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Having positioned tourism as a newly emerged national economic growing industry, China has targeted in the next 20 years to become a global tourism power. The Chinese travel agencies are expected to play an even more important role in this drive. China Travel Service (Holdings) Hong Kong Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as CTSHK), the largest among its peers in China and one of top 44 largest state-own-enterprises under the direct supervision by the central government, is dedicated to contributing more to the national tourism industry. Facing both the challenges and opportunities brought over by the access to WTO, China Travel Service (Holdings) Hong Kong Ltd., is repositioning and restructuring its business to revitalize the company. The founding of China Travel International Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as CTI), a whole subsidiary of CT S HK, shows the vision and determination of CTSHK, to further expand its global business.



CTI was officially registered in Beijing with the approval of the Chinese government,its total registered capital amounting to billion. The business scope of CTI covers inbound travel, outbound travel and Chinese domestic travel,including Hong Kong & Macao tours.
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Zhuying SHEN
General Manager Lixin HAN 港中旅国际旅行社有限公司中国大陆最具有成长性和竞争力的大型旅游运营商。





China Travel International Ltd. (CTI)is a growth travel operator with strong competitiveness. As a member of China Association of Travel Services, International Aviation Association and America Tour Wholesale Agency Association,
it is strongly backed up in sharing competitive advantages, resources, expertise, international business networks and brand name from its parent company and sister companies. Although it was a short time to join in the inland market, CTI had possessed considerable scale. According to the list of TOP 100 Tour Agencies in China, which was issued by China National Tourism Administration, CTI’s ranking had raised from in 2002 to in 2004.







Chinese Citizen Travel Center is dedicated to develop various value-added products according to market needs. It has set several records among Chinese Travel Agencies so far: In 2002, as the only domestic tour agent of the World Cup of Japan and Korea, Chinese Citizen Travel Center organized more than 6,000 football fans to Korea. In 2004, as the only ticket and tour agent of Athens Olympic Games, the Center organized over 2,000 Chinese citizens to Athens. In 2005, the Center successfully organized over 8,000 special agents to Australia to participate in the overseas business seminar. Moreover, the Center successfully planned the first tour group of Chinese citizens to Europe, South America, Maldives, Hungary, Indonesia, South Africa and so on. It aims to provide professional, proficient and high quality services.



成功地组织和接待第五,第六届北京国际旅游文化节,美国UPS董事年会,法国DU BOIS 560人豪华奖励旅游团,香港影视演艺界访京团,日本文化人士赴云南大型考察团等重要团队。

CTI Inbound Tours has teamed up with the most experienced travel industry professionals and management personnel to provide a comprehensive range of travel services for travelers from around the world, such as tour guide services in English, French, Japanese, Russian, German, Italian, Swedish, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, Cantonese; leisure groups and FIT travel; special interests, adventure, sports and educational tours; ticketing, hotel reservations and visa services. It successfully organized the reception of 5th and 6th Beijing International Tourism Culture Festival, French Du Bois Deluxe Incentive Group of 560 people, UPS Board of Directors Meeting 2002,Delegation of 105 Well-known
Personages from Hong Kong Show Business, Charter Group of 420 Japan cultural delegates’ Yunnan Inspection Tourand so on.



Corporate Travel Center Here you can experience brand new travel service presented by us. The Center will provide services in the following areas: domestic and international corporate conferences, global business travel, government procurement trip, incentive travel, off-site trainings, study tour, leisure travel and VIP customer service.
China has a wide variety of hotels and resources for the meeting and incentive industry. As a Professional Conference Organizer, we have always made our customer happier and unforgettable experience in China.


CTI will make a good use of the global network of its parent company and sister companies both in Hong Kong and worldwide, financial strength, international management expertise, market coverage,as well as e-Business capability to sharpen its competitive edge. Market-orientation is the key principle of CTI in its operation. Various value-added products will be developed according to market needs. CTI will accelerate the construction of the domestic business network and e-business network to finally complete its wholesale & retail system. It aims to combine the national and international network to create a stable and successive flow of business. Strategic objective of CTI is to make new contribution in the building of “Tourism Aircraft Carriers” for Chinese tourism industry.


The management team of CTI is a group of travel professionals with modern management knowledge, creative ideas and dedicated working spirit. CTI will still try its effort in recruiting more such travel professionals to join in its management team, not only to strengthen its management capability but also for a storage of management personnel to meet the need of its further global expansion.


Taking human resources as the key element, CTI has recruited many professionals devoted to the travel industry with the merits of creativeness,
enterprising and dedication. The recruitment was conducted through an open, fair
and just way.


By introducing advanced management mechanism and working out a series of incentive systems, CTI has made great efforts to link each individual’s income
with personal contribution, to combine each individual’s promotion with personal
performance, and to provide its staff with a wide stage to perform and get an
all round training. CTI will make a good use of the cultural heritage of CTSHK
left over by the generations of CTSHK staff to foster the spirit of teamwork and
★香港中国旅行社有限公司 China Travel Service.) Ltd.
★中旅电子商务有限公司China Travel e-Business Ltd.
Three top class theme parks: “Splendid China”,“China Folk Cultural Villages” and “Window of the World”
★中旅酒店管理有限公司 China Travel Hotel Management Company Ltd.
★深圳聚豪高尔夫球会有限公司 Shenzhen Tycoon Golf Club.
★香港中旅汽车服务有限公司 China Travel Transportation Company.)
★信德中旅船务管理有限公司 Shun Take-China Travel Ship Management Ltd.
★湖北扬子江锦绣中华游船股份有限公司 Hubei Yangtze River Splendid China Cruise
Corporation Ltd.
★珠海温泉度假村有限公司 China Travel Hong Kong(Zhuhai) Ocean Spring Co., Ltd. ★上海中旅国际旅行社 Shanghai China Travel International Ltd.
★苏州中旅国际旅行社 Suzhou China Travel International Ltd.
★港中旅国际成都旅行社 China Travel International Chengdu Co., Ltd
★港中旅国际新疆旅行社 China Travel International(Xinjiang)Ltd.
★港中旅国际西安旅行社 China Travel International(Xi’an)Ltd.
★港中旅国际厦门国贸旅行社 China Travel International(Xiamen)ITG Travel Service Co., Ltd
★港中旅国际山西旅行社 China Travel International (Shanxi)Ltd.
★港中旅国际山东旅行社 China Travel International (Shandong) Ltd.
★港中旅国际杭州旅行社 Hangzhou China Travel International Ltd.
★澳洲中国旅行社 China Travel Service (Aust) Pty. Ltd.
★澳洲中旅墨尔本分社 China Travel Service (Aust) Pty. Ltd.(Melbourne Office)★新西兰中国旅行社 China Travel Service (NZ) Ltd.
★新西兰中旅基督城分社 China Travel Service (NZ) Ltd.(Christchurch Office)
★加拿大中国旅行社 China Travel Service (Canada) Inc.
★加中旅多伦多分社 China Travel Service (Canada) Inc. (Toronto Office)
★英国中国旅行社 China Travel Service .) Ltd.

★德国中国旅行社 China Travel & Trading (Deutschland) GmbH
★德中旅柏林分社 China Travel & Trading (Deutschland) GmbH (Berlin Office)
★德中旅法兰克福机场分社 China Travel & Trading (Deutschland) GmbH (Airport Office)★日本中国旅行社 China Travel Service (Japan)Co., Ltd.
★日本中旅关西分社 China Travel Service (Japan)Co., Ltd. Kansai Branch
★韩国中国旅行社 China Travel System (Korea) Co., Ltd.
★菲律宾中国旅行社 China Travel Service Inc.
★新加坡中国旅行社 Singapore China Travel Service Pte., Ltd.
★泰国中国旅行社 China Travel Service (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
★美国中国旅行社 China Travel Service Inc. (Main Office)
★美中旅洛杉矶分社 China Travel Service Inc. (Los Angeles Office)
★北欧中国旅行社 Special Asia Travel AB Sweden。
