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Translate the founction words directly and blindly • If we translate the founction words (conjunction, preposition and pronoun) directly and blindly,the result is ———— • 当当作响(when) • 的的不休(定语) • 和和不停(and) • 它它不绝(pronoun) • 被被层叠(passive voice)
• It is not so much the actual population of the world but its rate of increase which is impotrant. • 原译:重要的不在于当今世界人口之多, 而在于其增长率 • 改译:值得重视的倒不是世界人口的现状, 而是其增长率。
• Helen was relieved when she went back home and saw the diamond still locked in the safe • 原译:当海伦回到家看见和看到那颗钻石 仍然锁在保险柜的时候,她放了心。 • 改译:海伦回到家里,看见那颗钻石仍然 缩在保险柜里,就放心了
• He says he hasn't got any money when in fact he's got thousands of dollars in his account. • 原译:他说他没钱当事实上他的账户中有 几千美元的时候。 • 改译:他说他没钱,然而事实上他的账户 有几千美元。
The other side: no semantic logic, usually makes readers confused.
语义不通,往往让读者不知所云,甚至把读者引上 歧路。 Example: (1)They draw no distinctions and recognize no classes; they are merely American. (C. Quinn: “The Jeaning of American”) A: 它们没有什么区别,也不分什么阶级;它们仅仅 是美国人的。 B: 这种裤子对人不分贵贱,不讲等级,只要是美国 人都可以穿。
The syndromes of tranalationese
Translationese 1:Use the translation of
words in dictionary blindly照搬英汉词典是释义
Use the translation of words in dictionary blindly when we do some translations, if we don't go throught the context to estimate what the words exactly means,and use the translation of words in dictionary blindly and directly,that will cause translationese. • Exact equivalents • Polysemous word • Dare not over the top half step
EΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduample
All right, I'll go to the meeting, but only under protest. Several demonstrators protesting against cuts in health spending were arrested. But the protests that he knows noting about the guns or the explosives. 1反抗,抗议,反对; 2坚决地表示,申辩,断言; 3无奈,不服气,不甘心。 He crashed down on a protesting chair. 译文:他猛地往下一坐,椅子被压得抗议似的吱呀作响。
Use the translation of words in dictionary blindly
I believed then that I would die there,and I saw with a terrible clarity the things of the valley below. 原译:这时我觉得我要死在那儿了,而且清 晰得可怕地看见了下面山谷里的景物。 改译:这时我觉得我要死在那儿了,而下面 山谷里的景致却看得异常清晰
Pay attention to the polysemous word
• Just give me a haircut today. It won't do any good to set it because I am going swimming at Lake Floride this afternoon any way. • 原译:你今天帮我把头发随便剪一下。让 它老是垂下来不好,因为就在今天下午我 要去佛罗里达湖游泳。 • 改译:你今天把我头发剪一剪就行了。做 成发型也百搭,因为今天下午不管怎样我 都要去佛罗里达湖游泳。
He started to shout and sing. 原译:他开始喊叫和唱歌。 改译:他开始大声喊唱。 He was so young that you must excuse him. 原译:他是如此年轻以至于你得原谅他。 改译:他那么年轻,你们还是原谅他吧。
Exact equivalents
• We can't always find the exact equivalents between the source language and target language. • uncle=叔父,伯父,舅父,姑父 • consin=表兄,表弟,表妹,表姐,堂兄堂 弟,堂姐,堂妹 • 亲家母=the mother of one's daughter-inlaw or son-in-law(paraphrase,not exact equivalents words)
Examples: ⑴When the lady ticket-seller saw me, her otherwise attractive face turned sour, violently so. (J.H. Griffin:“ Into Mississippi”) A: 当女售票员看见我时,她那在其他情况下 还挺妩媚的面孔突然变色,变得怒气冲冲。 B:女售票员一见到我,原本颇为动人的面孔 刷地一沉,变得煞是难看。
3. How to conquer the translationese.
Concepts of translationese
Meaning: is shown the bad habits or improper practices during doing the translation. 翻译症就是在翻译过程中表现出来的种 种不好习惯或者不恰当的方法 Main character: style poor , means the translation is unnatural, laborious, and difficult to understand. 文笔拙劣,即翻译出来的东西不自然,不 流畅,生硬或者晦涩难懂
Translationese 2:Translate the
function words directly and blindly照搬原文功能词
• English is a language of hypotaxis(形合), Chinese is a language of parataxis(意合). • Hypotaxis: the dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses with connectives. • Parataxis: the juxtaposition of clauses or phrases without the use of coordinating or subordinating conjunctions.
1. Concepts of translationese.
2. The syndromes of tranalationese.
• • • • Use the translation of words in dictionary blindly. Translate the function words directly . Follow or Copy the Textual Word Order. Follow or Copy Textual Expression.
Some Examples
It was an old and ragged moon. A: 那是一弯又老又破的月亮。 B: 那是一弯下弦残月。 He blurred the ink on the letter with his tears. A: 他的眼泪把信上的墨水弄得模糊不清。 B: 他的眼泪把信上的字迹弄得模糊不清。 Improve Your Study Habits. A: 改进你的学习方法。 B: 养成好的学习习惯。
One side: language does not read smoothly, which is on the contrary of the Standardization of Chinese and corrupts the reader’s interest in reading. 语言不顺,既违背了汉语语言的规范,也败 坏了读者的阅读兴趣
(2)The old scientist is physically weak but mentally good. A: 老科学家身体虽弱,但思想健康。 B: 老科学家身体虽弱,但精神尚佳。 (3)There is the bell, someone is at the door. A: 那里有个铃:有人在门口。 B: 铃响了,有人在叫门。 4)It is now thought that the more work we give our brain, the more work they are able to do. A: 现在人们认为,我们让脑子工作的越多,他就能 干更多的工作。 B: 现在人们认为,脑子越用越好用。
(2) If the Unite States betrays the millions of people who have relied on us in Vietnam, the President of the Unite States, whoever he is, will not deserve nor receive the respect. A: 如果美国背叛了信任我们的千百万越南人 民,那么无论谁担任美国总统,他都不值 得尊敬,也得不到尊敬。 B: 如果美国背叛了千百万在越南问题上信赖 我们的人,那么无论谁担任美国总统,他 都不值得尊敬,也得不到尊敬。
Dare not over the top half step
• I hate jogging. • 原译:我讨厌慢跑 改译:我讨厌跑步 • Canade has Prime Minister( in addition to the Governor-General)…… • 原译:加大那有一个“首相”(除了英国 领地的总督外)…… 改译:加拿大有总理(除了总督之 外)……