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What is the social problem caused by illegal immigration and

How should illegal immigrants be treated?

By Space

The current situation and the causes

Man is a kind of constant migration creature. Human beings have migrated because of environment, the growth of population, the development of production and other factors. But the phenomenon of millions migration is occurred after the Middle Ages.

According to a research from The United Nations Population Division,there are two hundred million immigrants all over the world. From the view of immigrants, America is the one of the best destination for them. The number of immigrants in America reaches 38 million in 2008, while 11.1million of them are illegal immigrants. i

“1/2 of illegal immigrants are persons who entered the US legally but then overstayed the terms of temporary visas.”ii Recently, a survey shows, more than 25% illegal immigrants have studied in universities, and 60% of them gets the diplomas, some even get the bachelor’s or doctor’s degree. But most of the Mexican immigrants aren’t well educated. As a result, m ost anti-illegal immigration sentiment treats the unskilled Mexican immigrant laborers as their target.

Most of the illegal immigrants are from Latin America, followed by Mexico. Though the numbers of Mexicans are significant, European and Asian groups have also migrated to the United States illegally. “In fact, late-19th- and early-20th-century illegal Chinese and European immigrants' experiences can be considered precursors to the current Mexican experience.” iii

California, considered as a sunny state, is one of the best choices for the illegal immigrants in America. In 2002, one third of them stay in California, three times more than those in New York, according to a census data from the summary statistics.


The illegal immigrants have made contributions to the developing of economy, but they also cause problems to the western countries. As a result, the voice of against the immigrants is much stronger during these years.

The response of the local people

The problems caught by illegal immigration will seem tame and transparent compared with the public response to those immigrants.

Illegal immigration has been a serious problem in NAFTA, especially along the US-Mexico border. Immigration flows due to changes in the source nation or due to policy, directly affects the labor market. v The unemployment rate of local Americans who are poorly or insufficiently educated has rocketed. Some sectors of economy and some businesses are becoming dependent on illegal immigrant labor, like the booming home construction business.

According to a report of CNN, direct expenses on illegal immigration consume 70 billion dollars of the taxpayers every year, to say nothing of the indirect expenses.

Illegal immigrants approach the land dreaming of the happy life they will lead there, but are soon disillusioned. They are confronted with such issues as discrimination from the government and society in the aspects of their employment and education, pay-skimping or pay-defaulting. Too many of them, after having been driven from pillar to post in this way, take to crime. And there are even more crimes and drug dealings at the border.

Americans have always been proud of the rule of law. But it just doesn’t work when it comes to the problem of immigration. Citizens’ satisfaction of the government has been decreasing. They keep complaining about the security, exerting pressure to the government.

Attentions to the illegal immigration will never reduce. Illegal immigration is still a key issue to the stability of American society. And so far all attempts to sort out legal immigration have been swamped by Congress's inability to deal with the illegal
