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In order to enhance the pilots’ health management and improve flight safety, the pilots’ health need be checked. So blood pressure testing is of great significance. Auscultation blood pressure test, as a traditional blood test method, need to wear the cuff before the measurement, so it gives pilots who are in flight suits greatly inconvenience when testing their blood pressure. This project research a new method of blood pressure testing based on the principle [10] proposed by Lansdown that the pulse wave transit time shows a linear correlation with arterial blood pressure within a certain range. This device can detect the subjects’ ECG and pulse wave signal to calculate the PTT (pulse transit time). Then we use a blood pressure monitor to calculate the individual calibration coefficients a and b and save them. Later on each measurement, as long as calculated the PTT by system, and re-use the saved individual calibration coefficients, the blood pressure can be calculated that achieve rapid blood pressure measurement purposes. This project designed a data acquisition system which use ECG electrodes to collect the ECG and the photoelectric pulse wave sensor to collect the dual channels of pulse wave signal, and use of ECG and pulse wave modulation circuit to amplify and filter the pulse wave and ECG signal, and use MSP430 MCU to achieve the purposes of AD acquisition, data package and data transmission. Signal acquisition circuit is used floating power supply. Power supply voltage is 3.3V. The total current is 200mA when the device is used. The sampling frequency is 1K Hz. The signal was transported the optocoupler module to the host computer through the serial port. When the device is used, from the subject presses his hands began to PC real-time display of ECG and pulse wave shape and stability, the whole process requires only 2 to 3 seconds. A signal processing system for the calculation of two kinds of pulse transit time was developed in the project. The experiments prove that choosing the ECG R wave peak as a starting point and pulse wave peak which is in the same cardiac cycle as an end point to calculate the pulse transit time. We use the experimental system and electronic blood pressure monitor to collect data of subjects in the condition of before and after exercise to calculate individual calibration coefficients a and b. The results showed that systolic blood pressure and pulse transit time has a good linear relationship. Individual systolic blood pressure calibration coefficients a and b can be directly obtained by linear fitting. The experiments prove that, the measurement error≤5mmHg accounted 83.33% of the total measurement, and (between
Candidate:Wang Wei Supervisor:Prof. Yu Mengsun
School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering Beihang University, Beijing, China
本人郑重声明: 所呈交的论文是本人在指导教师指导下独立进行研究工作所取得的 成果, 论文中有关资料和数据是实事求是的。 尽我所知, 除文中已经加以标注和致谢外, 本论文不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含本人或他人为获得北京航空 航天大学或其它教育机构的学位或学历证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对研 究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作出了明确的说明。 若有不实之处,本人愿意承担相关法律责任。
中图分类号: R331 论文编号:10006SY0810118
利用脉搏波信号和心电信号 实现血压的快速测量
作者姓名 指导教师姓名 学科专业 学习时间自
申请学位级别 硕士 职 称 教授 生物医学信息与仪器 3 月 1 日止 12 月 月 28 日 日
俞梦孙 生物医学工程 2008 年 9 月 12 月 1 日起至 31 日
calculated and measured systolic blood pressure) measurement error≤10mmHg in systolic blood pressure accounted for 96.97% of the total measurement; the two of them have a good consistency. The results showed that exercise had little effect on diastolic blood pressure, so the diastolic blood pressure was calculated in two indirect ways. One way is used the calculated systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure which is saved before. The experiments prove that, the measurement error≤5mmHg accounted 83.33% of the total measurement, and (between calculated and measured diastolic blood pressure) measurement error≤10mmHg in diastolic blood pressure accounted for 93.33% of the total measurement, both of them have a good consistency. Another way is first calculate the mean artery pressure(the similar as systolic blood pressure calculation), and then use the calculated mean arterial pressure, systolic blood pressure and the K value to calculate the diastolic blood pressure. The experiments prove that, the measurement error≤5mmHg accounted 36.67% of the total measurement, and (between calculated and measured diastolic blood pressure) measurement error≤10mmHg in diastolic blood pressure accounted for 60% of the total measurement, both of them have a poor consistency. So the first way was chosen to calculate the diastolic blood pressure. The system has the characteristics of strong anti-interference ability, high security, and low-power consumption, fast and convenient. It can be used in pilots’ blood pressure testing before flight. And after some appropriate improvement, it may become an appliance blood pressure monitor. Key words:ECG, pulse wave, blood pressure, pulse transit time, individual calibration coefficients
学位论文作者签名: 指导教师签名:
日期: wk.baidu.com期:
年 年
月 月
日 日
为了加强对飞行员的健康管理,提高飞行安全,需要对飞行员飞行前的健康状况 进行检查,作为人体重要生理指标之一的血压检测有着重要的意义。传统的血压检测 方法听诊法,因其在测量之前需要佩戴袖带,这就给飞行员在身着飞行服的情况下检 测血压带来极大地不便。 本课题研究基于 Lansdown 提出的在一定范围内脉搏波传导时间和动脉血压之间 呈线性相关原理的一种新的血压检测方法。通过检测被试者的心电和脉搏波信号,计 算脉搏波传导时间,而后利用外部血压计对脉搏波传导时间进行较准,得到个体化校 准系数 a 和 b 并予以保存。以后每次测量时只需测得脉搏波传导时间,并利用已保存 个体化校准系数即可以计算出血压,从而实现血压的快速测量。 论文设计了一套信号采集系统,利用心电电极和光电脉搏波传感器采集被试者的 心电和双路脉搏波信号,经信号调理电路放大滤波后,采用 MSP430 系列单片机对信 号进行 AD 采集、 数据打包和数据传输。 信号采集电路采用浮地电源, 供电电压为 3.3V, 使用时总电流约为 200mA,信号采样频率为 1KHz,利用光电耦合模块经串口传至上 位机。实际使用时,从被试者双手按压开始到上位机实时显示的心电和脉搏波波形稳 定,整个过程仅需要 2~3 秒。 论文设计了一套信号处理系统,实现了两种脉搏波传导时间的计算方法。经实验 验证,选择以心电 R 波峰值为起点和同一心动周期脉搏波顶点为终点的脉搏波传导时 间的计算方法。设计运动实验,利用本实验系统和电子血压计采集被试者运动前后的 相关数据,计算个体化校准系数 a 和 b。实验结果表明,收缩压与脉搏波传导时间有 良好的线性关系,可直接利用线性拟合取得收缩压个体化校准系数 a 和 b,并且利用 收缩压个体化校准系数计算得到的收缩压值与电子血压计测量值误差 e ≤5mmHg 占 总数的 83.33%, e ≤10mmHg 占总数的 96.67%。鉴于运动对舒张压的影响很小,本文 采用两种方法间接计算舒张压。一种利用收缩压计算值和脉压差求舒张压。经实验验 证,此方法得到的舒张压值与电子血压计测量值误差 e ≤5mmHg 占总数的 83.33%,
e ≤10mmHg 占总数的 93.33%,二者一致性较好。另一种先计算平均动脉压,再利用
收缩压计算值以及 K 值计算舒张压。经实验验证,此方法得到的舒张压值与测量值误 差 e ≤5mmHg 占总数的 36.67%, e ≤10mmHg 占总数的 60%, 二者一致性较差。 因此,
选择第一种方法计算舒张压。 总之,本系统具有抗干扰能力强、安全性高、低功耗、方便快速的特点,可以很 好的应用于飞行员飞行前的血压检测。做适当改进之后,有望作为一种家用血压检测 设备。 关键词:心电信号,脉搏波,血压,脉搏波传导时间,个体化校准系数
本人完全同意北京航空航天大学有权使用本学位论文(包括但不限于其印刷版和电 子版) ,使用方式包括但不限于:保留学位论文,按规定向国家有关部门(机构)送交 学位论文, 以学术交流为目的赠送和交换学位论文, 允许学位论文被查阅、 借阅和复印, 将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,采用影印、缩印或其他复制手 段保存学位论文。 保密学位论文在解密后的使用授权同上。
研究方向 2011 年
论文提交日期 2010 年 学位授予单位
论文答辩日期 2010 年 学位授予日期 年
Using pulse wave signal and ECG to achieve the rapid measurement of blood pressure
A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master