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• a feeling of embarrassment when you do not understand sth and are not sure what to do in a situation 困窘;尴尬;局 促不安
• 他没吭声,侍者走来,动作 利索地把花瓶和撒了一桌子 的花拾掇了。
• “让它去吧,”他突然吩咐 侍者。“去我桌上添一副刀 叉。小姐同我共进午餐。”
• 我气急败坏地抬起头来说: “喔!不,这绝对不行!”
【解释】:上气不接下气, 狼狈不堪。形容十分慌张、 恼怒。
• 建议:我抬起头来,惊慌 失措地说
• He watched me over his lighter. 'You've grown up a bit since I saw you last, haven't you?' he said. 'I wonder what you have been doing. Leading Frank Crawley up the garden path?' He blew a cloud of smoke in the air. 'I say, do you mind asking old Frith to get me a whisky and soda?'I did not say anything.I went and rang the bell. He sat down on the edge of the sofa, swinging his legs, that half-smile on his lips.
The Brief Analysis of
by 李俊 & 罗秀英
Author Daphne Du Maurier
• 20世纪英国著名悬疑浪漫女 作家,英国皇家文学会会员, 1969年被授予英帝国女爵士 勋章。
• Jamaica Inn 《牙买加客栈》 Mary Anne《玛丽.安妮》 The Scapegoat 《替罪羊》
• They tumbled out, the
觉得说不出来的别扭。 一刹那之间,我甚至想 用“来劲”这个词儿形 容他的为人。
idiotic words, just as I
had imagined them. I was
stiff and awkward; in a
意想不到地或突然地出现 [crop]。如:这个问题还未 解决,那个问题又蹦出来了
• He said nothing, and then the waiter arrived and whipped away the vase and the sprawling flowers.
'Leave that,' he said suddenly, 'and lay another place at my table. Mademoiselle will have luncheon with me.'I looked up in confusion. 'Oh, no,' I said, 'I couldn't possibly.'
林,程:在我的想象中, 这是两个毫无意义的字,
going by the later train, and
now she wants to catch the
earlier one, and I was afraid I shouldn't see you again. I felt I must see you before I left, to thank you.'
• with no people living there; not inhabited 无人居住的; 无人烟的;荒凉的
• 林,程:昨晚,我梦见自己 又回到了曼陀丽庄园。恍惚 中,我站在那扇通往车道的 大铁门,好一会儿被挡在门 外进不去。铁门外挂着把大 锁,还系了根铁链。我在梦 里大声叫唤看门人,却没人 答应。于是我就凑近身子, 隔着门上生锈的铁条朝里张 望,这才明白曼陀丽已经已 是①阒寂无人的空宅。
• 蔡:……②静寂无人…… • ①死寂,幽静断绝,寂灭。 • ②没有声音 ;安静,很静
• 建议:锈迹斑斑的铁条
水流翻腾 ;走开,离开(含斥责意):~出去!
• 'What on earth are you talking about?' he asked.'It's true, we're leaving today. We were
• 1907-1990
• 译林出版社:林智玲 程德 • 中国致公出版社:蔡晓英
the novel
• I ( present wife ) • Mr De Winter (the host of Manderley ) • Rebecca (ex-wife) • Mrs Danvers(the housekeeper of
Manderley ) • Manderley
• Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again. It seemed to me I stood by the iron gate leading to the drive, and for a while I could not enter, for the way was barred to me. There was a padlock and chain upon the gate. I called in my dream to the lodgekeeper, and had no answer, and peering closer through the rusted spokes of the gate I saw that the lodge was uninhabited.
moment I should say he
had been ripping.
to move or fall somewhere
in a relaxed, uncontrolled, or noisy way 翻滚;打滚; 翻腾;轻松地倒下
• a feeling of embarrassment when you do not understand sth and are not sure what to do in a situation 困窘;尴尬;局 促不安
• 他没吭声,侍者走来,动作 利索地把花瓶和撒了一桌子 的花拾掇了。
• “让它去吧,”他突然吩咐 侍者。“去我桌上添一副刀 叉。小姐同我共进午餐。”
• 我气急败坏地抬起头来说: “喔!不,这绝对不行!”
【解释】:上气不接下气, 狼狈不堪。形容十分慌张、 恼怒。
• 建议:我抬起头来,惊慌 失措地说
• He watched me over his lighter. 'You've grown up a bit since I saw you last, haven't you?' he said. 'I wonder what you have been doing. Leading Frank Crawley up the garden path?' He blew a cloud of smoke in the air. 'I say, do you mind asking old Frith to get me a whisky and soda?'I did not say anything.I went and rang the bell. He sat down on the edge of the sofa, swinging his legs, that half-smile on his lips.
The Brief Analysis of
by 李俊 & 罗秀英
Author Daphne Du Maurier
• 20世纪英国著名悬疑浪漫女 作家,英国皇家文学会会员, 1969年被授予英帝国女爵士 勋章。
• Jamaica Inn 《牙买加客栈》 Mary Anne《玛丽.安妮》 The Scapegoat 《替罪羊》
• They tumbled out, the
觉得说不出来的别扭。 一刹那之间,我甚至想 用“来劲”这个词儿形 容他的为人。
idiotic words, just as I
had imagined them. I was
stiff and awkward; in a
意想不到地或突然地出现 [crop]。如:这个问题还未 解决,那个问题又蹦出来了
• He said nothing, and then the waiter arrived and whipped away the vase and the sprawling flowers.
'Leave that,' he said suddenly, 'and lay another place at my table. Mademoiselle will have luncheon with me.'I looked up in confusion. 'Oh, no,' I said, 'I couldn't possibly.'
林,程:在我的想象中, 这是两个毫无意义的字,
going by the later train, and
now she wants to catch the
earlier one, and I was afraid I shouldn't see you again. I felt I must see you before I left, to thank you.'
• with no people living there; not inhabited 无人居住的; 无人烟的;荒凉的
• 林,程:昨晚,我梦见自己 又回到了曼陀丽庄园。恍惚 中,我站在那扇通往车道的 大铁门,好一会儿被挡在门 外进不去。铁门外挂着把大 锁,还系了根铁链。我在梦 里大声叫唤看门人,却没人 答应。于是我就凑近身子, 隔着门上生锈的铁条朝里张 望,这才明白曼陀丽已经已 是①阒寂无人的空宅。
• 蔡:……②静寂无人…… • ①死寂,幽静断绝,寂灭。 • ②没有声音 ;安静,很静
• 建议:锈迹斑斑的铁条
水流翻腾 ;走开,离开(含斥责意):~出去!
• 'What on earth are you talking about?' he asked.'It's true, we're leaving today. We were
• 1907-1990
• 译林出版社:林智玲 程德 • 中国致公出版社:蔡晓英
the novel
• I ( present wife ) • Mr De Winter (the host of Manderley ) • Rebecca (ex-wife) • Mrs Danvers(the housekeeper of
Manderley ) • Manderley
• Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again. It seemed to me I stood by the iron gate leading to the drive, and for a while I could not enter, for the way was barred to me. There was a padlock and chain upon the gate. I called in my dream to the lodgekeeper, and had no answer, and peering closer through the rusted spokes of the gate I saw that the lodge was uninhabited.
moment I should say he
had been ripping.
to move or fall somewhere
in a relaxed, uncontrolled, or noisy way 翻滚;打滚; 翻腾;轻松地倒下