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he rolled up his sleeves to exhibit the scar.

Communication is very important in building up good interpersonal relationship(人际关系).

There are many inconsistencies in your proposal(提议),which makes it very difficult for us to understand.

Many students are quite unsatisfied with the Student Union, so it is high time to reform it

You should always stick to your own principles although there are so many temptations(诱惑).

(ignored) In order to make the experiment easier,she paid no attention to some details.

(altered) He changed his order in the last minute.

(mount) The army decided to wage an attack.

(slants) People have different opinions about this event.

(apparent)The differences between British English and American English are obvious. (stuck to)She insisted on her belief in communism when she was in danger of being killed by her enemy.

We were not in Paris at first but we flew to Athens via Paris.

You can't ignore the fact that many criminals never go to prison.

The new program is designed to tempt young people to study engineering

The army has remained loyal to the government.

My memory's not reliable these days and I always forget something.

Baggage Condition2 also requires that the transport company, authority or hotel should have been informed in writing.

(look after) I keep an eye on Buddy, in case his appearance changes.

(stop drinking) If I ever look down and see that Buddy has turned green, or he's wearing a little pair of Groucho glasses, I'll know it's time to take some kind of medical action. Such as quit drinking.

(get removed to somewhere)But my point is that because of computer weirdness, I regularly see an entire morning's work - sometimes as many as 18 words - get blipped away forever to the Planet of Lost Data.

(committing errors suddenly and unexpectedly)My computers keep having seizures, but I keep buying Windows versions, hoping I'll get lucky.

(are made soft and flat by)His shoes are squishing from the pina colade she poured on him, but he's thinking:"She's warming up to me!"

(mention all this) I bring this all up because now Microsoft has a new version out.

The girl was adopted by a farmer when she was four years old.

My parents invited their friends to their 30th wedding anniversary.

There will be occasional showers during the day.

More than two thousand fans are expected to scramble for tickets.

The males in the herd(兽群) protect the females and the young.

(give corns as food to them)Every morning and evening I feed them on corns.

(fairly)You can call' em, you know. I'm pretty good at it.
