高等学校研究生英语系列教材 综合教程(上)熊海虹_B篇课文翻译Unit 1

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Lawyers practice a difficult and demanding profession.They expect to be well compensated. In thinking about what that means,it can help to consider the basic question,"why do we work?"Samuel Johnson supplied an obvious answer when he famously observed,"No man but a blockhead ever wrote,except for money." But I am not being paid to write this article,and instead of labeling myself a blockhead,let me refer to the insight of eminent psychologist Theodor Reik:"Work and love--these are the basics.Without them there is neurosis."


Why do we work?For money,but also for sanity. We expect and need to be compensated in nonmonetary ways. Noneconomic compensation matters to top-flight lawyers--otherwise,they would have long ago fled to investment banks. Law firms that want to recruit and retain the best (and the sanest) must compensate not only in dollars but also in psychic gratification. Accordingly,managers of elite firms need to think consciously about what lawyers are looking for beyond money. Here are some key noneconomic element of compensation.


Professional identity 专业的身份

Many lawyers define themselves with reference to the privileges and attributes of their profession . When firms recognize professional prerogatives, they provide an important form of compensation .


For example, lawyers pride themselves on belonging to a learned profession. By providing opportunities for continued intellectual growth, law firms can simultaneously provide a form of compensation and reinforce a core value of the profession. This isn’t hard to do. Organize and host seminars with leading scholars, support scholarship in-house with resources such as research assistance and create venues for lawyers to engage in serious discourse.


Another core professional value is autonomy. A law firm pays psychic compensation when it understands and accepts that in matters of professional judgment, lawyers are their own masters. In this regard,firms should encourage a diversity of approaches,letting each lawyer develop his or her own style of practice. Empowering lawyers in this way inculcates a heightened sense of personal responsibility, which in turn reinforces the drive for individual excellence.


Equally important to professional autonomy is that firms need to take care not to impinge on a lawyer’s exercise of considered professional judgment, even when that means refusing a clients. In appropriate circumstances, telling the client “No ”is an act of the highest professionalism. A lawyer is well-paid with
