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Earth S cien ce Frontiers (Ch ina University of Geosciences(Beijing);Peking University)Vol.18No.2M ar.2011
收稿日期:2010 08 10;修回日期:2010 09 12
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划 973 项目 中国西部典型叠合盆地油气成藏机制与分布规律 (2006CB202300)
作者简介:董艳蕾(1972 ),女,博士,主要从事层序地层学及地震沉积学方面的研究。E mail:yanleidong@
董艳蕾1,2, 朱筱敏1,2, 胡廷惠3, 罗家群4, 刘桂兰4, 罗 琪1,2
Dong Yanlei 1,2, Zhu Xiaomin 1,2, H u T ing hui 3, Luo Jiaqun 4, Liu Guilan 4, Luo Qi 1,2
1.Colleg e of Ge oscience s,China Univ ersity of P etrole um (Beij ing),Be ij ing 102249,China
2.S ta te K ey L aboratory of Pe tr oleum Re sour ces and Pr oc essing ,China Univ er sity of P etr oleu m(B eij ing ),Beij ing 102249,China
3.T he T hird P lant of Dagang Oilf ield ,Can gx ian 061035,Ch ina
4.E xp lor ation and Dev elop ment Resear ch Institute of H enan Petroleum Ex p loration Bur eau ,N anyang 473132,China
Dong Yanlei,Zhu X iaomin,Hu Tinghui,et al.Research on seismic sedimentology of He 3Formation in Biyang Sag.Earth Science Frontiers ,2011,18(2):284 293
Abstract:Braided delta,slump turbidite fans and nearshore subaqueous fan are dev elo ped in the sand g ro up III
of H e 3F ormat ion in depr essio n ar ea of Biy ang Sag.R estr icted by the r esear ch techniques and methods,the
dist ributio n o f t hese facies is unclear y et,especially that of the slump tur bidit e fans.U nder the g uidance o f the
theory of seismic sedimento lo gy ,and by using the t echnique o f enhancing the resolution and phase shift,the
3D post stack seismic data w ere adjusted to t he optima l states.T hen by using the technique of strata slicing,the
sliced cubes w ere made to display the distribution of sedimentary microfacies and reflect the evolutionary histor y.Fi
nally,o n the basis of comprehensive analysis o f cor e,lithology and well lo gging data,the sandbodies of the typical
slices w ere interpreted subtly,and the distr ibution of sedimentary facies was predicted.T his study provides a reliable
approach in ex plor ation of latent tr aps.
Key words:enhancement of r eso lutio n;phase shift;str ata slicing ;seism ic sedimento log y;H e 3For matio n;Biy
ang Sag
摘 要:泌阳凹陷深凹区核三段发育辫状河三角洲、滑塌浊积扇及近岸水下扇砂体,受到技术方法和研究手
中图分类号:P 512 2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005 2321(2011)02 0284 10