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唐伯虎点秋香 (1993) 家有喜事 (1992) 情圣 (1991)
武状元苏乞儿 (1992) 非洲和尚 (1991) 赌侠 (1991) 小偷阿星 (1990) 一本漫画闯天涯 (1990) 义胆群英 (1989) 捕风汉子 (1988)
逃学威龙Ⅰ (1991) 望夫成龙 (1990) 赌圣 (1990) 流氓差婆 (1989) 最佳女婿 (1988)
In 1988, Chow played one of the leads in the movie Final Justice (Pili Xianfeng), winning Best Supporting Actor at the Taiwan Academy Awards. It was his first film. He had his first starring role in 1990 in a Chow Yun-Fat spoof: All for the Winner (Du Sheng) and started excelling in the comedy genre.
他对儿童节目并不感兴趣,这使他非常痛苦。但是他 的表现非常出色,并一直主持了5年。 几年之后,他参加了许多节目,最终进入了戏剧圈, 从此出了名。
• In his career, the first few years. he did not go just played some supporting roles .跑龙套
在20世纪90年代,周星驰正式成为香港头牌电影演员,收入也达到了成龙的两倍。从 1990年到1993年,他总共出演了29部电影。 周星驰在《赌圣》中的风格被称为“无厘头”。正是这种风格使他成为90年代最受欢迎的 喜剧演员。
He challenged the first director of his James Bond spoof From Beijing with Love (Guochan 007) (1994). He became more concerned with the production side of movie-making with the Journey to the West (Dahua Xiyou). And, he directed and starred in Shaolin Soccer (Shaolin Zuqiu), which was successful both in China and in the US.
贫穷家庭长大的周星驰自儿童时期即开始练习武术, 一直希望能够拍一部真正的功夫电影。 其结果就是历时三年的武术题材的喜剧电影《功夫》。
• Classic lines 经典台词
• “曾经有一份真诚的爱情摆在我的面前,我没有珍惜,等到失去的时候才 追悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事情莫过于此。如果上天能够给我一个重新来 过的机会,我会对那个女孩子说三个字:‘我爱你’。如果非要给这份爱 加上一个期限,我希望是,一万年。”《大话西游》
little buddies
How to become an actor
The actor's self-discipline
Who is he?
In his childhood, he was fascinated by Bruce Lee, much like other children his age. Stephen Chow was nine years old in 1971 when Bruce Lee’s triumphant Hong Kong film, The Big Boss debuted.

• • •
His films
功夫 (2004) 千王之王2000 (1999) 行运一条龙 (1998) 食神 (1996) 少林足球 (2001)
film do you like the best?
龙在天涯 (2000) 喜剧之王 (1999) 破坏之王 (1994) 算死草 (1997) 百变星君 (1995) 逃学威龙2 (1992) 一本漫画闯天下II 妙想天开 (1993) 九品芝麻官之白面包青天 (1994) 无敌幸运星 (1990) 赌侠Ⅱ之上海滩赌圣 (1991) 新精武门1991 (1991) 龙的传人 (1990) 江湖最后一个大佬 (1990) 风雨同路 (1989) 盖世豪 (1987)
少林足球 (2001)
喜剧之王 (1999)
喜剧之王 (1999)
食神 (1996)
国产凌凌漆 (1994)
月光宝盒 (1994)
破坏之王 (1994)
• 部 分 电 影 剧 照 Movie Stills
In fact ,I am a actor
其实我是一个演员 He take this belief on his mind,and never give up his dream.His story tell us:“You have to believe in yourself,that’s the secret of success.”
• 相信自己,坚持梦想
Thank you!
1982年高中毕业之后,周星驰报名参加香港TVB表演学校,但是自己却没有被录取。不过, 他还是通过一个熟人参加了夜校。第二年,他被选中,成为一档儿童节目“430穿梭机”的主持 人。
He was not fond of children, which made it difficult for him, but his performance went over well and he stayed on the show for five years. For several years after that, he worked on a variety of programs, and moved into drama, becoming even more popular.
他的第一部自导自演的电影是詹姆士· 邦德类型的电影《国产零零七》(1994)。 《大话西游》表明,他更加专注于电影制作方面。他还导演了《少林足球》,并在其中扮 演主角,在中国和美国都取得了成功。
Stephen Chow, who has been practicing martial arts as an amateur since he was a boy, growing up in a poor family in Hong Kong, hopes to make a really Kongfu movie. The result is Kong Fu Hustle, a martial arts comedy movie that has been three years in the making.

.“小强!小强你点呀小强!小强你不要死呀!我和你相 依为命、同甘共苦了这么多年,一直将你当作是亲生骨 肉来供书教学,想不到今日白头人送黑头人!”《唐伯 虎点秋香》
周星驰:你来这里干什么?赵薇:我想帮你们比赛。 周星驰:你怎么帮?你快点回火星吧,地球是很 危险的。《少林足球》 我左青龙,右白虎,老牛在腰间,龙头在胸口,人挡 杀人,佛挡杀佛!--《唐伯虎点秋香》 你看你的发型,完全不配合你的脸型脸型又不配合身型,身 型又和发型完全不搭,而且极度不配合啊!!欢哥!你究竟 要怎么样啊 ! <<算死草>> 屎,你是一滩屎。命比蚁便宜。我开奔驰,你挖鼻屎。吃饭!?吃屎吧你! 喜欢一个人需要理由吗?需要吗?不需要吗?需要吗?《大话西游》 人是人他妈生的,妖是妖他妈生的,只要你有一颗善良的 心就不再是妖,是人妖。《大话西游 》
1988年,周星驰在《霹雳先锋》中扮演了角色,并 获得了台湾金马奖(Academy Awards)。这是他的第一 部电影。 1990年,他在周润发风格的电影《赌圣》中扮演主 角,并开始转入喜剧领域。
Chow became the number one Hong Kong film actor of the 1990s, earning more than Jackie Chan by as much as two times. He made 29 films from 1990 to 1993. Chow’s style at the time of All for the Winner was called “Makes No Sense (wulitou)”. This style established his popularity in the 90s as a comic actor.
西游记大结局之仙履奇缘 (1994) 逃学正传 (1998) 97家有喜事 (1997) 回魂夜 (1995) 济公 (1993) 群星会 (1992)
大内密探零零发 (1996)
逃学威龙Ⅲ之龙过鸡年 (1993) 鹿鼎记 (1992) 审死官 (1992)
鹿鼎记2-神龙教 (1992) 漫画威龙 (1992) 整蛊专家 (1991) 赌霸 (1991) 师兄撞鬼 (1990) 咖哩辣椒 (1990) 龙凤茶楼 (1990) 霹雳先锋 (1988)
小时候,他与同时代的孩子们 一样,对李小龙非常着迷。 1971年李小龙的著名电影《唐 山大兄》上映的时候,周星驰才9岁
In 1982, he graduated from high school and auditioned for an acting school run by TVB, a Hong Kong television station where he was rejected. His friend 'Wise' Lee ChiHung (The Legend of the Swordsman, John Woo's 'A Better Tomorrow') helped him out and he was allowed to take night classes. He graduated in 1983 and was hired to host a children's television program called 'Space Shuttle 430' .