
thereis 英文句型的转换
1. 简单句句型的转换
1.1 主语
a. There is nothing inconsistent in what she said. 她的话并无前后矛盾之处。
→There is no inconsistency in what she said.
b. His arrogant manner made everyone dislike him. 他的傲慢态度使大家都讨厌他。
→His arrogance made everyone dislike him.
c. Your denying it is useless. 你的否认没有用。
→Your denial of it is useless.
a. Mastery of a language requires painstaking efforts. 学语言要下苦功。
→It requires painstaking efforts to master a language.
b. No amount of persuasion could make her change her mind. 不管怎样劝说,她都不肯改变主意。
→Nothing could persuade her to change her mind.
c. His decision was to join the army after thorough consideration. 经过深思熟虑后,他决定参军。
→He decided to join the army after thorough consideration.
1.2 谓语
a. These books can be obtained at any library. 这些书哪个图书馆都有。
→These books can be obtainable at any library.
b. Every language reflects the culture that produces it. 每种语言都反映产生它的文化。
→Every language is a reflection of the culture that produces it.
c. She always minds her obligation to others. 她总是注意自己对别人的责任。
→She is always mindful of her obligation to others.
a. He apologized for having broken his promise. 他为违背诺言而道歉。
→He offered apologies for having broken his promise.
b. She recited a poem by Bai Juyi. 她朗诵了白居易的一首诗。
→She gave a recitation of a poem by Bai Juyi.
c. He applied for a passport. 他申请了一份护照。
→He made an application for a passport.
1.3 宾语
a. The expansion of the city required extension of the communication lines. 城市要扩大就要延长交通线。
→The expansion of the city required extended communication lines.
b. The report revealed the precariousness of their p

osition. 报告透露了他们处境的危险。
→The report revealed their precarious position.
c. They were deeply impressed by the fluency of her English. 她流利的英语给他们留下了深刻的印象。
→They were deeply impressed by her fluent English.
a. They always consider themselves to be right. 他们总认为自己是对的。
→They always consider themselves to be in the right.
b. I believe him to be honest. 我相信他是诚实的。
→I believe him honest.
1.4 表语
a. Your suggestions are of great value to us. 你的建议对我们很有价值。
→Your suggestions are very valuable to us.
b. Sunlight is of great benefit to the human body. 阳光对人体很有好处。
→Sunlight is greatly beneficial to the human body.
a. The road is being repaired. 马路正在翻修。
→The road is under repair.
b. The scene could not be described. 景色无法形容。
→The scene is beyond description.
1.5 状语
a. She purposely ignored me at the party. 她在晚会上故意不理我。
→She ignored me on purpose at the party.
b. I only met her accidentally. 我只是偶然碰到她。
→I only met her by accident.
a. The policemen ran through the street to pursue the bank robbers. 警察在马路上追逐银行劫犯。
→The policemen ran through the street in pursuit of the bank robbers.
b. We walked through the woods to search for the little girl. 我们穿过树林找寻那个小女孩。
→We walked through the woods in search of the little girl.
a. The staff members in the office ar

e all busy working. 办公室的职员们都在紧张地工作。
→The staff members in the office are all busy at work.
b. He entered, accompanied by a group of boys. 他和一群男孩走了进来。
→He entered in company with a group of boys.
1.6 定语
a. It is a very important discovery. 这是一项重大发现。
→It is a discovery of great importance.
b. She is an intelligent girl. 她是个智力很高的姑娘。
→She is a girl of high intelligence.
a. It is indeed a day to be remembered. 这确实是一个难忘的日子。
→It is indeed a memorable day.
b. I want to book a room accessing to Internet. 我想订一间可以上网的房间。
→I want to book a room accessible to Internet.
2. 简单句与复合句的互换
2.1 主语从句
a. It is so regrettable that one should be so extravagant. 这样奢侈浪费是令人遗憾的。
→It is so regrettable to be so extravagant.
b. It has not been decided where we should hold the conference. 在哪里开会还没有决定。
→It has not been decided where to hold the conference.
a. It worries her that Tom should mix with such people. 汤姆和这样的人来往令她发愁。
→Tom’s mixing with such people worries her.
