商务英语口语unit 1.ppt

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
• Can you name some cities in Chagjiang Delta Region or Zhujiang Delta Region?
Key points for Hotel
• What are the general steps of living in a hotel? 1 Booking Make a reservation online or by call. What should we take while checking in?
• • • • • • • Available Tuesday Extra bed Shangri-la Sheraton Service
Good usages
• • • • • • 1 .when do you provide laundry service? 2. I think Wuhan is big and modern. 3. the long trip made me tired. 4i wish you would enjoy the time here. 5.have a good time. 6.Have you ever been to …?
• Direct distributor • Investor • Sales agent 总经销商 直销商 投资方 销售代理 直接代理
Dialogue 3 :key points
• I have an appointment with John Smith
• I have a better picture of… want to meet vs. • IJohn Smith
• I know… • We are waiting for you.
• We are expecting you.
Key points
• Comprehensive distribution network • Mutual interest • Trade agreement • A letter of appointment • Literature 共同利益
words in Watson
• personal care
• health care 连锁店 个人护理 健康护理 美容护理
• beauty care
• chain store
words in Watson
Macau Mainland Malaysia Singapore Philippines Turkey
• It’s on me. • I’ll treat you guys. • Would you recommend something special?
Tailand Indonesia
South Korea
words in L'oreal
cosmetics skin care sun protection make-up perfume hair care 头发护理 防晒 化妆品 皮肤护理 化妆品 香水
Student work:sales manager
• I’m satisfied with your introduce. • Our company thinks… • There are many people in China,and they are rich. • We are a professional .
Good usages
• Our company has a wide range of customers. • Our products covers a more widely scope. • Our pricing is relatively low compared with Watsons's/L’oreal product. • Our advantages are large costomers,high quality of goods, and great service.
• This is my first time to Wuhan. • I know this is your first time come to Wuhan. • You must fall in love with Wuhan. • Have you ever gone to Wuhan? • May I ask you some questions? • OK,ask me. • I’ll take you
• • • • • • • • • Registered Potential Cosmetics Specialized Perfume Chain store Concentrating Mutual Manager compared with satisfy
Mistakes and sayings
• 6 Why does Thompson Dongwan rely on Thompson Nanjing? • 7 What kind of company is Nelson Office Outfitters?
Key points
• Direct agent • General distributor
• 2 Why does Marcus come to china?
Dialogue 1
• 3.Who is Joseph Liu?
• 4.What does he suggest to Marcus?
Dialogue 1
• 5 Who is Jennie Wang? Why does she go to Pudong International Airport?
presidential suite
Name of dishes
Diced chicken with peanuts
Fish-flavored eggplant Roasted duck
Dialogue 2 :key points
Useful expressions at the restaurant
Key points for check in
What should we take while checking in?
(domestic)Items you might need: Id card (oversea)Items you might need: passport
Confirmation letter
2 Check in
Detailed booking
• 1 what should you pay attention when you are booking the hotel? (group discussion)
The level of the hotel The type of the room The network of the room The type of payment (discounts) The deadline of check-in time.
03 Mistakes :
• • • • • • 1.laundry service 2.available 3.reservation 4.desert 5.recommend 6.Sheraton
03 Mistakes:
• • • • • 1.if there have set lunch? 2.what laundry service you have? 3.I prefer to coffee. 4.i’ll take the way for you. 5.i come to Wuhan first.
It will be easy for both of us …
E.g. ‘you don’t have the number of your business partner .’ you can say…
Key words
• Delta • E .g. Chagjiang Delta Region/Zhujiang Delta Region
Useful expression for ordering food • What would you like to order? • What would you recommend? table manners(culture shock视频)
Room type
Room type
Room type
Confirmation letter
Dialogue 2 :Warm up
• 1.What does Jennie and Marcus order for lunch? • 2 who calls Jennie when she has lunch with Marcus?
Dialogue 2 :key points
委托书 资料 贸易协定
Unit 1
phrases in dialogue 3
运营公司 互惠互利 概述 签合同
try out
duty and rights benefit from each other have been in business outline /briefly introduce sign a contract run the company
Oral Business English Unit 1 Reception
Dialogue 1:At the airport
Dialogue 2:At the restaurant
Dialogue 3:Introducing companies
Biblioteka Baidu
Dialogue 1 :Warm up
• 1 who is Marcus Rodgers? Where is he from?
Key points
1. we assume that…
We think …
E.g. ‘your business partner has never been in Wuhan.’ You can say… 2.It will be convenient for both of us …
• • • • • We are professional in… We are specialized in …. We are the largest… Our company enjoys… What else would you like to know about?
Pay attention to these words
• 3 Who is the general sales agent for Thompson Dongwan? • 4 What does Thompson Dongwan manufacture?
Dialogue 3 :Warm up
• 5 What kind of staff does Thompson Dongwan have?
结账 索取发票
Check,please Can you give me an invoice with our company’s title?
13 1-2-3-4进度
Dialogue 3 :Warm up
• 1 Who is Robert Lee?
• 2 Can Marcus be the sales agent in North America for Thompson Dongwan? Why?