He was educated at Tsinghua College in Beijing from 1915 to 1923. He went on to study at Colorado College and later pursued his graduate studies at Harvard and Columbia Universities. At Harvard, he studied literary criticism under Irving Babbitt, whose New Humanism helped

shape his conservative literary



宣传目的的文学的东西的内在价值。这些声明和他在中国的雅克卢梭等浪漫主义者的过度影响引发了他和鲁迅之间的论战并让他受到了左翼作家的共同攻击。他的主要作品包括翻译了杰姆斯巴里的《彼得潘》,乔治爱略特的《织工马楠》和《吉尔菲先生的爱情故事》和艾米莉勃朗特的《呼啸山庄》。After his return to

China in 1926, he began a long career as a professor of English at several universities, includingPeking University, Tsingtao University, and Jinan University. He also served as the editor of a succession of literary supplements and periodicals, including the famous Crescent Moon Monthly (1928–1933). During this period he published a number of literary treatises which showed the strong influence of Babbitt and demonstrated his belief that human life and human nature are the only proper subjects for literature. The best known among these are The Romantic and the

Classical, Literature and Revolution, The Seriousness of Literature, and The Permanence of Literature. In each of these treatises, he upheld the intrinsic value of literature as something that transcends social class and strongly opposed using literature for propagandist purposes. These pronouncements and his dislike for the excessive influence of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and other Romanticists in China triggered a polemic war between him and Lu Xun and drew the concerted attacks of leftist writers. His major works as a translator included James Barrie's Peter

Pan, George Eliot's Silas Marner and Mr. Gilfil's Love Story, and Emily

Brontë's Wuthering


1949,为了逃避内战,梁逃到台湾任教于台湾师范大学直到他1966年退休。在这期间,他确立了自己作为一个词典编纂者带来了一系列的英文词典。他的翻译作品包括乔治奥威尔的《动物农场》和马克奥勒留的《沉思录》。In 1949, to escape

the civil war, Liang fled to Taiwan where he taught at Taiwan Normal

University until his retirement in 1966. During this period, he established himself as a lexicographer by bringing out a series of English-Chinese and Chinese-English dictionaries. His translation works included George Orwell's Animal

Farm and Marcus Aurelius' Meditations.

