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Shopper:How much is it? Shopkeeper:145. Shopper: Oh! That’s too much for me, I think. Can I have it cheaper? Shopkeeper: The price is reasonable because the quality is superior. Shopper:Could you give me more discounts? Shopkeeper: It’s worth every penny of it, I promise. Shopper:I’d admit that, but I wanna take it at less cost. Can I? Shopkeeper: You drive a hard bargain. I’m losing money on this. All right, 30 percent off. Shopper: Great. I’ll take it, thank you.
8.What's the lowest you're willing to go? 最低你能出什么价?
9. Come on, give me a break on this. 别这样,你就让点儿价吧。
10.It’s too expensive. I can’t afford it. 这个太贵了,我买不起
Shopkeeper: What can I do for you? Shopper: I need a dress. What’s your recommend? Shopkeeper: What’s for? Shopper:Casual wearing. Shopkeeper: Um, let me see... How about this one? I think it quite suits you. Shopper: Can I try it on? Shopkeeper: Of course. Here’s the fitting room. Shopper: Thank you. Shopper: I think it’s a little tight. Can I have a larger size? Shopkeeper: Sure. Shopper: What do you think? Shopkeeper: Frankly, it’s so on you. You’re gorgeous in this dress.
税最低额度消费,最最低也要满50镑,其增值税VAT达17.5%。通常设有专门的 TaxFree服务柜,带着户照填妥相应的资料后,在离开伦敦时,机场候机厅处拿取 现金,由于一些手续费,拿到手时差不多是原价的10%。当然集市购物便不能享 受这种待遇了。
Switzerland 瑞士
1、宝嘉尔的手表和珠宝 作为瑞士最大的手表和珠宝专家,宝嘉尔经销的豪华
21. Final clear out 22. For more information,contact our customer service desk 。 23. Free delivery to your door 24. Furniture sale now on 25. Half price sale 26. Hours of opening 27. Massive stock, clear out 28. Offer is subject to availability. 29. Open for business as usual 30. Opening soon
4.Let’s meet each other halfway. /Let’s split the difference. 让我们各让一点。
5.We can takeBiblioteka Baidu20% off. /We’ll give you a 20% discount. 我们可以给您打八折。
6. That's almost cost price. 这几乎是成本价了。
The U.K 英国
新年折扣力度 最低折扣能够在原价的基础上削减70%甚至更低,一般也都能打个对折。
英国的圣诞节打折时间通常为12月26日起到1月底。随着商家竞争的激烈,很 多品牌在11月就开始打折,不过1月份的清仓打折是最厉害的。
英国退税政策 在百货店或是精品专卖店购物时,可以享受退税。通常每家店都有不同的退
Dubai 迪拜
一年一度的“迪拜购物节”(DSF)一般在一月底二月间举办, 已成为一个世界性的节日。在国际航空运输协会公布的调查中, 迪拜机场连续几年蝉联全球最佳。其提供的奢华服务是其他机场 所不能比拟的。24小时营业的免税店聚集了全世界最时髦的商品, 而价格又是相对较低的,并常有超值礼品赠送;休息专区有32张 宽敞舒适的大沙发;餐饮区像国宴礼堂,提供25种风格的饮食。
America 美国
圣诞节最早就属于美国,圣诞老人,高高的圣诞树,更 重要的就是好像不要钱一样疯狂购物。大牌都在5折左右, 珠宝首饰都将有70%以上减价,运动器材中的跑步机有40% 的降价,其他的5到8折。当然,如果你有机会去夏威夷,那儿 有个全世界最大的免税店Gallarey,在那儿买东西是不加税 的,而其他地方买东西要加消费税。美国的电压是110伏的, 还有个带回来能不能用的问题。美国的手机特别便宜,再便 宜也别买,因为回到中国没法用。北京的商场营业时间长, 有早九点开门、晚十点关门的。美国的商场平常时间早上十 点开始营业,晚上9点钟打烊;奇怪的是休息日早上十一点才 开门,晚上六七点就送客;只有超市的营业时间稍长一点。 据说是因为美国人重视家庭生活,认为休息日应该早回家跟 家人团聚。
11. Buy any two together and save 10% off both products 12. Buy one and get anyone free 13. Buy two get one free 14. Children's wear 15. Closing sale 16. Computers in stock 17. Customer care is our top priority 18. Customer services 19. Easy to use and great value too. 20. Fill in your selection here and take to a pay point.
1. Hey, don't try to rip me off. I know what this is worth.
2. It's a little overpriced. 有点贵。
3. It’s too expensive /steep. 太贵了。
4. You ask too high a price. / I think you overcharged me.
40. Sale at breakdown price 41. Sale continues in store 42. Save up to 50% off 43. Save up to 40% 44. Save your money 45. Savings and discounts all around the store 46. 50% discount on selected items 47. Thank you for your custom. 48. Try before you buy 49. We will not be beaten on price.
31. Opening times (hours) 32. We can provide the complete hospitality service. 33. Peace of mind from the minute you buy 34. Please ask for assistance 35. Please check your change before leaving the checkout area 36. Please retain this receipt as proof of your purchase and your guarantee. 37. Please leave bags at the counter. 38. Price crash 39. Sale 50% off original price
bazaar market junk shop news-stand shopping centre department store children’s goods store antique shop second-hand store counter
手表品牌最为齐全,劳力士(Rolex)、萧邦(Chopard)、 伯爵(Piaget)、爱彼(Audemars Piguet) 、芝柏 (Girard-Perregaux)、名仕(Baume&Mercier)、古奇 (Gucci) 、浪琴(Longines) 、豪雅(Tag Heuer)、帝陀 (Tudor)、宝齐莱(Carl F. Bucherer)和雷达(Rado)等世 界著名品牌店内均有销售。 2、威氏的瑞士军刀 “瑞士军刀”享受国际保护,比其它产品更能代表世界著 名的“瑞士制造”的卓越品质 3、瑞士的葡萄酒 4、巧克力 5、奶酪
Seller / Salesperson
1.The price is reasonable because the quality is superior. 这价格合理,因为质量极好。
2. It’s worth every penny of it. 它物有所值。
3. It’s of high quality. 它质量很好。
7.That's the best we can do. 我们不能再让了。
8. That’s the final offer. 这是最后的价格了。
9. You drive a hard bargain. I’m losing money on this. 您真会讲价, 我都要赔钱了。
Buyer / Customer
5. Can you give me this for cheaper? 能便宜一点给我吗?
6. I'd buy this if it were cheaper. 如果再便宜一点我就买。
7. What about a discount? /Any discount? 可以打折吗?/ 有折扣吗?
French 法国
世界上最早的百货店诞生于巴黎,在法语中称作“Grand Magqsin”(很大的店)。正如文字所示,这种商店规模巨大, 品种齐全。折扣在新年购物季里通常可以达到4到7折。
何一家商店购物达一定数额,可取回增值税(TVA)。根据货品 的分类等级,取回的款项从13-20.6%不等。当购物时,请店 员填写消费税申报表,然后在离开法国或欧盟国家时呈交海 关(您可能得出示该货品)。退还款项将挂在您的信用卡帐号 上,或在数周后邮寄给您。
The tips of shopping
每年从感恩节到圣诞节期间,是欧美著名的圣诞 购物季,圣诞节前的购物血拼,俨然也已经成为外国 人的一大风俗,尤其是“黑色星期五”(即感恩节后 的第一个星期五,被认为是圣诞促销季的第一天)。 其间,欧美各地都会开展全年力度最大的促销, BURBERRY、GUCCI等世界著名奢侈品牌门前,都 会排起长龙。
1. 15% off with this flyer 2. 50% off on selected lines 3. Accessories & spares delivered to your door 4. All the range of … available. 5. As many repairs as you need, free of charge 6. Ask at the counter for details 7. Ask inside for details 8. Best choice and best discounts 9. Big sale 10. Brighter shopping, brighter prices