




第一某些:听力理解共20题,每题1分。(Part I Listening Comprehension)(1x20) Section A

Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conservations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,you must red the four choices marked A,B,C,and D,and decided which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.

Section B

Directions:In this section,you’ll hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time,you are required

to fill in the blanks. Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written

第二某些:用法和语法构造(Part II Vocabulary and Structure),共30题,考试时间为20分钟。从题中所给A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳答案。

21. It won’t be long ________ we know each other well.

A) after B) until C) when D) before

22. The shy girl felt ________ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher’s questions.

A) awkward B) amazed C) curious D) amused

23. No sooner had he sat down to lunch _______ there was a knock at the door.

A) when B) that C) as D) than

24. She is studying medical science now,but she ________ a lawyer.

A) would be B) used to be C) formerly were D) had been

25. ________ the whole,it was a successful evening.

A) On B) At C) From D) In

26. The computer of this kind is _______ handling with all kinds of information.

A) capable to B) able to C) capable of D) able of

27. Please sit down and make yourself ___________ .

A) in the room B) at home C) fine D) easy

28. I’d just as soon ______ rudely to her.

A) that you won’t speak B) you not speak

C) you didn’t speak D) your not speaking

29. He didn’t thank me for the present. That is annoyed me.

A) which B) how it C) what it D) what

30. The climate in the mountain area has seriously__________ his health. That is,the climate in the mountain area has a serious _______ upon his health.

A) effected,affect B) affected,effect C) affected,affect D) affected,effect

31. This brand of products is _______ to that in quality.

A) senior B) junior C) superior D) better

32. One must try his best to __________ to the new environment.

A) adapt B) apt C) adopt D) adept

33. __________,he is not capable of teaching.

A) A teacher as he is B) As a teacher he is C) As a teacher D) Teacher as he is

34. If it ____________tomorrow,we won’t go for a picnic.

A) will rain B) should rain C) rains D) rained

34. We knew she wasn’t English _______she began to speak.

A) once B) until C) the moment D) as

35. We were struck by the extent _______ which teachers’ decisions served the interest of the school rather than those of the students.

A) to B) for C) in D) with

36. It is desirable that he ______________________.

A) gives up trying B) give up trying

C) would give up D) is going to give up trying

37. It was _____________ he had made such great contributions to the world peace that he won the Nobel Prize for Peace.

A) that B) because C) since D) for

38. The mere fact _________ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.

A) what B) which C) that D) why

39. ________ from space,our earth,with water covering 70% of its surface,appears as a “blue planet”.

A) Seeing B) To be seen C) Seen D) Having seen

40. Mr. Johnson preferred __________ heavier work to do.

A) to be given B) to be giving C) to have given D) having


42. This year’s total output val ue of industry and agriculture will increase ___________5 percent over last year.

A) to B) of C) with D) by

43. The government has got a _________ deficit(赤字)of 20 billion dollars.

A) economical B) economic C) monetary D) financial

44. I ___________ very successful in my work so far.

A) haven’t been B) hadn’t been C) wasn’t D) am not

45. I’d like to _______ a special seat for the concert of May 3.

A) deserve B) reserve C) preserve D) conserve

46. We must _____________ that our customs and habits are different from theirs.

A) take into account B) bring forward C) keep in mind D) come true

47. She _________ be Canadian because she’s got a British passport.

A) mustn’t B) has not to C) can’t D) needn’t

48. I was able at last to __________ my friend to take my advice.

A) persist B) persuade C) dissuade D) convince

49. A man of words and not of deeds is __________ a garden full of weeds.

A) as B) with C) to D) like

50. George doesn’t trust anyone. He won’t len d you any money ________ you promise in writing to pay him back.

A) unless B) in case C) as long as D) until

第三某些:阅读理解( Part III Reading Comprehension)共20题,考试时间为35分钟。


Passage 1

Generations of Americans have been brought up to believe that a good breakfast is one of life’s essentials. Eating breakfasts at the start of the day,we have all been told,and told again,is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car before starting a trip.

But for many people the thought of food in the morning is by no means pleasure. So despite all the efforts,they still take no breakfast. Between 1977 and 1983,the latest year for which figures are available,the number of people who didn’t have breakfast increased by 33 percent---- from 8.8 million to 11.7 million----according to the Chicago-based Market Research Corporation of America.

For those who feel pain of guilt about not eating breakfast,however,there is some good news. Several studies in the last few years indicate that,for adults especially,there may be nothing wrong with omitting breakfast. “Going without breakfast does not affect performance,” said Arnold E. Bender,former professor of nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College in London,“nor does giving people breakfast improve performance.” Scientific evidence linking breakfast to better health or better performance is surprisingly inadequate,and most of the recent work involves children,not adults. “The literature,” says one researcher,Dr. Ernesto Pollitt at the University of Texas,“is poor.”
