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Enquiry (询盘)1、简介:

在国际商务中,要经过多次谈判洽商才能达成一致协议,而其中的流程包括:询盘(Enquiry)报盘(Offer)还盘(Counter-offer)。 2、释义:

“询盘”是指交易的一方欲买、卖某项商品向交易方的另一方询问买、卖该项商品的各项交易条件的一种表示。包括一般询盘(General Enquiry)和具体询盘(Specific Enquiry)。而一般询盘指买方或卖方向对方索取商品目录、价目表、样品等,具体询盘指买方或卖方就指定商品要求对方发盘。询盘信函要求简短,具体,合理,有礼貌。








4、Usefull words ,phrases and sentences

Enquiry /Inquiry:(n.) act of requesting information, especially

on the availablity of specify products.询盘

Sample: (n.)specimen,something taken from a lot to show what the rest is like.样品。

Regular:(adj.) periodic;occuring at a fixed intervals.定期的,稳定的,正常的

Quotation: (n,)amount stated as current price on sale 报价

Catalogue(AME Catalog)(n.):a printed list or booklet of goods with necessary descriptions 商品目录

Trial:(adj.) attempted/advanced on a provisional/experimental basis 尝试的,临时的,试验的

Provided:(conj.) on condition(that);if 如果,假设

Workable:(adj.) feasible;capable of being worked 可行的

Dealer :(n.) someone who sells or buys a particular product,businessman 商人

Demand :(n.) call for commodity by consumers 需求

Discount :(n.) deduction from nomial value or price 折扣

Favorable price优惠的价格

Illustrated catalogue 附有图片说明的商品目录

Learn from…that For export

For your information A stead demand Of high quality

开头1、We have got your name and address through the introduction of our friend······经朋友····得知贵公司的名称和地址。

2、During the Chinese Import&Export Commodities Fair held last week ,we had the pleasure of visiting your booth and are greatly interested in your products .在上周举行的中国进出口商品交易会中,我们有幸参观贵公司的展位,并且对贵公司的产品深感兴趣。

3、Canton Fair has informed us that you are exporters of ····


4、We are impressed by the selection of overcoats that were displayed in your showroom at the 106th China Import&Export Fair in Guangzhou.广州举行的第106届中国进出口商品交易会(广交会)上,我们对贵方展台上展示的大衣系列服装很感兴趣。

5、We read with interest your advertisement in China Daily and should be glad to receive your products’ particulars of your tender .我方对你方刊登在《中国日报》上的广告深感兴趣,如果能收到你方投标书上产品的详细资料,我们将很高兴。

6、We learn from your advertisement in China Trade Directory that you are producing Chinese for export. We are quite interested

in your product.

7、We are informed that you have a stock of textile product for export. 获悉你方有一批待出口的纺织产品。


4、As you know , we are a major importer and distributor for the (captioned) commodity in China , and we have many years’ experience in this particular line of business .


5、We are large dealers in ···and have had business connections with business men from many countries and regions.我们在···产品上是很大的经销商,并且与很多国家和地区商人建立有商业关系。

1、We would like to know about\if ····我们想了解有关·····

2、Please could you give us further detail about ····请给我们更多有关····的信息。

3、I was wondering if you could inform us about ····我不知道你是否能告知我们关于······

6、We are interested in your new product ···and shall be pleased to have a cataloge and price list .我们对贵公司的新产品···感兴趣,希望能寄来贵公司的产品目录和价格表。

7、Kindly quote us your lowest prices for the goods listed below.请将下列货品的最低价格赐知。

22、We hope that you could quote us the lowest price for cotton (产品名).

23、Please quote us 100M/T CFR price. 请报100公吨成本加运费价。

8、Would you please send us some samples with quotation ? 敬请惠寄报价单和样品,可否?

9、Will you please let us have a ruling price list of the goods ? / Would you please send us a list of up-to-date/current prices of goods ?请惠寄最新价目表。

11、As we are in the market for····, we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotations.我们对····有需求,如果你们能给我们最好的价格,我们将很高兴。

16、Please inform us the quantity that can be supplied from stock . 请告诉我方可供现货的数量。

17、Can you make us an additional discount of three percent ? 你们能否再给我们3% 的折扣?

18、Please let us know your best terms and discount or cash payment .请告知我方以现金付款的优惠条款和折扣比例。

20、Would you please send us as soon as possible your illustrated catalogue the latest price list, together with any samples

you can let us have?

21、Would you kindly send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue and some samples with further information? We shall be obliged

if you could also quote your lowest CIF Liverpool(FOB/CFR/CIF+港口), stating earliest date of shipment.

14、There is a promising market here for moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned .


15、There is a great demand for the products of superior quality at reasonable prices .


10、If your price is workable , our buyer intends to place a trial order .如果你们的价格可行,我们的买方就会试订货物。19、We should book a trial order with you , provided you will give us a 5% commission .假如贵方给5% 的佣金,我们将向您们


20、If your price is competitive, we will consider placing an order for 5,000 pairs(数量) with you.

12、We are likely to place a large order with you if the quality of your product is acceptable and your price is favorable .


13、If your prices are more favorable than those of other suppliers , we might place the other immediately .


