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A mastery of them will benefit us a great deal in the translation of EST.
classification of technical words
single words ( robot, internet, etc.), compound forms ( e.g. feedback 反馈, splashdown 溅落,) phrases on-and-off-the-road路面越野两用的, anti-armored-fight-vehicle-missile 反装 甲车导 power-transmission-relay system 送点中继体系,

Besides prefix and suffix of English origin, there are some foreign borrowings, noticeably the Latin ones, e.g. bio-(生物, 生命), thermo-(热), electro-(电), aero-(空气), carbo-(碳), hydro-(水) , -ite(矿物), -mania(热,狂), etc. If we are familiar with these prefixes and suffixes, many technical terms of such formation can be translated appropriately.
从事科技文献翻译和其它翻译一 样,首先碰到的便是词的翻译。要想 处理好词的翻译,必须要有足够的词 汇量,同时还需了解科技英语词汇的 来源与特点,掌握词的构成方式及翻 译技巧。
I. 科技英语词汇的来源及构成

One of the most distinctive features of EST is its technical terms, which not only account for a large part of English vocabulary, but also are the most important source of newly coined words in modern English, ranging over an extensive area of various fields.
除此以外,英语科技词汇还不断从其它语 言借用,来丰富、发展自己。 e.g. 借自汉语的有: typhoon(台风), suan-pan(算盘) 借自法语的有: chiffon(雪纺稠或薄稠); plateau(高原) 借自波斯语的有: shawl(披肩),bazaar(市场); 借自印地语的有: nabob(大富翁); 借自意大利语的有: fresco(壁画); 借自德语的有: anti-body(抗体); blitz (闪电战) 借自西班牙语的有: canyon (峡谷 ), mosquito (蚊子) 借自阿拉伯语的有: algebra(代数), alcohol (酒精)
2. 通过构词法(Word formation)

2. 1词缀法(affixation) Affixation is an important means of coining new English words and technical terms, with prefix and suffix as inseparable elements of the words being coined. The advantage of affixation is evident: it is the most flexible means of forming new words and its potential of creation is almost boundless, therefore it is extensively used in the formation of technical terms.
1. Affixation/derivation
The following are some typical examples. • miniultrasonicprober = mini +ultra + sonic + prober 微型超 声波金属探伤仪 • macrospacetransship = macro + space + trans + ship巨型 空间转运飞船 • teletypesetter = tele + type +Leabharlann Baidusetter 电传排字机 • bathythermograph = bathy + thermo + graph 海水测温仪 • barothermograph = baro + thermo + graph 气压温度记录 器 • deoxyribonucleic = de + oxy + ribo + nucleic 脱氧核糖核的 • photomorphogenesis = photo + morpho + genesis 光形态 11 发生

派生词 (derivation) 复合词 (compounding) 混成词 (blending) 缩略词 (shortening)
借用词 缩写
大部分科技英语词汇来源于外来语,特 别是一些新出现的科技术语(以及由它们派生 的形容词)经常借用其它语言的词汇。其中拉 丁语、希腊语对科技英语词汇的影响源远流 长。现代科学技术一方面仍直接从拉丁语、 希腊语借用术语,而另一方面又利用拉丁语、 希腊语的词根,加上英语、拉丁语、希腊语 的词缀构成无穷无尽的科技词汇。 e.g. science & technology acoustics,aerodynamics ambulance, acupuncture