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Making a reference book
1. How many minority groups do we have in China? 2. Do you know any different cultures and customs between these groups?
拓展:account相关短语 open an account account for解释;占(比例);作令人满意的 交代
of great/no account很/不重要
on this/that account 由于这个/那个原因 I won’t be able to come on this account. on no account 绝不(位于句首时句子要倒装) On no account can we have it happen. on account of 由于,因为 The trains were delayed on account of snow. take sth. into account 考虑到,顾及 Coursework is taken into account as well as exam results.除考试结果外,课程作业也要计入成绩。
纳 西 族
傣 族
壮族 满 族
藏 族
回 族
3. What about the ethnic/minority groups in other countries in the world?
Scan and skim the four tours to find out in which countries these ethnic groups live. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the USA
Read the travel brochure and finish the table below: Ethnic In which What to Where Specific
group Inuit
to live
stay in tents
Canada seal, deer whale meet, fish
let/leave sb. alone别烦某人 let/leave sth. alone别碰某物;别管某事 let sb. down使某人失望;辜负某人 let out发出;放走,释放;(把衬衣、外套等)放大,放 长,加宽;说出秘密,泄密 let go 放开;放手
四维热练 (1)During the floods,the cars,trains and buildings could not survive, _______________the people who let alone stood in the way. 在洪水来临时,汽车、火车甚至建筑物都不
wear animal skin clothes,; take part in a Meat roasted live on Sun Dance; see natives the over an smoke a peace plains open fire pipe; a bow and arrow competition
四维热练 (1)Lack of money accounts for her not continuing her studies. (2)At first he hesitated on account of the expense. (3) We must account for every penny we spend during business trips. (4)You should on no account tell him, for it’s a secret.
Ethnic In What to Where group which eat to live country collect food from not the bush mention Abori- Australia and hunt -ed gine down holes for large snakes
In What Where which to eat to live country
Specific events
Ethnic In What group which to eat country
Where Specific to live events
Americ the -an USA Indians
meet with approval/success获得同意/成功 meet with disapproval/failure遭到反对/失败 meet with an accident/danger/death 遭遇事 故/危险/死亡
四维热练 (1)When I first learned to write in English,I met with many difficulties . 我刚开始学习英语写作时遇到了很多困难。 (2)He has overcome all the difficulties he met with . 他克服了所遇到的一切困难。
meet with会见,会晤;偶然碰见;遭遇(某事)(p47)
[经典例句] I am delighted to come to New York at the beginning of the New Year and meet with you, friends both old and new. 新年伊始,我很高兴能来到纽约和新老朋友们相聚。
have power over 控制,支配(p47)
[经典例句]No difficulty has power over you unless you give it that power. 没有任何困难可以控制你,除非你将控权交给它。 (1)beyond one’s power不能胜任,力所不及 out of one’s power不能胜任,力所不及 in/within one’s power在能力/权力之内 in power在掌权 (2)come into power(开始)掌权,上台 fall from power下野,下台
meet with遇见,偶遇,遭遇 have power over控制支配
peace pipe 和平烟斗
meat roasted over an open fire户外篝火上烧 烤的肉
1. While staying with the Inuit people you will have the chance … 在与因纽特人相处期间,你将有机会…… while staying… 状语从句的省略 e.g. Though working from morning till night, he earned little money. When working in the factory, he was an advanced worker. If playing all day, you will waste your valuable time.
Specific events have Aboriginal ceremonies; learn about the musical instruments and the boomerang
[ 'bu:məræŋ ]
Ethnic group
dance with the Maoris; fish Maoris New wooden eat food Zealand and houses cooked in sweet underground potatoes stoves and go night fishing
expectation n.期望,期待(p40) [经典例句] I am sure that I can perfectly live up to your
expectations.我肯定不会辜负你的期望。 (1)meet/live up to sb.’s expectations不负某人所望
(sb.) base A on B=A is based on B.
go on for hours make rules and laws
musical instruments乐器
be home to是...的家乡/发源地
It is believed that sb. ….=sb. is believed to do/to have done be remembered through their song and dance
beyond expectations料想不到
(2)expect vt.预料;期待 expect(sb.)to do sth.期待(某人)做某事 expect there to be as expected正如所料;不出所料 (3)unexpected adj.未料到的;意外的 unexpectedly adv.未料到地;意外地
the Sun Dance smoke a peace pipe
A bow and arrow [bəu] [‘ærəu] competition
different minΒιβλιοθήκη Baidurity cultures have the chance to do sth. hunt for food
stay in tents
let alone 更不用说(p41) [经典例句] No one has any idea of what the world will look like in ten years, let alone in 2070.
join large summer assemblies; take part in the dancing; listen to accounts of...;wear a special animal dance mask and learn to make native jewellery
Igloo [’iglu:]
clothes made from 由...制造得(肉 眼看不出) summer assembly夏日集会
traditional accounts of..传统的叙述/描述 take …into account.考虑 on account of 由于,因为 account for 解释,说明…./占...比例
2. … listen to traditional accounts of bravery, and play games. …聆听他们的传统英雄故事,还可以
account n. 说明,描述 ;账户
[经典例句] I gave an honest account of the students' work. 我如实地描述了学生的学习情况。
四维热练 用expect的正确形式填空 (1)You are expected to finish it in time. expectationof passing the exam. (2)He has little (3)The news may be unexpected ;nevertheless, it is true. (4)I came across him in the streetunexpectedly . (5)However,it was harder than expected .