





The world is colorized, every color has its special meaning。Red stands for passion,green symbolizes peace,blue indicates calmness, white signifies purity。 The painters can use their colors to outline the while world,the cameraman can shoot the mixed world by their camera。 The rainbow is made up of 7 colors。The white contents 7 colors。The tricolor,posed by red, yellow, and blue, can produce every color in the world。 In the variety of colors, I like white most, not only it is a simply color, but also it is a symbol of neatness。 The white is the most popular color in wedding, because it stands for the pure love。The snow is white,it symbolizes the beautiful angel drop to our world。 Another reason, I like white most, is that it indicates blank。 You can image all on it。


假设Thomas Edison是你最喜欢的人,请根据信息写篇短文 1。对该人物的简单介绍 2。喜欢该人物的理由 3。从该人物身上得到的启示

范文: Thomas Edison

Born in America , Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor 。 He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating 。 In fact , he was a man full of imagination。

I admire Edison a lot because of his great contribution to the world 。 He had more than 1000 inventions 。 In his life time,he was always eager to know how things worked, which helped him to own th e nickname “ the wizard of Melo park” 。 He was also so diligent that he worked day and night 。And this explained why he had so many great inventions 。

What impresses me most is his famous saying : “ Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percen t perspiration “。Probably I can’t be an Edison myself ,but I can be a hardworking teamer 。From him, I realize the secret to success is not when and where you were born ,but what you are doing and how you do it in your life。


假定你是星光中学的高中毕业生李华,母校将为高一新生举办主题为“What to learn in senior high school?”的英语沙龙活动,特邀请你结合自身经历谈谈自我的体会。请根据以下提示准备一份英语发言稿。ZXXK






Good morning, everyone! It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions on learn in senior high school。

Thank you!


One possible version

Good morning,everyone!It is my honor to be share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school。

In the ing three years,our school life will be challenging。Firstly,we should learn to learn efficiently。Personally,I used to try effective methods to achieve my academic goals。Developing a good habit is also of importance。It really benefited me a lot to preview lessons,get actively involved in class,and review what had been taught after class。

In addition,we should learn how to get along well with others。In school,I respected teachers and was fiendly with classmates。It was with sincerity and faithfulness that we created a harmonious atmosphere。

Finally,we should take part in sports and outdoor activities frequently。They were really helpful to build up my body and enrich my school life。

No pains no gains,I am sure that with your great efforts,you will enjoy a colorful and fruitful life here。

Thank you!


假定你是李华,David 是你的美国笔友,他对中国鼓励使用环保购物袋很感兴趣,来信向你询问此事。请你给他回信。1。感谢他的关注 2。简要介绍相关状况 3。谈谈你的想法


Dear David ,

I’m glad that you’ve noticed our efforts directed towards

environmental protection。 Thank you for your concern 。

As too much use of plastic bags has caused serious white pollution , our government encourages us to use environmental –friendly shopping bags。 These bags are made of a variety of materials that can be easily treated when they bee rubbish。Besides,they can be reused 。More and more people have realized the advantages of such bags and started using them 。

I believe that the wide use of these shopping bags can greatly improve our environment 。This is one of the many steps we are to make our country an even cleaner place。



“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm。"

- Sir Winston, Churchill









This quotation from Winston Churchill tells us that


This quotation from Winston Churchill tells us that we shouldn't get discouraged right after failures。Rather,we should keep trying with enthusiasm。Success consists in the ability to continue efforts through failures。

At the age of twelve, I got a nice bike as a birthday gift。So excited was I that I couldn't wait to try my hand at riding it。However, it was harder than expected。 The bike seemed too heavy and difficult to control。 Worse still, I took many falls off the bike。I was about to give up when my father came and encouraged me to keep going。With more practice,I did better and better。 Looking back, I feel I wouldn't be able to ride a bike had I lost heart。ZXXK

Actually,we can't succeed in everything we try。What's important is that we should stick at it。


目前,学校存在少数学生考试作弊现象。请以“ my opinion on cheating in examination ”为题,写一篇短文。


考试偏多,偏难,多 mination "heating i nt。







范文: my opinion on cheating in examination

It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school。

As students ,we often take examinations at school,but sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us 。 On the one hand , some of us are lazy and don’t work hard at their lessons。 So when taking examinations ,they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers 。

In my opinion , it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools。 We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in exams 。What ‘s more ,we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations 。


作为高中学生必须面对的一道难关,高考英语作文是许多人认为难度最大的一项。然而,在备战高考英语作文的过程中,我们可以通过练习范文,积累优秀的素材和熟练的写作技巧,来提高我们的应试能力和写作水平。以下是六篇高考英语作文范文,供大家参考。 篇一:温馨家庭 My Warm Family Nowadays, people tend to pay more attention to their work and achievement, ignoring the importance of family affection. In my family, I am deeply impressed by my parents’ love and support. My parents are both teachers. They are very busy with their work, but they always manage to spare some time for me. They could hardly stay with me during daytime because of their work, but in the evening they would cook dinner together and share their interesting stories with me. When I was overwhelmed by my study, my parents would patiently guide me through my difficulties. They inspire me to be positive and confident. Besides, my family members are also humorous and tolerant. We enjoy laughing together and sharing our happiness and sadness. We respect and care for each other, and we seldom have conflicts. We believe that as long as we stick together, we can overcome any obstacles. In my opinion, love and support from a family is crucial for one’s mental health and growth. I am grateful for my family’s warmth, which has shaped me into a better person. I will always cherish them and work hard to be a responsible and loving family member. 篇二:互联网和我们的生活 The Internet and Our Lives The internet has become an essential part of our daily lives, bringing about many changes and opportunities. Here are some of my personal opinions. Firstly, the internet provides us with a more convenient way to access information. With only a computer or smartphone, we can easily browse and download all sorts of documents, audio or video files on the internet. We can find answers to our questions, share our experiences and learn from others. Secondly, the internet expands our social circle. By using social media, we can communicate with friends and relatives who are far away, and make new friends with people who share similar interests on online communities or forums. This has dissolved the geographical and cultural boundaries that used to separate us. However, the internet also poses some challenges and risks to us. For example, there are some malicious websites or viruses that may bring harm to our devices or even our personal information. Moreover, we can become addicted to online gaming or social networking, which may distract us from our real lives and responsibilities. In my view, it is important to balance our online and offline lives. We should use the internet wisely, avoid unnecessary risks and negative influences, and make the most of its advantages to improve our lives. 篇三:积极向上的人 Positive and Upbeat People Being positive and upbeat is a desirable trait for individuals, especially in the current complex and fast-changing society. Here


高考英语作文 高考英语作文(精选20篇) 在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?以下是小编为大家收集的高考英语作文,欢迎大家分享。 高考英语作文篇1 Every year, there are tens of thousands of people looking for a job. For a successful job search, job interview is the most important part. But how to prepare for the job interview? Here are some important tips. Firstly, find a company you want to work for. Then, your understanding of the company will make the interviewers know that you value this opportunity so much and let them employ you. Secondly, review your resume and imagine what the interviews may ask you. Then think about how you should answer the questions. Thirdly, carefully pick out what to wear. Since the job interview is the only time to sell yourself, you ought to make a good impression on the interviewers. Wear tidy suits and keep your shoes clean. Last, have a good sleep before the night of the job interview, because no interviewers will like an interviewee who looks tired and exhausted. 高考英语作文篇2 The Job I Like After four years’ study in the college, I will graduate soon. I am looking for the job, at the same time, I try to figure out what kind of job I like. Deep in my heart, I want to be a teacher and I want to go further, being a college teacher is the job I like best.


高考优秀英语作文范文5篇 只有一条路不能选择——那就是放弃的路;只有一条路不能拒绝——那就是坚持的路。下面就和大家分享高考英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 高三英语作文篇一 Hello, everyone, Now I’ll tell you something about our research project The World Food Crisis on behalf of our group. As you know, food shortages have hit many countries in the world and even caused social unrest in some areas. But who is responsible for the current world food crisis? First, annual world grains output has declined because of climate change. Then lots of farmland has been lost due to the rapid development of industry and urbanization. Besides, faced with the rising energy prices, people have turned to the production of biofuels, which has worsened the severe situation. Then what should we do to deal with the problem? On one hand, we should focus on the environmental protection and improve the ecology. On the other hand, strict measures should be taken to protect farmland. Of course, to build a harmonious world


高中英语作文满分范例——10篇优秀范文 01 假定你是李华,你班的交换生Alice上周结业回国前嘱咐你帮她处理后续事务。请你根据下列要点提示给她写一封信。 1. 向Alice问候,并转达大家对她的思念; 2. 她之前借阅的图书已经帮她还上; 3. 已随信附上她的成绩单及与大家的合影。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Alice, How are you? It has been a week since you left China and we miss you very much. Now I am writing to tell you that I have finished what you asked me to do. Firstly, the books you borrowed have been returned to the library. So don’t worry about them. Besides, in this letter I have included your report card and the photos we took together last week. You can check them as soon as you get this letter. If there is any question, please write to me. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours, Li Hua


高考英语作文范文10篇 今天小编为大家整理的是高考英语作文范文10篇,新一轮的准高三生要特别注意啦,多参考参考范文,学习学习思路对于提高英语作文写作是很有帮助的,让我们一起来学习一下吧。 高考英语作文范文(1) 假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。根据学校规定,你需要书面预约,请按下列的要求写一封信:1.本人简介2.求助内容3.约定时间 4.你的联系方式(Email: **************; Phone:12345678) 范文: Dear Sir , I’m LiHua , a Chinese student taking summer course in your university . I’m writing to ask for help . I came here last month and found my courses interesting .But I have some difficulty with note-taking and I have no idea of how to use the library . I was told the learning center provides help for students and I’m anxious to get help from you. I have no class on Tuesdays mornings and Friday afternoons . Please let me know which day is ok with you. You may email or phone me . Here are my email addressandphonenumber:**************;1234567. Look forward to your reply . Yours , Li Hua 高考英语作文范文(2) 假设你正在参加全省中学生演讲比赛,请你针对有些父母经常翻开孩子的日记或书包这一现象,写一篇演讲稿,陈述你的观点。内容包括:1.认为同学们不必为此烦恼2.希望能够体谅父母的苦衷3.建议与父母进行交流沟通 范文: Good morning , ladies and gentlemen ,


高考英语作文题目及参考范文(通用6篇) 文章恰如人的影子,人的境界提高了,思想独立了,文章自然也立竿见影。小编为大家整理了高考英语作文题目及参考范文(通用6篇),一起看看吧。 高考英语作文题目及参考1 假设你是李华,在互联网上看到英国高中生David登的一则启事:希望结识一位中国朋友,以便学习中国的语言、文化。请你以李华的名义用英文给David发一封电子邮件,主要内容包括: (1)你怎样得知David的愿望; (2)你愿意成为他的朋友; (3)你打算如何帮助他; (4)你盼望他的回复。 注意:(1)电子邮件的格式已为你写好,不计入总词数;(2)词数:100左右。 Dear David, Ive learned__________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ___ Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【猜题理由】交友话题为学生熟知,也符合当前对学生的情感教育方向。利用此话题加强学生英语交际能力的培养,较好地体现了"语境生活化、任务真实性、行为个性化"的设计特点。 【构思点拨】该命题属于应用文,需符合电子邮件的格式要求。在写作过程中要抓住要点提示,做到不遗漏、不重复,并注意保持书信语言的简洁性和精炼性。 【参考范文】 Dear David,

Ive learned it from the Internet that you want to make a Chinese friend so as to learn the Chinese language and culture. Im glad that you show such great interest in China and I would like to be your friend. I will try my best to write to you as often as possible to introduce you the Chinese culture. When you have an opportunity to come to China, Ill teach you how to speak Chinese and show you around some famous historical places of interest. Anyway, I am going to help you as much as I can. How do you think? Im looking forward to your reply . 亲爱的戴维, 我从网上学到了你想做一个中国朋友,以便学习中国语言和文化。我很高兴你对中国有如此大的兴趣,我想做你的朋友。 我会尽我所能给你写信,尽可能地向你介绍中国文化。当你有机会来到中国,我会教你如何讲中文,并带你参观一些著名的历史名胜。不管怎样,我会尽我所能地帮助你。你怎么认为? 我期待你的回复。 高考英语作文题目及参考2 你的朋友魏东获得了一笔到美国留学一年的奖学金。他去的那所学校碰巧有你一位好朋友Dick。你写信把魏东介绍给Dick,希望他能帮助、照顾魏东,愿他们也成为好朋友。 【参考范文】 Dear Dick, One of my best friends Wei Dong has just won a scholarship to study for one year in the United States. He’ll be leaving soon, and, believe it or not, he will be in the same school with you. I have told him a lot about you and he will go to see you right after his arrival. Since he is new there, I hope you could do whatever you can to help him begin a new life.


高考英语作文题目及满分范文精选6篇 (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如总结报告、合同协议、规章制度、条据文书、策划方案、心得体会、演讲致辞、教学资料、作文大全、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays, such as summary reports, contract agreements, rules and regulations, doctrinal documents, planning plans, insights, speeches, teaching materials, complete essays, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please pay attention!


关于高考英语作文范文6篇 高中英文不比初中英语作文那么的简单,不但字数上有一定的要求,还有作文的难度也高些。下面是小编为大家收集关于高考英语作文范文,欢迎借鉴参考。 高考英语作文范文(1): 我最喜欢的颜色 世界是五彩缤纷的,每一种颜色都有自我特殊的含义,红色代表热情,绿色象征和平,蓝色代表平静,白色象征纯洁。伟大的画家用自我手中的色彩能够勾勒出整个世界,摄影家能够用手中的相机拍出世间的形形色色。彩虹是由七种颜色组成的。白色是由七种颜色混合而成。三原色能够生成任意一种颜色,它是由红黄蓝三种颜色构成。在各种各样的色彩中,我最喜欢白色,不仅仅仅因为它简单,还因为它代表着干净。白色是结婚典礼中最常见到的颜色,因为它象征着两个人纯洁的感情。雪花的颜色是白色,象征着天上美丽的天使落到人世间。我最喜欢白色也是因为白色代表了一种空白,能够任想象的画面在上方奔跑。 The world is colorized, every color has its special meaning。Red stands for passion,green symbolizes peace,blue indicates calmness, white signifies purity。 The painters can use their colors to outline the while world,the cameraman can shoot the mixed world by their camera。 The rainbow is made up of 7 colors。The white contents 7 colors。The tricolor,posed by red, yellow, and blue, can produce every color in the world。 In the variety of colors, I like white most, not only it is a simply color, but also it is a symbol of neatness。 The white is the most popular color in wedding, because it stands for the pure love。The snow is white,it symbolizes the beautiful angel drop to our world。 Another reason, I like white most, is that it indicates blank。 You can image all on it。


高考英语作文范文6篇 高考英语作文范文6篇 1高考英语 1. 时间与地点:4月10日,大青山(Daqing Mountain); 2. 活动的过程; 3. 你对于这次活动的评论。 注意: 1. 词数120左右。 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 In order to encourage the students to take outdoor exercise, our school organized a mountain-climbing on April 10. Hundreds of us took part in it. It was a nice day. At 8:00 am, we gathered at the foot of Daqing Moutain and set out for the top in high spirits. All the way we were chatting, singing and laughing, enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful scenery. When some fell behind, others would come and offer help. About 2 hours later, we all reached the top. Bathed in sunshine, we jumped and cheered with joy. The activity benefited us a lot. Not only did it get us close to nature and give us relaxation from heavy school work, it also promoted the friendship among us. What a wonderful time! 2高考英语作文 你作为一名英语报刊的记者,对一次登山活动进行报道。 作文题中已经给出了基本的要求,展现你作文分数高度的就是你对活动的评论了。下面让我们来看看优秀的范文是如何处理这些细节性的东西的。 1. 时间与地点:4月10日,大青山(Daqing Mountain); 2. 活动的过程; 3. 你对于这次活动的评论。 注意:1. 词数120左右。2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


高考英语作文范文6篇 高考英语满分作文一般胜在行文清晰、准确、简洁三点,这就是公认的英语满分作文“黄金三定律”。为保证所写*清晰明了,一是越确切具体越好,二是组织结构富有逻辑性。下文是为你精心编辑整理的高考英语作文范文6篇,希望对你有所帮助,更多内容,请点击相关栏目查看,谢谢! 高考英语作文范文1 Planning Is Good ,But Doing Is Better Planning is good as it decides in detail how we do.However,a plan can bear no fruit without being actually carried out. My experience in the English speech contest last October is a case in point.A month before the event,I spent hours working out a schedule outlining my goals and practical steps.After that,I set out to read widely for an inspiring topic,wrote a speech,and practiced its delivery in beautiful pronunciation with good public speech skills.I finally came out of the contest as the first prize winner. I know how I achieved my success. It came from good planning and better doing combined.


高考英语作文范文10篇 下面是小编整理的高考英语作文范文,仅供参考。如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享,感谢你的阅读与支持! 高考英语作文:一封信英语作文参考范文 Dear Jane, Glad to hear from you and you’re welcome to China in July. The following are some Chinese customs. Firstly, we greet each other by saying “Hello” or asking such questions as “Where are you going?” or “Are you busy?” to express our care. Secondly, when praised, we reply with “Oh, no!” or “I’m over-praised” to show good manners. Next, when receiv ing a gift, we usually say “It’s unnecessary” besides “Thanks” to show politeness and then put it away. Finally, at dinner parties, we talk loudly and touch glasses when drinking to someone’s health or success to show that we’re warm. Anyhow, different cul tures, different customs. If you “Do as the Romans do when in Rome”, you’ll enjoy more of your stay here. I hope what’s mentioned above might be helpful and wish you a good journey. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 失败是一件坏事吗 Is Failure a Bad Thing? It is quite usual that one meets failures, for one's life can never be plain sailing. However, different people hold different attitudes towards failure. Some people think it a heavy blow to fail in achieving something and they can not endure failure. When they meet failure, they will be seriously dejected and can


高考优秀英语作文范文(优秀10篇) (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作资料、求职资料、报告大全、方案大全、合同协议、条据文书、教学资料、教案设计、作文大全、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! In addition, this shop provides you with various types of classic model essays, such as work materials, job search materials, report encyclopedia, scheme encyclopedia, contract agreements, documents, teaching materials, teaching plan design, composition encyclopedia, other model essays, etc. if you want to understand different model essay formats and writing methods, please pay attention!


推荐背诵的高考英语范文30篇 写人: 1.Our English Teacher Our English teacher,Ms Huang,came to our school in 1970. She has been an English teacher for more than 30 years。She works hard and has been a model teacher for many years。 She is kind and friendly to us after class, but She is rather strict with us in class。She always encourages us to speak and read more English。She often says,"Practice makes perfect.” She is good at teaching and tries her best to make every lesson lively and interesting。She often gives us slide shows, teaches us English songs and helps us to put on short English plays。 She is not only our teacher but also our friend。We all respect and love her. Tomorrow she is going to attend an important meeting, at which she will be given a medal for her advanced deeds。 2.My English Teacher Our English teacher, Mr. Wang, is a strongly built thirty—year-old man, who is often simply dressed。He has been teaching us English ever since he graduated from the English Department, Beijing Normal University in 1993. He devotes all his time and energy to teaching, often working late into the night preparing his lessons. He is capable of making his lessons lively and interesting,and all of us like his lessons. He is very strict with us but he shows us great concern。He offers us help whenever we need it。We all consider him not only as our good teacher but also as our close friend. We all respect and love him。 B.写物: 3.Our school Our school is located at the centre of Beijing, It is one of the largest schools in the city with over 2,000 students and about 200 teachers。Our school subjects include politics, Chinese,English,maths,history,geography, physics, chemistry and biology and so on。Most of us pay great attention to the study of English, Chinese and maths because they are very important subjects in the university entrance exam。We take special interest in English。We have spent much time on it, but we still find it difficult to learn the language well. In the afternoon when class is over, we enjoy staying at school for about one hour for some physical exercises before leaving for home。 4.My Home Village My home village is a small one。It's in Yuxian county of Shanxi Province。Small as it is, it's very beautiful. There are many hills around my home village and they are more beautiful than some big mountains. In spring,we can fly kites which are made by ourselves on the top of the hills. The kites fly very high. In summer, the trees are green and the grass is green,too。It is green everywhere on the hills。There are so many wild apple trees on the hills. The wild apples are nice to eat. In autumn, the corns under and around the hills are ripe。So we eat them almost every day. In winter, when it snows, all the ground is covered with snow。We can


英语作文高考范文(精选十三篇) (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!
