3形合意合 (1)解析

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(Hemingway A Farewell to Arms)
定义: 形合:有词语标示小句间的从属关系 ;The subordination of one clause to another ; 意合:小句或词语之间无词语标示相互之间的 并列或主从关系; The placing of clauses or phrases one after another,without words to indicate coordi-nation or subordination ;
As we posed for a group photograph, they unfurled the flag of the Chinese Communist Youth League. They were as surprised by my question as I had been by the appearance of their flag.
潘文国:英语是形态型语言,使用的形合手 段远比汉语要多;汉语是语义型语言,在几 千年的重意、重神、重风骨、重凌虚的哲学 和美学传统影响下,形成了一种注重内在关 系、隐含关系、模糊关系的语言结构素质。
连淑能:英语造句常用各种形式手段连接词 、语、分句或从句,注重显性接应,注重句 子形式,注重结构完整,注重以形显义。 ……汉语造句少用甚至不用形式连接手段, 注重隐性连贯,注重逻辑事理顺序,注重功 能、意义,注重以神统形。汉语的形合手段 比英语少得多。 (《英汉对比研究》1993:48-54)
中国语里多用意合法,联结成分并非必需,西 文多用形合法,联结成分在大多数情况下是不 可缺少的。
子句与子句的关系,在中国语里,往往让对话 人意会,而不用连词。……我们研究中国文法, 该从‘语像的结构’上着眼。说得浅些,就是 体会中国人的心理。 (王力《中国文法学初探》)
Translation: A Contrastive Perspective
苏小姐跟鲍小姐同舱,睡的是下铺,比鲍小 姐方便得多,不必每天爬上爬下。可是这几 天她嫌恶着鲍小姐,觉得她什么都妨害了自 己:打鼾太响,闹得自己睡不熟,翻身太重 ,上铺像要塌下来。 (钱钟书《围城》)
Sharing a cabin with Miss Pao, Miss Su slept in the lower berth, which was much more convenient because she didn’t have to climb up and down every day; but in the last few days she had begun to hate Miss Pao, feeling Pao was doing every- thing possible to make her life miserable —— snoring so loudly she couldn’t sleep well, and turning over so heavily it seemed the upper berth would cave in. (Fortress Besieged )
译文:我对他们展开那面团旗很是惊奇,而他 们则对我的问题感到惊奇。 (没想到,照相时他们会展开一面团旗,同样, 他们也没想到我会问这样的问题。)
After the first movement of terror in Amelia’s mind — when Rebecca’s green eyes lighted upon her, and rustling in her fresh silks and brilliant ornaments, the latter tripped up with extended arms to embrace her — a feeling of anger succeeded, and from being deadly pale before, her face flushed up red, and she returned Rebecca’s look after a moment with a steadiness which surprised and somewhat abashed her rival.

Hypotaxis 牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第 7 版): the use of SUBORDINATE CLAUSES 从句的使用;从属关系;主从结构。 Parataxis: the placing of clauses and phrases one after the other, without words to link them or show their relationship 无连词并列;意合连接

申小龙:汉语语法是重意会的,所以只要能够 意会,语词安排上就可以“人详我略”;又由 于汉语语法是重流动的,所以为了使句读流动 起来,就不必每个句读都主谓俱全,显得臃肿 ,难以上口。……汉语的表达和理解的习惯就 是人详我略,虚实相间的。……西方语言的句 子就像西方的戏剧布景和油画一样,都是填得 满满的。 (《语言文化学论纲》1996:237)
Because it is late, I must leave. It is late; I must leave. If you’re a student and you’re aged 16 or under, we’re here to help you.
英语的意合: I came; I saw; I conquered. This is really easy. Each character on the front page represents a different subject. When a subject has this sign above it, it means that our teachers are online and ready to accept questions
Whatever units a writer chooses to work with , phrases, clauses or complete sentences, he or she must relate them equally or unequally.
(Lanham: Analyzing Prose,北京大学出版社,2004)
● 英语结构 以主谓二分式为纲,叠床架屋,层次分明
Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. 多数情况下,我们读书时其实并不清楚如何读 ,一般而言,总以为小说必定就是真的,诗歌 必定就是假的,传记则必定是在说好话,史书 必定会支持己见。
刘宓庆:汉语在汉字的优势和局限性作用下 ,相辅相成地重意合而不重形合。从句法的 微观结构来看,汉语句子成分组织的明显特 征是重意合,句子重成分与成分之间的关系 的特点ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu内在化、隐含化、模糊化。……。
汉英对比,英语注重形式链接的特点同样是明 显的。……当然,在任何语言中,形合手段与 意合手段都是并行的、相辅相佐的,汉英都不 例外。只是在汉语中,意合手段比形合手段更 多;在英语中,形合手段比意合手段更重要、 更规范罢了。
有人认为:诗歌同它的姊妹艺术图画 和雕刻一样,业已没落,我们这个时 代再也写不出像从前那种好诗了;这 种见解现在很流行,用不着举出大人 物的名字来替它标榜,也用不着振振 有辞的替它找理论根据。 (夏济安译)
hypotaxis and parataxis.形合与意合
For Chinese and English, perhaps one of the most important linguistic distinctions is the contrast between the hypotaxis and parataxis. In English and in most Indo-European languages, a great deal of subordination is clearly marked by conjunctions such as if, although, because, when , in order to , so, and so that. …
判断形合还是意合的关键在于各层意思不 平等的还是分级的。and 并不是唯一的 标志。意合也可用and。
Now in the fall the trees were all bare and the roads were muddy. I rode to Gorizia from Udine on a camion. We passed other camions on the road and I looked at the country. The mulberry trees were bare and the fields were brown.
(Nida《Translating Meaning》( 1982:16):
-taxis 来自Greek word for drawing up ranks in battle. 词典上一般写: arrangement. Hypotaxis:hypo- 意为under ; parataxis: para- 意为beside Hypotaxis:等级,从属;等于 subordination (从属关系);表示分句或词语 间的从属关系;
汉语的意合: 人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。 斗柄指西,地面为秋。
汉语的形合: 即使在最困难的时期,他也没有放松过学习。
大多数人都认为,英语是形合为主,汉语意 合为主。 (1)英语有从句- 汉语没有: 形 - 意 (2)英语多连词- 汉语少用: 形 - 意

An opinion prevails, which neither wants the support of respectable names nor of plausible reasonings, that the art of poetry, in common with its sister arts, painting and sculpture, cannot in the present age be cultivated with the same degree of success as formerly. (William Cullen Bryant)
Parataxis: 平行,指语言成分不通过连接性词语而并列在 一起;等于coordination(并列关系); 但语义并不限于并列关系,也可包括从属关系 ;例如:It’s New Year’s Day. Go and visit your father.
中国的复合句往往是一种意合法,在西文称 为parataxis,…parataxis在西洋语言里是 一种变态,在中国语里却是一种常态。
英汉句子结构特点: ● 汉语的基本语法结构是阴阳对立式 一阴一阳,互相耦合 – 四象 – 三元 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐 语义相反:日出而作,日入而息 语义递进:满园春色关不住,一枝红杏出 墙来 反义衬托:人往高处走,水往地处流
燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青 的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。 三元结构: 你聪明的,告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不 复返呢? 大葱涨价了。