


本文以事情发展的顺序为线索展开,讲述了Peter像往常一样走出办公室买早午餐和吃的,但是在去餐馆的路上闻到了恶臭的烟味。周围的人也都闻到这股味道。然后Peter跟着烟味发现是一座大楼正在燃烧。他突然在那看见“搬家公司”的标志。他想起他的哥哥Ryann 在早上告诉他和他的妈妈,他的公司要在今天运货。他认为他的哥哥在大楼里。


“I cannot leave Ryann alone in the building,”thought Peter. He was so worried about his brother that he wanted to rush into the building. However, when Peter came close to the building, a fireman who was putting out the fire stopped him and said to Peter, “What are you doing, sir? It’s too dangerous. Please stay away from the building.”Pete answered anxiously, “My brother is in the building and I have to go there to rescue him from the burning building.”Meanwhile, he still wanted to dash into the building. The fireman held Peter’s arm strongly in case he went there. Peter was crying loudly so that many people were staring at him when he heard someone was calling his name.

It was his brother who was calling his name! His brother was behind him in the crowd. He couldn’t believe his eyes and he said to the fireman,”Look, may brother is still alive. He isn’t in the building.”At the same time, he struggled to free himself from the fireman and ran quickly to his brother. “Are you hurt?”he asked his brother very excitedly and looked at the whole body of his brother. “No, I’m fine. We ran out of the building as soon as it started burning. Everyone is all right.”his brother replied.









“That’s it! I know how to open it!”said Ollie. “These are regular screws. We could remove the screws so that the hinge can be taken off from the trunk!”he exclaimed with a radiant smile. Just now, we were so focused on the lock that we didn’t try to open the trunk another way. Then we asked Tex to jump off the trunk, and turned it upright. Ollie immediately took out a screwdriver from the tool kit. In two minutes flat, he opened the trunk with my assistance.

Oh! There were only lots of shoes in the trunk! Ollie and I were pretty disappointed at the discovery, which wasn’t diamonds or gold. Seeing our frustration, Mary patted us on the shoulder, saying, “These shoes are in such great shape that we can raise money by selling them at the rummage sale.”Our faces lit up and a sense of achievement crept over us. We found “treasure”after all! Our persistence finally paid off! If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.


“而已!我知道怎么打开它!”奥利说。“这些是普通螺丝。我们可以拆下螺丝,这样铰链就可以从行李箱上取下来了!”他带着灿烂的笑容喊道。刚才,我们太专注于锁,没有尝试用另一种方式打开后备箱。然后我们让Tex 从树干上跳下来,把它竖起来。奥利立即从工具箱中取出一把螺丝刀。两分钟后,他在我的帮助下打开了后备箱。






Everyone was very, very sad. We looked for him for days, calling his name, but he didn't come back. We hoped he found a flock and went off on his natural way. Again, days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, then years. I missed my little buddy, and I would call for him every time I saw a flock of Canadian geese fly by in V-formation. Twenty years passed, and Peeper became a fond memory for my family.

At first, I assumed it was just another wild goose. After two weeks, it became clear to me that this wasn't a random wild goose. He did all of the same things Peeper used to, like trying to come in through the front door. In addition to mimicking Peeper's old ways, this wild goose also responded to the name Peeper. Much to my amazement, my old best friend had returned, 20 years later.


每个人都非常非常难过。我们找了他好几天,叫他的名字,但他没有回来。我们希望他能找到一群人,然后按照他的自然方式离开。再一次,几天变成了几周,几周变成了几个月,然后是几年。我想念我的小伙伴,每次看到一群加拿大鹅以V字形飞过我都会打电话给他。二十年过去了,Peeper 成为了我家人的美好回忆。

起初,我以为这只是另一只野鹅。两周后,我很清楚这不是随机的野鹅。他做了所有Peeper 曾经做过的事情,比如试图从前门进来。除了模仿Peeper 的老套路,这只大雁还对Peeper 这个名字做出了回应。令我惊讶的是,我最好的老朋友在20 年后回来了。





Although the coronavirus(新冠肺炎) interrupted our rehearsal(排演) plan, we didn't give up on our show. We started to rehearse again in September last year. Our dancers started their work from the very beginning. We only used some simple tutorial(辅导的) videos, which were played at half speed in the beginning, and then we played faster and faster. With the help and care from all of the crew members, we finally made it. With the performance date approaching, we hurried to finish the remaining work: choosing our performance uniforms, writing the subtitles, adjusting the lighting effects and doing the last rehearsal. When the day of rehearsal finished, everyone was tired but very thrilled.

We couldn't help but look forward to our great performance. On the final day, when I watched the play, which had been changed many times, my eyes were full of tears of excitement and relief. After so much practice and countless hardships, each of our actors played their roles and shined their own light. The show has ended, but the memorable experiences and happiness it left will never fade.








Hearing Momma’s words, Niesha gazed at the precious blue ribbon, lost in thought. She imagined the scene where her momma tried her best to overcome her fears and pluck up her

courage to deliver a fantastic speech to the audience. Perceiving Neisha’s anxiety, Momma reassured her and reached out her hand to tie the blue ribbon onto Niesha’s wrist with a disarming smile. Restored and determined, she gritted her teeth to find her courage. In front of the mirror parked Neisha continuously practicing from pronunciation to tone, even gesture. “Try harder,”she perked herself up when drowsiness fell upon her.

The next day Niesha again walked to the front of the classroom to give her presentation. Shy, she customarily lowered her head and averted her gaze, numb there for seconds. Shortly afterwards, courage found its way back the moment she caught sight of the blue ribbon. Comforted and inspired, she took a deep breath, summoned up her courage, “Dear fellow students, ...”Niesha cast a glance at Mr. Roberts standing in the corner smiling at her. A self-reassuring smile spread across Niesha’s face. She knew for sure that she had found her courage, in the mill and in the adversity.





2022届高考英语读后续写精选四篇(含范文) 第一篇(2022·惠州高三第一次调研)In our kitchen, there was a wooden table and three chairs —one for Dad, one for Mom, and one for me. In the cellar (地窖), the very last jar of apple jam lay quietly on the shelf, waiting to be turned into an apple pie when Dad came back. Mom sat at one end of the table. I sat in the middle between her and Dad. I tried not to look at Dad's empty place. Dad had gone to the city to look for work for a long time. Every night, I lay awake in bed and waited for the train to stop. I waited to hear the creaky (嘎吱作响的) sound of the gate Dad was going to fix when he came home. I waited to hear the sound of his work boots dropping on the step by the kitchen door, and his voice calling, “I'm home!” Every night, as I lay there, I stared at the window and the curtains made of empty flour sacks (麻袋) by Mom. Every night, Mom came to kiss me goodnight—after the train had gone by. She was listening, too. “Go to sleep. Your dad wi ll be home soon. Maybe for the holiday.” Time dragging by, finally came the day before the holiday. I went to sleep with the sound of train wheels in my head, whispering, “Maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow.” Early the next morning, the smell of coffee woke me. I ran into the kitchen. There he was! Dad lifted me onto his shoulders and pretended to stagger from my weight. “How's my boy? You've gotten so big that I can barely lift you up any more.” He put me down, and I stared at the two sacks on the table. One said FLOUR—I knew that word. I tried reading the other: S-U-G-A-R. Dad whistled admiringly and winked at me. Mom and I had been practicing my letters most days. I could see that Mom was pleased with me. “I'm going to bake a pie for your Dad's homecoming dinner. Jimmy, bring me that jar of apple jam from the shelf in the cellar,”Mom smiled at me. 注意:续写词数应为150左右。 Hearingthis, Itookthestepst w oatatimetothecellar.____________________________________________________ _________ “Ne v ermind, boy, accidentshappen,”Dadsaidand w ipedmytears.___________________________________________________________ __


高考英语读后续写模考练习 班级考号姓名总分 1.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 As the bell was about to ring, our teacher announced a special assignment for next Monday: to share our gratitude for someone instead of giving a daily report.Hearing this, anxiety crawled over my body as the last thing I would do was speaking in front of the entire class! I couldn't help complaining to my best friend Jenny. “You are the chief violinist in our school orchestra,aren't you?"she said.“So what's the point of being afraid of speaking to a few our own classmates since you can handle acting in front of a large audience?” Her point made sense, but being in a performance meant being part of a team.I shook my head.Besides,there were so many people I was grateful to, and choosing just one seemed difficult.Even if I could pick someone,I wouldn't know how to say thank you.And even if I figured out what to say, I was sure I'd stumble(结巴地说)on my words when speaking aloud! Standing there, with everyone's eyes on me,I would feel the spot light was wholly on me,and there would be no place for me to hide!“Oh no!”I covered my face with my hands and said, “I can't do it, just can't!” Real friends,the ones who know you well,don't just do exactly what you ask.Jenny, always supportive and helpful, wrote something on a piece of paper and gently removed my hands from my face.She had drawn a cute cat with the word “CALM” written below it. “Nice meeting you; I am the ‘everything will be fine’ cat,” Jenny laughed and sounded exactly like a cat.Pretending to listen to the cat,she asked,“Well, kitty, you think my friend should come to my house tomorrow, so we can prepare our speeches together?” I laughed ou t loud and relaxed a lot.I have to say Jenny was there for me, always! 注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。 The next day, I went to Jenny's house. Before the speech, however, I changed my mind and wrote “Jenny” on the blackboard.


【读后续写】2022年读后续写备考优质范文(第56-60篇)(五十六) 【原文内容】 本文以事情发展的顺序为线索展开,讲述了Peter像往常一样走出办公室买早午餐和吃的,但是在去餐馆的路上闻到了恶臭的烟味。周围的人也都闻到这股味道。然后Peter跟着烟味发现是一座大楼正在燃烧。他突然在那看见“搬家公司”的标志。他想起他的哥哥Ryann 在早上告诉他和他的妈妈,他的公司要在今天运货。他认为他的哥哥在大楼里。 【续写范文】 “I cannot leave Ryann alone in the building,”thought Peter. He was so worried about his brother that he wanted to rush into the building. However, when Peter came close to the building, a fireman who was putting out the fire stopped him and said to Peter, “What are you doing, sir? It’s too dangerous. Please stay away from the building.”Pete answered anxiously, “My brother is in the building and I have to go there to rescue him from the burning building.”Meanwhile, he still wanted to dash into the building. The fireman held Peter’s arm strongly in case he went there. Peter was crying loudly so that many people were staring at him when he heard someone was calling his name. It was his brother who was calling his name! His brother was behind him in the crowd. He couldn’t believe his eyes and he said to the fireman,”Look, may brother is still alive. He isn’t in the building.”At the same time, he struggled to free himself from the fireman and ran quickly to his brother. “Are you hurt?”he asked his brother very excitedly and looked at the whole body of his brother. “No, I’m fine. We ran out of the building as soon as it started burning. Everyone is all right.”his brother replied. 【范文译文】 “我不能把瑞恩一个人留在大楼里,”彼得想。他非常担心他的兄弟,以至于他想冲进大楼。然而,当彼得靠近大楼时,一个正在灭火的消防员拦住了他,对彼得说:“先生,你在做什么?这太危险了。请远离大楼。”皮特焦急地回答:“我哥哥在楼里,我得去那里把他从着火的楼里救出来。”与此同时,他还想冲进大楼。消防员紧紧抓住彼得的手臂,以防他去那里。当彼得听到有人喊他的名字时,他哭得很大声,以至于很多人都盯着他看。 叫他名字的,是他的弟弟!在人群中,他的兄弟在他身后。他简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,


高考英语读后续写参考范文(10篇)01南京市2023届高三年级英语学情调研(2023年) 第二节(满分25分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 My teenage son, Jordan, always complained about having to be home earlier than all his friends. He would tell me that he was already seventeen, but still had a curfew (宵禁),He believed he was practically an adult. I pointed out that he was not an adult as he was still in high school. “You don't trust me!” he yelled. Before I continued, he rolled his eyes, slammed the door and walked away. I sighed. How could I make Jordan see that I only wanted to keep him safe? I decided to go for a walk, hoping the December air would clear my head. I opened the front door and nearly stepped on her: a small black cat, just like a meatball. “Hi, Meatball," I said, bringing her int o my arms. I walked back in, touching her neck gently. Meatball seemed happy enough to come in the house, but after an hour or two, she sat by the door, meowing to go back outside. “Why won't she just stay in with us all the time?” Nathan, my youngest son asked. I explained to him that she was happy here but she liked being able to come and go as she pleased. “That must be nice,” Jordan muttered from the other room, complaining why the cat, not him, could come and go. He even asked me to give Meatball a curfew. Meatball became a regular. One night, temperatures were unusually low. Meatball stood at the door, meowing to go outside. I shook my head at her, afraid that she might freeze to death. She stared at me and meowed again. I patted her head, “I know you're not happy, but it's for your own good.” “Mom's not being mean to you,” Nathan told the cat. “She's just trying to keep you from turning into a frozen meatball.”We both laughed at his joke. The next morning, I couldn't find Meatball. I asked the kids if anyone had seen her.注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Jordan nodded,“I let her out last night.” As I drove to the animal hospital, Jordan sat in the back, holding Meatball inside his coat. 话题:亲子关系 主要内容:文章讲述了作者的儿子抱怨作者不让他晚上外出,但是在通过猫被夜里放出而差点被东死的事情后,他儿子终于明白作者不让他出去是为了他的安全着想。


2022高考英语读后续写精读精炼(四) 一:原文重现 “I just want a normal birthday party,” April told Bailey as they walked home from school. Bailey knew what April meant. April’s parents loved the environment. And because April happened to be born on Earth Day, all her parties had an Earth Day theme. “Remember when you turned seven?” said Bailey. “How could I forget the Throw-Out Blowout?” said April. “We helped out at your garage sales and donated the money to charity. And when you turned eight...” “It was a Tree Spree,” finished April. “We planted maples.” “Last year, we all collected newspapers to recycle,” said Bailey. “The Print Sprint.” April groaned. Bailey giggled. “I thought it was fun.” Later that night, as April loaded the dishwasher, she said, “I’d like to plan my own p arty this year.” “Sure,” said Mom. “We could have a Composts Carnival.” “Great idea!” said Dad. April cleared her throat. “I’d like to go to Maze Craze instead.” “Really?” said Dad, surprised. “I guess we could do that. Dad and I can send you kids there.” said Mom. April couldn’t wait for her birthday! She and her friends would have so much fun. And they wouldn’t have to think one bit about the earth. At school the next day, April told her friends. “I’m having my birthday party at Maze Craze!” “You are?” said Josie. “But we always do something earthy on your birthday.” “Remember that salamander we found two years ago?” said Tyler. “Yeah,” said April. “This year, we’re not even going outside.” “Oh!” said Tyler. The following weekend, everyone gathered in the parking lot outside of Maze Craze. “Thanks for coming,” said April. “I’ve been so excited about my party. No shovels. No collecting recyclables. Nothing earthy about it.” She shifted her feet. “Then I got here this morning and saw this parking lot.” April’s friends glanced around. Plastic bottles bounced across the ground. Newspapers and


2022年高考英语二轮复习:书面表达之读后续写专项练习题15篇第一篇 A Midnight Rescue It was not uncommon to carry out tasks at night as rescuers. Harry and David were informed of their task when it was nearly midnight. It was urgent so there was no time to hesitate. They headed into the forest. The forest was black and silent. A little way into it they reached a fork in the earth path. Harry and David took the left path. They walked in silence, their eyes on the ground, watching out for the traps like big pits (坑)set by the illegal hunters. Every now and then a ray of moonlight through the branches above lit a spot of scarlet (猩红的)blood on the fallen leaves. David saw that Harry looked very worried, asking/ Could Unicom be hurt that badly?n Harry answered, H If we can't find it as soon as possible, it doesn't stand much chance to survive.n Of course, Unicorn was not the animal in fairy tales but the nickname of a 3-year-old elephant, the last wild elephant in this forest. The nickname was given by the biodiversity rescuers who were protecting every member in this forest. They knew Unicorn was obedient and not afraid of human beings and that sometimes put it in danger. "Without it, the forest was not complete. Those illegal hunters should be thrown into prison. n Harry thought, carrying his first aid kit (,急救箱)on his back and walking forward with his flashlight. It seemed that thick fog would come at any time, which would increase the danger. Harry hurried into the heart of the forest with David. They walked for nearly half an hour, deeper and deeper. There were blood splashes (血迹)on the roots of a tree, as though the poor creature had been struggling around in pain close by. n We must hurry up : said Harry. 注意: 1)续写词数应为15。左右; 2)请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Paragraph 1: However, it was really not easy for them to find it.


英语读后续写优秀范文10篇 1 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 I was 8 years old. I had little need of luggage. But something about that old leather suitcase appealed to my imagination. In fact, I found it in my grandmother's attic. Grams didn't object, and so the suitcase came to live beneath my bed. I didn't use the old suitcase before that day. It was a cloudy fall morning in our North Carolina town, and a fine mist wet the fallen leaves. I was angry. My mother had slighted me somehow, though now I have no idea what stirred up my anger. I was upset, and I wanted to make her pay. I wanted to give her a taste of what life would be like without me. I would run away. “Goodbye, Mom.” I stood outside the kitchen door, suitcase grabbed firmly in hand. I wore my red overcoat and gray ski cap, looking the part. “Goodbye, Mom,” I repeated twice more to make sure she'd heard. At last, Mom appeared, wiping her hands on a dish towel. She looked at me quickly. I lifted the suitcase a little just to make sure she didn't miss it. “I'm leaving,” I said. I'd rehearsed for the expected reaction. The plan was to let her feel guilty and beg for a minute or two and then I would give in after I was sure of her regret. “Did you pack a lunch?” Mom's question knocked me off balance. Where were the tears? The begging? "I'm leaving," I said. "I'm running away. For... ever." I repeated, sure it would change her mind. Instead, she smiled. “Well, would you like me to fix you something? A sandwich? A bag of chips? I just made chocolate chip cookie s.” “I'm really going," I said. “I can see that.” “Maybe a cookie.” And then, “All right, I'm off” The misty rain lent drama to my journey. 注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 As I stepped onto the front walk(步道), fresh—baked chocolate chip cookie was put in my coat pocket. ____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ I bite the cookie and thought that my mother deserved one last chance to stop me, so a moment later, I was back in the doorway of my home. 【范文背诵】 As I stepped onto the front walk(步道), fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie was put in my coat pocket. I looked back at our big yellow house. I stared at the front door, waiting for it to fling open. I watched the lace curtains in the living room window for movement. My mother didn't show up. So I had no choice but to continue. I got to the sidewalk and took a right, moving slowly up the avenue. I stopped at the


2022年高考英语二轮复习:读后续写10篇练习题与范文汇编 读后续写1 When a tornado(龙卷风) touched down in a small town nearby, many families were left completely ruined.One Sunday, a particular picture especially touched me.A young woman stood in front of an entirely ruined home.A young boy, seven or eight years old, stood at her side, eyes downcast.Clutching(紧握) at her skirt was a tiny girl who stared into the camera, eyes wide with confusion and fear.The article that went with the picture gave the_clothing sizes of each family member.With growing interest, I noticed that their sizes closely matched ours.This would be a good opportunity to teach my children to help those less fortunate(幸运的) than themselves.I taped the picture of the young family to our refrigerator, explaining their difficulty to my seven­year­old twins, Brad and Brett, and to three­year­old Meghan. “These_poor_people now have nothing,” I said.“We'll share what we have with them.” I brought three large boxes and placed them on the_living_room floor, encouraging the boys to go through their toys and donate(捐赠) some of their less favorite things.Meghan watched seriously, as the boys and I filled one of the boxes with canned goods and foods that they no longer needed. Meghan walked up with Lucy, her much­loved doll, hugged tightly to her chest.She stopped in front of the box, gave her doll a final kiss, then laid her gently on top of the other toys. “Oh, Honey,” I said.“You don't have to give Lucy.You love her so much.” Meghan nodded seriously, “Lucy makes me happy,_Mommy.Maybe she'll make that other little girl happy, too.” 注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;


2021年6月浙江省高考英语读后续写范文4篇 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事 My dad, George, only had an eighth grade education. A quiet man, he didn't understand my world of school activities. From age 14, he worked. And his dad, Albert, took the money my dad earned and used it to payfamily expenses. I didn't really understand his world either: He was a livestock trucker, and I thought that I would surpass(超过)anything he had accomplished by the time I walked across the stage at high school graduation. Summers in the mid-70s were spent at home shooting baskets, hitting a baseball, or throwing a football. , preparing for my future as a quarter back on a football team. In poor weather, I read about sports or practiced my trombone(长号). The summer before my eighth grade I was one of a group of boys that a neighboring farmer hired to work in his field. He explained our basic task, the tractor fired up and we were off, riding down the field looking for weeds to spray with chemicals. After a short way, the farmer stopped and pointed at a weed which we missed. Then we began again. This happened over and over, but we soon learned to identify different grasses like cockleburs, lamb's-quarters, foxtails, and the king of weeds, the pretty purple thistle. It was tiringwork, but I looked forward to the pay, even though I wasn't sure how much it would amount to. At home, my dad said, "A job's a big step to growing up. I'm glad you will be contributing to the household." My dad's words made me realize that my earnings might not be mine to do with as I wished. My labors lasted about two weeks, and the farmer said there might be more work, but I wasn't interested. I decided it was not fair that I had to contribute my money. 注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

长沙市2022年新高考适应性考试读后续写试题讲解+讲义- 高三英语二轮复习写作专项

长沙市2022年新高考适应性考试 英语读后续写试题 第二节(满分25分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 It was one of those days when nothing seemed to go right. I dragged myself out of the bed and all of the routines began early. I dropped my two older children at school with relief and unwillingly headed to the supermarket to buy groceries with my youngest. I wasn’t feeling any sense of appreciation for my comfortable home or lovely family. I was getting mad this early day, and my son, just four years old at that time, was difficult. I raced around to pick the items without regard to cost, while trying to control my naughty child whose behavior had added to my complete displeasure. Yes, I was that mother, threatening, and roaring at a small child. We eventually made it to the checkout and stood in the queue waiting for our turn. After a short time, I noticed that someone had joined the line behind us. I turned and saw an old man. He wore a dirty overcoat. His shoes were worn out, and his trousers tapped around sockless ankles on this cold, wet day. In his hands he just carried a small box of long-life milk. I had too many groceries. I asked him if he’d like to go ahead of me. It wasn’t an act of kindness on my part, also not my automatic reaction. Perhaps I just did so out of a sense of guilt, or I just wanted him to go. After all, his presence made me uncomfortable. In the same way, I felt uncomfortable and avoided eye contact when passing a homeless person. He didn’t respond to me as if I had said nothing to him. I looked at him and repeated my words. This time, I was sure that he had heard what I said. 注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。 Paragraph 1: He looked surprised and uncertain. Paragraph 2: I had to find him and give back the change.
