

三、根据问句找出合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内()1. Where are you from? A. The same to you! ( ) 2. Who’s that man? B. She’s my sister.()3. How many buses can you see? C. Thank you! ( ) 4. What’s in the box? D. I’m from China. ( ) 5. Do you like juice? E. No, I don’t. ( ) 6. What about the girl? F. He’s my friend. ( ) 7. Can I have a hot dog? G.. Sixteen.

( ) 8. How are you? H. A gift for you. ( ) 9. This is for you! I. Fine, thanks. ( )10. Happy Children’s Day! J. Yes,you can


给下列的问句选择正确的答语。 ( ) 1. What's the time A. Yes. I sometimes read newspapers. ( ) 2. What do they do after school B. He goes to work by car. ( ) 3. When are you going to the hospital C. No, it isn't. ( ) 4. Do you read newspapers D. It's going to be snowy tomorrow. ( ) 5. Shall we go to the museum E. Yes, I can. ( ) 6. Is there a zoo in your town F. It's ten o'clock. ( ) 7. How does your father go to work G. I'm going to the hospital at three o'clock. ( ) 8. Is your school far away from your home H. No, there isn't. ( ) 9. What's the weather like tomorrow I. They often play football. ( ) 10. Can you ride a bike J. OK. Let's go. 读句子找出相应的答语。 ( ) to our school . A. You are welcome . ( ) was your trip B. It was very wonderful . ( ) you ! C. Nice to see you,too . ( ) you have breakfast D. Thank you . ( ) many students are there in your class E. There are forty-five. ( ) to see you . F. They will leave tomorrow. ( ) was Lucy born G. Yes, I did . ( ) will they leave for London H. She was born in America


人教版三年级上册英语复习读问句选答语M1-2 ()1. Do you use chopsticks in the UK? A. No, we are not. B. No, we don’t. C. Yes, we are. ()2. Do you want any noodles? A. I like noodles. B. I often eat noodles. C. Yes, please. ()3. What are you eating? A. I’m eating chips. B. I like eating chips. C. I can make chips. ()4. What is your father doing? A. I’m watering the flowers. B. She is watering the flowers. C. He is watering the flowers. ()5. Mum, this cake is for you! A. Thanks, dear! B. Yes, I like cake. C. You’re making a cake. ()6. What do you use in China, chopsticks or a fork? A. We use a knife and fork. B. Yes, we do. C. We use chopsticks. ()7. What are you doing? A. I make hamburgers. B. I’m making hamburgers. C. I can make hamburgers. ()8. Is it cold? A. Yes, it is. B. It’s cold. C. It’s hot. ()9. Does he usually help his father? A. Yes, he does. B. He usually helps his father. C. He doesn’t help his father. ()10. Do you want some noodles? A. I’m hungry. B. Yes, please. C. The noodles are good.


姓名、年龄等 1.What’s your name? What’s your English name? 2.How old are you ? 3.What grade/class are you in? 4.Where are you from? Where do you come from? 5.Are you from Zhangdian ? 6.What school are you from? 7.How are you? 8.What’s your English teacher’s name? How long have you learned English? 9.What’s your father’s name? 10.How many people are there in your family? 11.Which do you prefer singing or dancing? 12.Do you often go to the zoo? 13. Which do you prefer monkeys o r elephants? 14. Which do you like best, blue, green or purple? 15. Do you like your mother? 16.How old is your father/mother? 17.Can you play the piano? 18.What’s your favorite food? 19.What’s your favorite color? 20.Can you play the violin? 21.Which do you prefer, your English teacher or Chinese teacher? 22.Can you play football? 23.Which do you prefer, rice or noodles? 24.Do you like your school? Why? 25.Which do you prefer ,cartoons or news? 26.How many bananas are there in the picture? 27.What color are they? 天气、时间等 1.What day is today? Today is Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday. 2. What’s the weather today? It’s sunny/ rainy/ cloudy/ windy. 3. What time do you often get up? 4. What time do you have breakfast/lunch?


小考英语专项练习: 选择正确的问句或答语 ( ) 1. –How is the weather today ? -- _____________ A. Today is Saturday. B. Today is windy and cold. C. Today is July twelfth. ( ) 2. – What is Jenny doing ? -- __________ A. She is swimming. B. She likes to play cards. C. She walked to school. ( ) 3. -- _________ -- He brushes his teeth every day. A. What is Li Ming doing ? B. Does Li Ming brush his teeth ? C. How often does Li Ming brush his teeth ? ( ) 4. -- ________ -- She often does her homework. A. What does Jenny eat for breakfast ? B. What is Jenny doing ? C. What does Jenny do after school? ( ) 5. -- ________ -- My favourite fruit is melon. A. What is your favourite fruit ? B. Do you like melon ? C. What about some fruit ? ( ) 6. -- ___________ -- He played soccer with his friends. A. What will Li Ming do ? B. What is Li Ming doing ? C. What did Li Ming do yesterday ? ( ) 7. – What do you like to do ? -- ______________ A. I like red. B. I look like my father. C. I like to have a trip. ( ) 8. – What is your father ? -- _____________ A. He is 35 years old B. He is a doctor. C. He feels better. ( ) 9. -- ____________ -- My favourite season is spring. A. What ’s your favourite season ? B. What ’s the date ? C. What would you like ? ( ) 10. –Where does a waiter work ? --____________. A. He is in a school. B. He is in a store. C. He is in a restaurant. ( ) 11. --________________ –It ’s hot and sunny. A. How ’s the weather in summer ? B. How ’s the weather in winter ? C. How ’s the weather in fall ? ( ) 12. – What are you doing ? ---_______________. A. I ’m makeing dumplings. B. I ’m making dumplings. C. I making dumplings. ( ) 13. --_________________ -- Twice a month. A. How often do you go to the library ? B. How do you go to the library ? C. How much do you go to the library ? ( ) 14. – What ’s your favourite sport ? -- ________________. A. My favourite colour is yellow. B. My favourite shape is a circle. C. My favourite sport is football. ( ) 15. -- __________ --I ’m 48kg. A. How heavy are you ? B. How tall are you ? C. How are you ? ( ) 16.-- How did you go there ? -- ________________ A. I went there in car. B. I go there by car. C. I went there by car. ( ) 17. --________________ -- It ’s Spring Festival. A. What is your favourite day ? B. What ’s your favourite festival ? C. What is your favourite season ? ( ) 18. --______________ -- Because I can swim in the sea. A. Why do you like summer ? B. Why do you like winter ? C. Why do you like swim ? ( ) 19. –When is your birthday ? -- __________ A. It ’s at 5:00. B. On May third. C. In March fourth. ( ) 20. --- _______________ -- I like spring. A. Do you like spring ? B. Which season do you like best ? C. How do you like spring ? ( ) 21. – How do you feel now ? -- ___________ A. I like sunny day. B. I am cooking meat. C. I fell better now. ( ) 22. -- ___________________ -- I wear a swimsuit. A. What do you like to wear ? B. What do your wear to swim ? C. Do you like to swim ? ( ) 23. When does the party begin ? -- ___________ A. At 3:30. B. On the morning. C. It ’s about eleven hours. ( ) 24. -- ____________ -- I will lie on the beach. A. What will you do at the ocean ? B. What do you like to do ? C. Where will you go ? ( ) 25. What ’s the matter ? --_____________ A. I am very happy. B. I hurt my arm. C. I like yellow. 学校:________________ 班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________ 考号:______________


读问题,选择恰当答语,将标号填入题前括号内。 M1-2 ()1. Do you use chopsticks in the UK? A. No, we are not. B. No, we don’t. C. Yes, we are. ()2. Do you want any noodles? A. I like noodles. B. I often eat noodles. C. Yes, please. ()3. What are you eating? A. I’m eating chips. B. I like eating chips. C. I can make chips. ()4. What is your father doing? A. I’m watering the flowers. B. She is watering the flowers. C. He is watering the flowers. ()5. Mum, this cake is for you! A. Thanks, dear! B. Yes, I like cake. C. You’re making a cake. ()6. What do you use in China, chopsticks or a fork? A. We use a knife and fork. B. Yes, we do. C. We use chopsticks. ()7. What are you doing? A. I make hamburgers. B. I’m making hamburgers. C. I can make hamburgers. ()8. Is it cold? A. Yes, it is. B. It’s cold. C. It’s hot. ()9. Does he usually help his father? A. Yes, he does. B. He usually helps his father. C. He doesn’t help his father. ()10. Do you want some noodles? A. I’m hungry. B. Yes, please. C. The noodles are good.


根据问句选择合适的答语 Unit 4-Recycle 2 1. Where is the cat? () A. it’s in the kitchen. B. He is in the bedroom. C. She is in the study. 2. Is he in the study? () A. Yes, she is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, he is . 3. What colour is the book? () A. It’s on the table. B. It’s blue. C. It’s good. 4. How old is he? () A. He is a student. B. He is strong. C. He is eight. 5. Where are they? () A. They are in the living room. B. I’m in the bedroom. C. We are in the study 6. What do you do in the kitchen? () A. Have a sleep. B. Read a book. C. Have a snack. 7. Where do you watch TV? () A. In the kitchen. B. In the living room. C. In the study. 8. Where do you read a book? () A. In the living room. B. In the kitchen. C. In the study. 9. Can you use fork and knife?_________ A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can. C. Yes, she can.


常用的英语口语问句 1. How are you doing? 你好吗? 美国人见面时候最常用的打招呼方式就是:"Hey! How are you doing?" 或是"How are you?" 不然 "How's going?" 也很常见。我觉得这种每天跟别人打招呼的习惯,就是跟美国友人建立良好关系的开始。 来源:恒星英语学习网-口语频道 2. What's up? 什么事? "What's up?" 也是很常用的一种打招呼方式。比方说 Bob 在路上看到我跟我说"Hey! Ann!" 那我通常就会答说 "Hi! Bob. What's up?" 这就是问对方"近来怎样,有什么事吗?"通常如果没什么事人家就会说 "Not much." 感觉上有点像Hello的味道了。 "What's up?" 也常被用来问人家"有什么事?"例如有人登门拜访,你就会说"What's up? (到底有何贵干啊?)" 总之 "What's up?" 在美国应用的很广,各位一定要熟记才是。 来源:恒星英语学习网-口语频道 3. Could you do me a favor? 能不能帮我一个忙? 人是不能独自一个人活的,需要别人帮忙的地方总是很多,所以我就会常讲"Could you do me a favor?" 或是 "Could you give me a hand?" 这算是比较正式礼貌的讲法。有时候要请别人帮忙但还不太好意思开口,我就会说"Could you do me a little favor? (能不能帮我一个小忙?)"其实也许是帮大忙但也要先讲成小忙,先让对方点头才是。 (注意一下这里用 could you 会比 can you 来的客气一点。) 另外,"Can you help me?" 也很常见, 通常比如说我们去买东西,可是店员自己在聊天,我就会说:"Can you help me?"其实正常来说,应该是他们主动问 "Can I help you?" 或是 "May I help you?" 才对,但有时实在等不急了,就直接先问了 "Can you help me?" 来源:恒星英语学习网-口语频道 4. What are you studying? 你主修什么的? 在英语角上,一听到是学生,都会很自然地问:"What are you studying?"其实这样的问法就是问你 "What's your major?" 但老美们比较喜欢说 "What are you studying?" 如果说你遇见一个人,你不确定他是不是学生,那通常是问:"What do you do for living?(你是作什么工作的?)" 或是简单地问:"What do you do?" 一般不会说成 "What's your job?" 来源:恒星英语学习网-口语频道 5. Where are you going? 你要去哪啊?


根据答句写问句答题技巧 一、判断填一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句。(有如果答句中有Yes或No的句子,是一般疑问句,如果无,则是特殊疑问句) 二、如果是特殊疑问句: 1、找疑问词。 1. 地点:where 2.什么: what 3. 时间:when 4.方式:how 5.人物:who 6.某人的:whose 7.几点:what time 8. 星期几: what day..? 9. 几号: what’s the date? 10. 爱好:what’s ……hobby? 11. 多少:how many 12. 多少钱: how much 13.几岁:how old 14. 为什么:why 15.颜色:what color 17.最喜欢的:what’s…….favorite…? 18. 哪一个:which 19.职业:What do you do? / What does she/he do? =What’s she/he? 20.姓名:what’s …name? 21.天气:what’s the weather like…? 22.房间里有什么:what’s in ……room? 23.外貌:what’s he/she like? 二、如果答句中有Yes或No的句子,把后面的句子改为一般疑问句。 1.找be动词,把be动词提前。Be动词:am,is, are,was, were 2.找情态动词,把情态动词提前。情态动词:can, should, may等。 3.若无be动词和情态动词时,需借用助动词do/does/did,放在句首。 三、改写。 1.句号变问号。 2. I am---are you I was --- were you I ---you my---your our—your some—any 小练习: 1.--________________________________ -- It’s Saturday today. 2.--________________________________ --Zhang Peng. Zhang peng is taller than me. 3.--________________________________ --They are in the park. 4.--________________________________ --Yes, I can play the piano. 5.--________________________________ --No, she is from America. 6.--________________________________ --Yes, I want to buy a postcard.


部编版五年级下册语文选择正确读音专项考点练习及答案 一、给下面的标下划线的多音字选择正确的读音,打“√”。1.如果刹(shā chà)车失灵,刹(shā chà)那问就可能会酿成惨祸。 2.墙上的裂缝(féng fèng)要是能缝(féng fèng)起来该多好。 3.他转(zhuǎn zhuàn)过身子,不停地转(zhuǎn zhuàn)动脖子。 二、给下列加点字选择正确的读音,用横线画出。 饮.马(yǐn yìn)擂.台(léi lèi) 都.督(dūdōu)折.腾(zhēzhé) 了.解(le liǎo)遂.愿(suísuì) 刚劲.(jìn jìng)血泊.(pōbó) 三、选择正确读音。 粘.住(zhān nián)手腕.(wǎn wàn)呜咽.(yān yè) 拧.断(nǐnɡlínɡ)烟囱.(cōnɡ chōnɡ)鳜.鱼(ɡuìɡuī) 四、在下列加点字的正确读音下面画“√”。 1.母亲掏衣兜,掏出一卷.(juàn juǎn)揉得皱皱的毛票,用龟.(jūn guī)裂的手指数 着。 2.我背.(bèi bēi)着书包伏在他背.(bèi bēi)上,双手撑起一把结实的大黄油布雨伞。 3.面对突如其来的灾难.(nán nàn),人们都很难.(nán nàn)过。 五、给下面的字选择正确的读音。 还.(huán hái)乡河气喘吁.吁(xūyù)困难.(nán nàn)还.(huán hái)有呼吁.(xūyù)逃难.(nán nàn) 六、在词语中加点字正确读音下画上“√”。 一亩.(mǔ měng)榨.油(zhà zā)呻.吟(shēn sēn)河畔.(pàn bàn) 间.隔(jiān jiàn)龟.裂(guī jūn)便.宜(pián biàn)美差.(chāi chā)


这集要介绍大家一些在美国最常用到的问句. 我的哲学向来是, 别人不主动跟我会话, 我自己先主动跟人会话先打开话匣子再说, 通常我会用一个简单的问句开始我们的会话, 也许是问好, 也许是询问, 但我觉得只要你敢先开口, 你绝对会有很多跟老美练习英文的机会. 1. How are you doing? 你好吗? 美国人见面时候最常用的打招呼方式就是, "Hey! How are you doing?" 或是"How are you?" 不然"How's going?" 也很常见. 我觉得这种每天跟别人打招呼的习惯, 就是跟美国友人建立良好关系的开始. 很多人都觉得美国人很冷漠, 不跟自己打招呼, 但自己又何尝不是对美国友人很冷漠呢? 关于更多打招呼之间的应对, 请参照笔记本专题篇. 2. What's up? 什么事? "What's up?" 也是很常用的一种打招呼方式. 比方说Bob 在路上看到我跟我说"Hey! Kun-Lin!" 那我通常就会答说"Hi! Bob. What's up?" 这就是问对方近来怎样, 有什么事吗? 通常如果没什么事人家就会说"Not much." 不过还有一种情况也很常见, 你先跟人家说"Hey! What's up?" 那别人也不说"Not much", 反而反问一句, "What's up?" 所以"What's up?" 已经变成有点Hello! 的味道在里面了. "What's up?" 也常被用来问人家有什么事? 例如有人登门拜访, 你就会说"What's up?" 到底有何贵干啊? 总之"What's up?" 在美国应用的很广, 各位一定要熟记才是. 我有一个从南非来的朋友David, 他说在南非的打招呼方式是"How zit?" 这是从"How's it?" 衍生变化而来. 所以同样是讲英文的国家, 打招呼的方式也有很大的不同. 3. Could you do me a favor? 能不能帮我一个忙? 人是不能独自一个人活的, 需要别人帮忙的地方总是很多, 所以我就会常讲, "Could you do me a favor?" 或是"Could you give me a hand?" 这算是比较正式而礼貌的讲法. 有时候要请别人帮忙还不太好意思说, 我就会说Could you do me a little favor? 能不能帮我一个小忙? 其实也许是帮大忙但也要先讲成小忙, 先让对方点头才是. (注意一下这里用could you 会比can you 来的客气一点.) 另外, "Can you help me?" 也很常见, 通常比如说我们去买东西, 可是店员自己在聊天, 我就会说, "Can you help me?" (其实正常来说, 应该是他们主动会问"Can I help you?" 或是"May I help you?" 才对, 但有时实在等不急了, 就直接先问了"Can you help me?" 4. What are you studying? 你主修什么的? 通常老美一听我是学生, 都会很自然地问, "What are you studying?" 其实这样的问法就是


根据问句选择合适的答语 Unit 1-Recycle 1 1. What colour is the fan?.( ) A.It’s big. B. It’s blue. C. It’s near the window. 2. What’s in your classroom?( ) A.This is a desk. B. A board, two lights, many desks and chairs. C.It’s nice. 3. Where are your pencils? ( ) A. I have many bags. B. They are heavy. C. They are in my bag. 4. Where is my seat?( ) A. It’s in the desk. B. It’s good. C. It’s near the door. 5. Look at the picture.( ) A. It’s big. B. It’s beautiful. C. It’s near the window. 6. Let’s clean the classroom.( ) A. Thank you. B. Good idea. C. Goodbye. 7. Where are the students?( ) A. They are desks. B. They are fat. C. They are in the school. 8. Where is your picture?( ) A. It’s nice. B. It’s red. C. It’s on the wall.

2014新版PEP五年级上册根据问句选择答句(自) 2

五英上册根据问句选择答句 一、()1.Is Ms smith strict? A. He is kind and funny. ()2.Who is he? B. Mr Li ( )3.What is your music teacher like? C. Sure. ( )4.Do you like funny teachers? D. No, she isn’t. ( )5.Can you play football? E. Yes, I do. 二.( )1.What do you do on Sundays? A. Yes, it is. ( )2.Do you often clean your room? B.We have art,music and Chinese. ( )3.Is it Friday? C.I like Fridays. ( )4.What do you have on Tuesdays? D.Yes,I do. ( )5.I like Mondays. What about you? E.I often read books and do my homework 三. ( )1.What would you like to eat for dinner? A. No, I don’t. It’s sweet. ( )2.What’s your favourite drink? B .My favourite drink is orange juice. ( )3.What do you have today? C. I’d like some rice and chicken. ( ) 4.Do you like ice cream? D. Her favorite food is beef noodles. ( )5.What’s Sarah’s favourite food? E. We have fish sandwiches today. 四.( )1.Is she young? A.Yes,he is. ( ) 2.What’s he like? B.No,she isn’t. ( )3.Who is he? C.She is tall. ( )4.Is he strict? D.He is strict. ( )5.What’s Miss Chen Jie like? E.He isMr Green. 五.()1.What do you have on Mondays? A. Yes, it is. ( )2.When do you have PE? B. No,I don’t. ()3.What do you do on Sundays? C. PE and English. ( )4.Do you like sports? D. I often sleep. ( )5.Is it Saturday today? E. On Wednesdays. 六.()1.What ’s your favourite food? A. I’d like some water. ( )2.What would you like to drink? B.I like rice. ( )3.What would Amy like ? C. Because they are healthy. ( )4.When do you eat dinner? D. She’d like som e. ( )5.Why do you like carrots? E. Usually at six. 七.()1.What can you do? A.No, I can’t. ( )2.What can the robot do? B.I can make a puppet. ( )3.What can your sister do? C.No,he can’t. ( )4.Can you do Kungfu? D.She can cook. ( )5.Can he cook? E.It can sing.


小学英语常见的16 种问句 1、问名、年龄。 1, - What' s your name-?---你叫什么名字? 一My name is _________.---- 我叫.... 。 2, How old are you? --- 你几岁了? --- I'm 12--.--我十二岁。 2、问颜色。 1, - What colour is it? --- 它是什么颜色的? --- It ' s yellow and white--.-- 黄白相间。 2, - What colour are they? --- 它们是什么颜色的? --- They' re green--.--绿色的。 3, 问数量或价钱。 1, - How many kites can you see? --- 你可以看见几只风筝? --- I can see 12. --- 我可以看见十二只风筝。 2, - How many crayons do you have? ---- 你有多少支彩笔? --- I have 16. --- 我有十六支。 3, - How many people are there in your family? --- 你家有几口人? --- Three. --- 三口人。 4, - How much is this dress? --- 这条连衣裙多少钱? --- It ' s nine-ntyine yuan. -- 九十九元。 5, - How much are these apples? ---- 这些苹果多少钱? --- They ' re thirt-yfive yuan. - 三十五元。 4、问时间或日期。 1, - What time is it now? -- 现在几点钟? ----It ' S nine o ' CloCk.. It ' S time for Eng九点Gla该S上英语课了。 (----It ' S eight o ' clock. It ' S time (go-八点d.该上床睡觉了。) 2, - What day iS it today? ---- 今天星期几? --- It ' S Monda-y--.-星期一。 ( What do we have on MondayS? (----- 我们星期一上哪些课? ----We have Chi nese, En glish, math ----语文)英语、数学 .... ) 3, - When iS your birthday? - 你的生日是什么时候? --- It ' S October 1St, our National Day--.--十月一日,国庆节。 4, When do you do morning exerciSeS? 你们什么时候做早锻炼? I uSually do morning exerciSeS at 8:30. 我们通常8:30 做早锻炼。 5, 问方位或地方。 1, -- Where iS my toy car? --- 我的玩具汽车在哪儿? --- It ' S here, under the cha-i-r-.- 在这儿,在椅子下面。 2, -- Where iS the canteen? -- 餐厅在哪儿?


根据问句选择合适的答语Unit 1-Recycle 1 1. What colour is the fan?.() A.It’s big. B. It’s blue. C. It’s near the window. 2. What’s in your classroom?() A.This is a desk. B.A board, two lights, many desks and chairs. C.It’s nice. 3. Where are your pencils? () A. I have many bags. B. They are heavy. C. They are in my bag. 4. Where is my seat?() A. It’s in the desk. B. It’s good. C. It’s near the door. 5. Look at the picture.() A.It’s big. B. It’s beaut iful. C. It’s near the window. 6. Let’s clean the classroom.()

A. Thank you. B. Good idea. C. Goodbye. 7. Where are the students?() A. They are desks. B. They are fat. C. They are in the school. 8. Where is your picture?() A. It’s nice. B. It’s red. C. It’s on the wall. 9. Let me clean the window.() A. Yes. B. All right. C. You are right. 10. My schoolbag is heavy. () A.I have a schoolbag. B.I have many books. C.My schoolbag is heavy, too. 11. Where is your seat?() A.It’s on the desk.


专题五部编五年级下册课外阅读专项练习 一、阅读短文,回答问题。 窃读记 ①转过街角,看见饭店的招牌,闻到炒菜的香味,听见锅勺敲打的声音,我放慢了脚步。放学后急匆匆地从学校赶到这里,目的地可不是饭店,而是紧邻它的一家书店。 ②我边走边想:“昨天读到什么地方了?那本书放在哪里?左角第三排,不错……”走到门口,便看见书店里仍像往日一样挤满了顾客。我可以安心了。但我又担忧那本书会不会卖光,因为一连几天都看见有人买,昨天好像只剩下一两本了。 ③我跨进店门,踮起脚尖,从大人的腋下钻过去。哟,把短头发弄乱了,没关系,我总算挤到里边来了。在一排排花花绿绿的书里,我的眼睛急切地寻找,却找不到那本书。从头来,再找一遍。啊!它在这里,原来不在昨天的地方了。 ④急忙打开书,一页,两页,我像一匹饿狼,贪婪 ..地读着。我很快乐,也很惧怕——这种窃读的滋味!我害怕被书店老板发现,每当我觉得当时的环境已不适宜再读下去的时候,我会知趣地放下书走出去,再走进另一家。有时,一本书要到几家书店才能读完。 ⑤我喜欢到顾客多的书店,因为那样不会被人注意。进来看书的人虽然很多,但是像我这样常常光顾而从不购买的,恐怕没有。因此我要把自己隐藏起来。有时我会贴在一个大人的身边,仿佛我是他的小妹妹或小女儿。 ⑥最令人开心的是下雨天,越是倾盆大雨 ....我越高兴,因为那时我便有充足的理由在书店待下去。就像在屋檐下躲雨,你总不好意思赶我走吧?我有时还要装着皱起眉头,不时望着街心,好像说:“这雨,害得我回不去了。”其实,我的心里却高兴地喊着:“大些!再大些!” ⑦当饭店飘来一阵阵菜香时,我已饿得饥肠辘辘,那时我也不免要做白日梦:如果口袋里有钱该多好!去吃一碗热热的面条,回到这里时,已经有人给摆上一张沙发,坐上去舒舒服服地接着看。我的腿真酸哪,不得不交替着用一条腿支撑着,有时靠在书柜旁,以求暂时的休息。 ⑧每当书店的日光灯忽然地亮了起来,我才发觉已经站在这里读了两个多钟头了。我合上书,咽了一口唾沫,好像把所有的智慧都吞下去了,然后才依依不舍地把书放回书架。 ⑨我低着头走出书店,脚站得有些麻木,我却浑身轻松。这时,我总会想起国文老师鼓励我们的话:“记住,你们是吃饭长大的,也是读书长大的!” 1.《窃读记》的作者是台湾作家林海音,我们还学过她的一篇回忆童年的课文《_______________________》。“窃”字在本文中的意思是________。(填选项) ①偷盗;②偷偷地;③私下。 2.联系上下文,解释加点的词语。 倾盆大雨:____________________________________________________________________ 贪婪:________________________________________________________________________ 3.按短文内容填空。 当她感觉当时的环境已不适宜再读下去的时候,她会_________________________________,
