口腔正畸学 矫治器和矫治技术

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Herbst appliance
Jasper Jumpers Eureka springs
Maxillary jackscrew expansion appliance
( combined with surgical release of zygomatic buttresses )
Herbst 矫治器 ( 咬合前移器 )
Functional appliances 功能性矫正器
Removable or fixed 活动式或固定式
Bionator 生物调节器
Twin-Block Appliance
引用功能性矫正器须顺应患者的生长 -容许“ 髁突的适应性变化”
Frankel Regulator 功能调节器
Internal distractor
3 arms on body of mandible; one arm on the teeth
Internal distractor
Pan showing distractors in place 全口曲面断层片显示骨分离的位置
Maxillary advancement with LeFort I distraction
2. 矫形矫正器
( 骨骼移动 )
( bone-moving )
3. Both orthodontic and orthopedic
3. 正畸、矫形联合 矫正器
Types of orthodontic appliances based on method of attachment 正畸矫正器的类型取决于所附着的方式
Jasper Jumpers矫治器 Eureka 弹簧 上颌扩大螺旋扩弓矫治器
(合并使用外科解除颧骨支 持)
Jasper Jumper 矫治器
Eureka springs
Illustrative case 病例示范
J.P.: Class II,div1
Pre-tx pan
A. 活动正畸矫正器
主动: 矫正前牙反合矫正器 矫正后牙反合矫正器
( 上颌扩弓矫正器 ) 间隙获得矫正器
被动: 保持器
矫正前牙反合矫正器 ( 同时扩大上颌牙弓 )
Space regaining appliance 间隙获得矫正器
#26 distalised
Removable retainers 活动保持器
1. Removable 2. Fixed 3. Removable-
1. 活动矫正器 2. 固定矫正器
3. 活动-固定联 合矫正器
Hence we have the following combinations:
A. Removable orthodontic appliances
Pre-&post protraction
Pre-& post-treatment cephs
Types of orthodontic appliances
based on effect of force applied
1. Orthodontic
1. 正畸矫正器
( tooth-moving ) ( 牙齿移动 )
2. Orthopedic
上颌前移伴上颌水平 向骨切开术骨分离
Appliances for Interceptive treatment of Class III malocclusions 用于安氏III类错合阻断性治疗的矫正器
Protraction facemasks 前牵引面罩
Chin-cups 颏兜
Protraction facemasks 前牵引面罩
B. Removable orthopedic appliances
C. Fixed orthopedic appliances
D. Fixed orthodontic appliances
E, F, G. Others
A. 活动正畸矫正器 B. 活动矫形矫正器 C. 固定矫形矫正器 D. 固定正畸矫正器 E, F, G. 其他矫正器
Using J.J.
Changed to Eureka springs
Pre-and post-tx cephs
Fixed maxillary expanders 固定上颌扩弓器
Jackscrew hyrex expander
Quadrihelix expander-fixed 固定式四圈簧扩大器
“Fixed-removable” omega expander “ 固定-活动式” 欧米笳曲 扩大器
The newest form of fixed orthopedics
Distraction Osteogenesis 骨分离成骨技术
Distraction osteogenesis in long bone
Essix retainer 隐形定位保持器
B. Removable orthopedic appliances 活动矫形矫正器
Also called
functional appliances
Many types and 有很多类型和名称: 肌 names: Activator, 激动器, 生物调节器, 功 Bionator, Functional 能矫正器, 功能调节器, Corrector, Frankel Bimler矫治器, Teucher Regulator, Bimler, 矫治器, 双合垫矫治器 Teucher, Twin Blocks
Buccal shields allow for arch expansion
颊屏容许牙弓 扩展
低位牵引 • Straight pull
平直牵引 High-pull
Байду номын сангаас
Hi-pull to maxillary splint 高位牵引到上颌牙夹板
C. Fixed orthopedic appliances 固定矫形矫正器