

Unit 10 单元练习一

I. 词汇运用

A) 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。

61. I know the man well. You can __________(信任) him anyway.

62. Some __________(青少年) want to find a part-time job during their holidays.

63. I was __________(生气的) with myself for making such a mistake.

64. The heavy traffic is __________(正常的) for this time of day.

65. Mr. Liu __________(旅行) to America for the first time last summer.

66. Sam is a ______________(粗心的) boy. He often make mistakes in his homework.

67. You won’t catch the early bus u________ (除非)you get up early.

68. —Can you help me with the chores? —C, (当然)mom.

69. He solved the problem h(他自己). Nobody helped him.

70. What(其他的)should we do?

71. The first(步骤)is very important.

B) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. If you _______(study) hard, you __________(get)good grades.

2. We sell all kinds of __________(wallet) in our store.

3. Be __________(care)! There is a snake over there.

4. You can’t __________(solve) anything if you do nothing.

5. What ___________(happen) if they have the party today.

6. If it __________(not rain) tomorrow, we ___________(go)camping.

7. I think he should _______(have)a good rest.

8. My mother asks me ___________(remember) the family rules.

9. Ted doesn’t know how ____________(get) on with others.

10. Can you give me some _________(advice)?

C. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。

1. Last week Su Jin and her friends __________ a trip to Dalian.

2. They are planning to have a(n) __________ to discuss the problem.

3. Doctors told me not to eat __________ or ice-cream.

4. Let’s stay at home and watch a(n) __________.

II. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)


The day to sign up (报名参加) for after-school sports clubs was yesterday. Mindy was waiting for the day all summer. She was ready to sign up for her favorite sports club.

“Hey, Mindy,” Laurie said. “I can’t wait to sign up.”

“Me, too. I’m really excited!” said Mindy.

“Let’s go to sign up for cheerleading (拉拉队) now,” said Laurie. “The coach (教练) is over there.”

“Cheerleading?” asked Mindy.

“Yeah,” said Laurie. “We’re all going to sign up for it. Tara, Beth, Liz, and me. You have to sign up with us.”

Mindy looked at the soccer coach. He was bouncing (使弹起) the ball from his foot to his head. Mindy wanted to be with her friends, but she really wanted to play soccer. “I want to sign up for soccer,” said Mindy.

“Soccer? Really?” Laurie looked surprised. “Why?”

“Look at all the cool tricks (技巧) he can do with the ball. I hope I can do them, too.”

Laurie looked at the coach and said, “Yes, those tricks are cool.”

“Why do you want to be a cheerleader?” Mindy asked her.

“Well, all our friends will sign up for it. I thought it would be fun to join together.”

Mindy knew it was true. “You’re right. Maybe I’ll join cheerleading, too.” She started to walk to the cheerleading coach, but Laurie took her arm.

“Wait. Maybe I can join soccer with you.”

“Really?” Mindy smiled.

“Yeah. I think I’d like to have a try, but I might need you to help me practice.”

Mindy took Laurie’s hands. She was going to play her favorite s port with her best friend.


( )51. Yesterday was a(n) ______ day for Mindy according to the passage.

A. tiring

B. boring

C. exciting

D. relaxing

( )52. Mindy wanted to sign up for soccer because ______.

A. most of her friends signed up for it

B. she wanted to learn the soccer tricks

C. the soccer coach was her favorite coach

D. she wanted to be a soccer player in the future

( )53. What did Laurie sign up for yesterday?

A. Cheerleading.

B. Soccer.

C. Basketball.

D. Swimming.

( )54. Who was Mindy’s best friend?

A. Tara.

B. Beth.

C. Liz.

D. Laurie.

( )55. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Soccer was Laurie’s favorite sport.

B. Laurie asked her friends to sign up for soccer.

C. Mindy saw the cheerleading coach doing some tricks.

D. Mindy agreed that it was fun to join the same club with her friends.

III. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)

( )21. Teachers can advise parents ______ their children’s ed ucational needs as well as what subjects their children should choose to study.

A. with

B. about

C. for

D. to

( )22. It’s cold outside. Jenny asked me ______ the window.

A. close

B. to close

C. closing

D. closed

( )23. —I can’t finish the work today. What ______ I do?

—You can ask Mr. Liu for help.

A. should

B. may

C. mustn’t

D. needn’t

( )24. My little son won’t go to sleep ______ I tell him a story every night.

A. when

B. if

C. unless

D. because

( )25. I can’t decide which computer to buy. Could you give me some ______?

A. examples

B. advice

C. reasons

D. service

( )26. Ted was very ______ that you didn’t reply to his Wechat (微信).

A. glad

B. upset

C. tired

D. excited

( )27. Don’t be afraid ______ me if you don’t understand the text.

A. answer

B. to answer

C. ask

D. to ask

( )28. Watching the movie Coming Home ______ Mary about two hours last week.

A. take

B. takes

C. took

D. will take

( )29. It’s very kind of you to keep ______ me English Weekly.

A. send

B. to send

C. sending

D. to sending

( )30. Lucy ______ a picnic last week. We had a good time there.

A. organized

B. expected

C. wondered

D. caught

( )31. What ______ if I ______ to turn off water?

A. will happen; forget

B. will happen; will forget

C. happen; forget

D. happen; will forget

( )32. Don’t be sad about it. It’s normal for anyone t o ______ in his life.

A. make promises

B. make mistakes

C. make faces

D. make resolutions

( )33. —______ would like to join the sports club?

—Joe and Sam.

A. Who else

B. Else who

C. Who other

D. Other who

( )34. —We’re still only halfway to ______ the job.

—Don’t worry! I’ll help you.

A. finish

B. finishing

C. accept

D. accepting

( )35. —When is a good time to have the party?


A. That’s right

B. Let’s have it today

C. It’s Mo nday today

D. Catch you then


Yesterday afternoon, my friends played football by the roadside in front of my house. I couldn’t join them because I was ill, but I enjoyed watching the game from the window.

When the game was at its best, Paul kicked (踢) the ball hard and it went across the road. Then he crossed the road carelessly to take it. Unluckily, as he crossed the road, a fast car came. The driver tried not to hit (撞击) him, but it was too late.

Paul was hit by the car, and he was scared. Some of his friends shouted for help. Soon many people went around Paul. The driver got out of the car to see if Paul was OK. Someone called for an ambulance (救护车). One of Paul’s friends went to tell his mother and she came quickly. When she saw her helpless son, she started crying.

Soon th e ambulance came and took Paul to hospital. Luckily he wasn’t seriously hurt (受伤). All’s well that ends well. Paul and his friends learned that they shouldn’t play football by the roadside. And the driver learned he should drive more slowly.


56. Why didn’t the writer play football with his friends?__________________________________

57. What did Paul want to do to cross the road? _____________________________________

58. Who told Paul’s mother he was hit by a car?_____________________________________

59. Was Paul hit seriously by the car?_____________________________________

60. What did Paul and his friends learn? _____________________________________

V. 完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)


1. 如果我不穿校服去上学,将会怎么样?

What ________ __________ if I don’t wear uniforms to school?

2. 最后,她同意了我的观点。_______ _____ ______, she agreed with me.

3. 最糟糕的事情是逃避现实。The worst thing is to _____ _______ _______ reality.

4. 请帮我把那个西红柿切成两半。Please help me cut the tomato _________ __________.

5. 我认为第一步是上网搜寻一些信息。

I think ______ _______ _____ is to go online to look for some information.


Ⅰ. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。

1. Could you give me some _________ on how to keep healthy?

2. Sam didn’t ask Mary to his party so she felt ver y _________.

3. Joe took a(n) _________ from the station to the hotel just now.

4. His family _________ all over the country last year.

Ⅱ. 根据句意,从括号中选择恰当的词语填空。

1. If Bill _________(comes / will come) to my party tomorrow, I’ll call you.

2. Su Fei doesn’t know what _________(to do / doing) next.

3. He told us _________(to finish / finished) the work by 6:00.

4. Well, we have enough time _________(visit / to visit) this place.

III. 根据语境及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。

1. I won’t go to Su Jie’s housewarming party u she invites me.

2. —Could I sit next to you, Joan? —C .

3. You should write the word carefully. Don’t be so c about spelling.

4. —Why was your sister a ? —Because I broke her pen.

5. It’s n to feel nervous (紧张的) before an exam.

6.I will help our monitor to o_________(组织)the school party.

7.Since everyone makes m___________(错误)in their life, Mr. Li gave a chance.

8.He’s an old worker.He has lots of working e_________.(经验)

9.It’s about two m___________ (英里)fro m the park to the cinema.

10.You must try to s_________ (解决)this problem as possible as you can.

IV. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. Most __________(teenager) like Jay Chou’s songs.

2. One of the __________(wallet) on the t able is Mr. Green’s.

3. It’s about four __________(mile) from here to Center Park.

4. I know from __________(experience) that he’ll arrive late.

5. Alice is much __________(understanding) than her sister.

5. Jim, who asked you _________(bring / to bring) food here?

V. 根据语境,用恰当的介词填空。

1. Oh, my parents didn’t agree ________ us.

2. Did you have problems ________ your homework?

3. —Lisa, who do you usually get advice ________? —My father.

4. You can talk to an expert ________ Ms. White about your worries.

5. Jane is going to travel ________ a new country this year.

VI. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。

1. 如果这样的话,一些学生会厌烦的。If so, some students will ________ ________.

2. 凯特太小,不会自己穿衣服。Kate is ________ small ________ dress herself.

3. 那个小男孩喜欢吃炸薯条。The little boy likes to eat ________ ________.

4. 格林先生打算乘公共汽车去邮局。

Mr. Green is going to ________ ________ ________ to the post office.

5. 5. 我们正在寻求解决这个问题的办法。

We are looking for the way to __________ __________ __________.

6. 他们昨天在公园玩得很开心。

They ________ ________ ________ ________ in the park yesterday.
