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校医院university hospital

保卫科security section

财务处finance section

基础部basic training department

教材科teaching material section

教导处educational setion

教务处the dean’s office

教研室teaching and research room

科研处scientific research department

膳食科catering section

外事科foreign affairs office

学生科student affairs section

学术委员会academic committee

研究生院graduate school

招生办公室admission office

政教处political education section

总务处general affairs office


九三学社The Jiu San Society

台湾民主自治同盟The Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League

政治局Political Bureau

中共中央对外联络部International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee

中共中央统战部United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee

中国共产党The Communist Party of China

中国共产主义青年团Communist Youth League of China

中国国民党革命委员会The Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang

中国民主促进会China Association for Promoting Democracy

中国民主建国会China Democratic National Construction Association

中国民主同盟The China Democratic League

中国农工民主党Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party

中国致公党China Zhi Gong Party

中央办公厅General Office of the Central Committee

中央党校Party School of the Central Committee

中央顾问委员会Advisory Commission of the Central Committee

中央候补委员Alternate Member of the Central Committee

中央纪律检查委员会Discipline Inspection Commission of the Central Committee 中央军事化委员会Military Commission Under the Central Committee

中央绿化委员会Greening Commission of the Central Committee

中央书记处Secretariat of the Central Committee

中央委员会Central Committee /C.C.

中央政法委员会Commission of Politics and Law of the Central Committee

中央政治局Political Bureau of the Central Committee

中央政治局常务委员会Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee

中央组织部Organizing Department of the Central Committee


兵器工业部Ministry of Ordnance Industry

财政部Ministry of Finance

城乡建设环境保护部Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction and Environment Protection

地质矿产部Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources

电子工业部Ministry of Electronics Industry

对外经济贸易部Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade

对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation

纺织工业部Ministry of Textile Industry

工商局Industrial and Commercial Bureau

工商行政管理总局General Bureau of Industrial and Commercial Administration

公安部Ministry of Public Security

广播电影电视部Ministry of Radio, Film and Television

国防部Ministry of National Defense

国防科学技术工业委员会the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for State Security

国家安全部Ministry of State Security

国家标准总局State Bureau of Standardization

国家测量制图局State Bureau of Surveying and Cartography

国家档案局State Archives Bureau

国家地震局State Seismological Bureau

国家发展计划委员会State Development Planning Commission

国家海洋局State Oceanic Bureau

国家计划生育委员会the State Family Planning Commission

国家计划委员会the State Planning Commission

国家计量总局State Bureau of Metrology

国家经济体制改革委员会the State Commission for Restructuring Economic System

国家经济委员会the State Economic Commission

国家民族事务委员会the State Nationalities Affairs Commission

国家商品检查局State Commodity Inspection Bureau

国家水产总局State Bureau of Aquatic Products

国家税务局State Taxation Administration

国家体育运动委员会the State Physical Culture and Sports Commission

国家统计局State Statistical Bureau

国家物价局State Bureau of Commodity Prices

国家新闻出版署State Press and Publication Bureau
