Cantonese cuisine粤菜
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Main ingredients
The cantonese will eat anything that swims,except the submarine.Everything that files,except the plane,and everything that has legs,except the table.
—— 味道鲜美,营养丰富。既可以尝到酒的 香味,又可以品尝美味的虾和蟹。但夏 天不应该吃太多。
The highest Lake vegetables
The highest lake vegetables is one of its vegetarian recipes, cooking skills to steamed vegetables, taste of fragrance. The highest lake vegetables have characteristics: containing a variety of vitamins and minerals, the food fresh and smooth, fragrance overflowing, is vegetables in the top grade.
Origin and history
The cantonese originated in Han dynasty ——粤菜起源于汉
Cooking skill matured in Song dynasty and Tany dynasty as Canton has been a trading port. ——由于广州是当时的一个贸易港口,粤菜的烹饪技艺在宋 朝和唐朝成熟。 Due to the Ming and Qing thriving economies,the cantonese had a great promotion ——由于明清繁荣的经济,粤菜得到了很大的推广。
The condiment
Main ingredients:spring onion、sugar salt、soy sauce、
rice wine、cornstarch、vinegar、scallion oil、and sesame oil; Ginger、peppers、spices、white pepper、anise used with caution; Xo sauce、fish sauce、sand tea sauce、mei cade sauce、ginger wine sauce.
Do you know where is the cantonese come from? :The cantonese come from guangdong. Can you Байду номын сангаасist some of you know about cantonese cuisine? :Yanjuji,longhudou,cuipiruzhu,baizhanji,etc… Compared with other cuisine,can you be summed up something different about cantonese? :Ingredients,cooking skill,flavor,etc…
• Let us watch a video.
Special cuisine
Dragon and tiger in the fight
Diversity of ingredients, meat aroma, taste unique, rich nutrition, eat the most suitable winter season. Snake can dispel blood disease, in addition to wet.
—— “什锦冬瓜帽”是以冬瓜、猪肉为主要原料的 一道菜肴。造型美观,色泽艳丽,味道清爽, 营养丰富。冬瓜口感清爽,是炎热的夏季餐桌 必备菜品,冬瓜利于排尿,可以有效消除人体 的水肿。
Dim sum
Crystal shrimp dumpling
Shrimp dumpling is a traditional dessert Guangdong restaurant. The Cantonese have breakfast, will eat shrimp dumplings. Excellent shrimp dumplings, white skin just like snow , thin as paper, translucent, filling looming, eat up slippery fresh, delicious enticing. ——水晶虾饺,是广东茶楼的传统美点。广东
• The chinese food not only is very delicious and tasty ,but also very pleasing to your sense and many of dishes have very beautiful and fancy names.the chinese have the food culture of our own which are quite different form westerners.
Flavor features
Cantonese cuisine features light and fresh with a clear and fragrant smell.light foods are served in summer and autumn,and strong foods in winter and spring. ——粤菜注重质和味,口味比较清淡,力求清中有鲜、淡中 求美。夏秋偏重清淡,冬春偏重滋补。
Main ingredients
深广及溪峒人,不问鸟兽蛇虫,无不食之。其闻异味,有 好有丑,山有鳖名,竹有鼠名,鸧鹤之足,腊而煮之,鲟 鱼之唇,活而食之,谓之鱼魂,此其至珍者也。至于遇蛇 必捕,不问短长;遇鼠必执,不别小大;蝙蝠之可恶;蛤 蚧之可畏;蝗虫之微生;悉取而燎食之。蜂房之毒,麻虫 之秽,悉炒而食之。蝗虫之卵,天蟒之翼,悉鲊而食之。 此与甘带嗜荐何异哉!
—— 鼎湖上素是素食菜谱之一,它的烹饪技巧以蒸菜为主, 口味属于清香味。鼎湖上素的特色:含有多种维生素和 矿物质,食时鲜嫩滑爽,清香四溢,乃素菜上品。
Assorted wax gourd cap 什锦冬瓜帽
“Assorted wax gourd cap” is using
—— 配料多样,肉嫩香滑,味鲜奇特,营养丰富,
Special cuisine
Roasted crispy suckling pig
Crispy suckling pig, Cantonese dishes, it is bright red color, crispy skin, flesh is sweet, that is the entrance surface integrity, pigs, neat, the surface without any debris, no peculiar smell. Suitable for winter consumption.
Guangdong has an advantage in diet for it’s subtropical climate and long coast line which provide abundant ingredients. ——广东地处亚热带,濒临南海,雨量充沛,四季常青,物 产丰富。故广东的饮食,一向得天独厚。
the white gourd, pork as the main raw material, beautiful shape, bright color, fresh taste, rich nutrition. Melon refreshing taste, summer the most appropriate food, wax gourd to urinate, can effectively eliminate the edema.
The condiment
拌少量油、麻油。 谨慎使用生姜,辣椒、五香粉、白胡椒粉、八角。 XO酱、鱼露、沙茶酱、梅羔酱、姜酒。
Flavor features
• 五滋:酸、甜、苦、辣、咸 • 六味:清、鲜、嫩、爽、滑、香 Attach great importance to mouthfeel ——菜肴注重良好的口感 Be famous for the taste of light、fresh、crispy、tender、 smooth which stand for south china’s character. ——讲究清、鲜、爽、嫩、滑,体现浓厚的岭南特色。
Cooking skill
The cantonese has extensively absorbed cooking skills essence,Be good at imitation and innovation. ——粤菜博采众长,烹饪技巧善于模仿和创新。
With it’s own climate characteristics and customs,cantonese has formed a complete system of cooking skills and unique cooking characteristics. ——粤菜根据广东一带的气候、风俗,形成了一个完整的系 统和独特的烹饪技巧。
Cooking skill
The cantonese has more than 20 cooking methods,and is good at stir-fry,fry,bake,braise,stew,ect… ——粤菜有超过20多种的烹饪方法,尤其擅长炒、煎、焖、 煲、炖、扣等… Accurate dosage of ingredients ——用量精而细 Emphasize the decorating and the color ——注重颜色,装饰美而艳。
The cantonese cuisine
Brief Introduction Origin and History Main Ingredients Cooking skill The condiment Flavor features Special cuisine Dim sum Influence Recommendation
Brief introduction
One of the eight great traditions of Chinese cuisine ——中国著名八大菜系之一 Guangzhou is the paradise of dainty food. ——食在广州 Use a wide variety of ingredients,offering food of all tastes,shapes and colors ,good at changing. ——广泛运用各种原料,赐予食物的味道、形状、颜色以广 泛的变化性。
—— 脆皮乳猪,粤菜特色菜之一。其色泽红亮,
皮脆肉香,入口即化,猪身表面完整、整洁, 表面无任何杂物,无异味。适合冬季食用。
Liquor-saturated shrimp&Liquorsoaked crabs 醉虾醉蟹
Flavour is delicious, nutrition is rich. Can be tasted the wine of natural fragrance, can taste the delicious shrimp and crab. But the summer should not eat too much.