高中英语 Unit 1 Cultural relics Reading In search of the Amber Room教学设计 新人教版必修2

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Unit 1 Cultural Relics


人教版《英语2「必修模块」Uni1 Cultural Relics》的阅读部分介绍了琥珀屋的有关历史,包括:琥珀屋的来历和构造过程;为什么普鲁士国王把它赠给了沙皇;它是如何成为奇世珍宝的;在二战中的神秘失踪以及新琥珀屋的重建。因为涉及多个人物时间及事件,所以在学生阅读后,教师通过绘制思维导图让学生清楚了解琥珀屋的来龙去脉,为随后的复述奠定基础。而补充的阅读材料Historic Island Looks for Global Recognition 在话题上特地选取他们熟悉的同样是文化遗产的鼓浪屿,激发他们的阅读兴趣和热爱家乡的情怀,以及培养文化遗产保护的意识。文章脉络清晰,难度不大,这大大增强学生自己绘制思维导图的信心。







Step I Lead-in (4 mins)

1.Get Ss to talk about Gulangyu Island, which Ss are so familiar with, to introduce

the term “cultural relics”.

[意图说明]展示图片,用学生熟悉的鼓浪屿作为引入, 让学生感觉即将学习的内容并不陌生,从而对cultural relics有一个直观感性的认识,为接下来下定义奠定基础。

T: Speaking of cultural relics, what will come into your mind?

S1: Something old.

S2: Something valuable.

S3: Something displayed in the museum.

2. Ask Ss to define what a cultural relic is.

3. Sum up the definition of a cultural relic.

Step II Pre-reading (2 mins)

1.Show Ss a picture of an amber necklace to introduce something about amber. T: Today we are going to have a close look at a magnificent room made of amber.

2.Ask Ss to predict what may be talked about in the passage by just looking at the title.

T: (Write down the title on the blackboard) What does the title tell us about? Ss: The Amber Room has been lost.

T: What may the passage talk about?


Step III Reading (15 mins)

1. Skimming

1) Get Ss to skim the passage to check out whether their prediction is right or wrong.

2) Ask Ss to sum up the main idea of the passage.

2. Scanning

1). Get Ss to describe what the Amber Room looks like.

2) Get Ss to find out all the characters in the passages.


3.Careful reading

T: While reading you must have noticed this is a narrative about the history of the Amber Room in the order of time, so we must pay special attention to who and what. ( T writes down all the characters on the blackboard to begin mind-mapping)

T: Now read the passage carefully to find out the relationship between these characters and the Amber Room.

(Ss are required to cooperatively complete the task in groups of four. Each student takes charge of one or two characters)

T: O.K. Let’s draw a mind map together.

(Ss give their answers and T writes them down on the blackboard.)

