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1. 概述 (5)

1.1. 设计任务 (5)

1.2. 设计依据 (5)

1.2.1 规范标准 (5)

1.3 厂区地形 (5)

1.4 自然条件 (6)

1.4.1 污水水质特征 (6)

1.4.2 气象资料 (6)

1.4.3 工程地质资料 (6)

2. 污水处理工艺设计 (7)

2.1. 规模与处理程度的确定 (7)

2.1.1. 处理规模 (7)

2.1.2. 设计进出水水质 (7)

2.2. 污水处理工艺方案的确定 (8)

2.2.1. 废水水质分析 (8)

2.2.2. 工艺方案选择 (8)

2.2.3. 污水处理方案的比选 (8)

2.2.4. 设计方案的确定 (10)

2.3. 污水处理站工艺设计 (11)

2.3.1. 格栅 (11)

2.3.2. 集水井 (11)

2.3.3. 一级泵房 (12)

2.3.5. 调节池 (12)

2.3.6. UASB反应器 (12)

2.3.7. 曝气沉淀池 (12)

2.3.8. SBR反应器 (13)

2.3.9. 二级泵房 (13)

2.4. 污泥部分工艺设计 (13)

2.4.1. 集泥井 (13)

2.4.2. 污泥重力浓缩池 (13)

2.4.3. 污泥脱水间 (13)

3. 污水站总平面布置 (13)

3.1. 平面布置及总平面图 (13)

3.2. 平面布置的一般原则 (14)

3.3. 污水处理站平面布置的具体内容 (14)

3.4. 高程布置 (15)

4. 毕业设计计算书 (17)

4.1. 设计资料 (17)

4.1.1. 设计题目及任务 (17)

5. 污水站设计计算 (17)

5.1. 污水处理站处理规模 (17)

5.1.1. 污水处理程度 (18)

5.2. 污水处理站工艺设计 (18)

5.3. 污水处理构筑物的设计计算 (20)

5.3.1. 格栅 (20)

5.3.2. 集水井 (21)

5.3.4. 气浮池 (23)

5.3.5. 调节池 (27)

5.3.6. SBR反应器 (39)

5.3.7. 鼓风机房设计 (43)

5.3.8. 二级泵房 (44)

5.4. 污泥处理系统计算 (45)

5.4.1. 集泥井 (45)

5.4.2. 污泥重力浓缩池 (46)

5.4.3. 污泥脱水间 (47)

6. 污水处理站的平面布置和高程布置 (48)

6.1. 平面布置 (48)

6.2. 高程布置 (48)




食品工业是以粮食和农副产品为主要原料的加工工业。这类行业用水量和废水排放量都很大,尤其以淀粉工业废水的排放量占首位。我国淀粉行业有600 多家企业。在国内,每生产13

m淀粉就要产生10~203m废水,有的甚至更多。废水中主要含有淀粉、糖类、蛋白质、废酸和废碱等污染物,随生产工艺的不同,废水中的COD 浓度在2000~20000mg/l 之间。这些淀粉废水若不经过处理直接排放,其水中所含有的有机物,进入水体后会迅速消耗水中的溶解氧,造成水体缺氧而影响鱼类和其他水生动物的生存,同时废水中悬浮物易在厌氧条件下分解产生臭气,恶化水质。



关键词:味精废水淀粉 USAB


China's bio chemical industry after a series of development, already have a foundation. Especially after the reform and opening up, the development of bio chemical industry towards a new stage. However, with the development of bio chemical industry, environmental pollution problems have become increasingly serious, has become the main source of environmental pollution in china. In the bio chemical industries, because the starch, beer, alcohol,monosodium glutamate, citric acid, antibiotics, the output value of large, serious environmental pollution, soespecially paid attention to by people.

The food industry is the processing industry for food and agricultural products as the main raw material. Water consumption and wastewater discharge this kind of industry is very big, especially in the discharge of wastewater from starch industry accounted for the first. Starch industry in China has more than 600 enterprises. In China,each producing 1 starch to produce 10 ~ 20 wastewater, some even more. Wastewater containing mainly starch,carbohydrate, protein, acid and alkali waste and other pollutants, with the production process, wastewater COD concentration in the range of 2000 ~ 20000mg/l. If these starch wastewater directly discharged without any treatment, the water contained organic matter, dissolved oxygen into the water after a quick consumption of water,cause and effect and other aquatic animal fish aquatic hypoxia survival, and suspended solids in wastewater inanaerobic conditions decomposition produce odor, water quality deterioration.

Monosodium glutamate factory to the production of corn based starch as raw material, and then using starch asraw material production of monosodium glutamate, a lot of starch wastewater discharge in the production process,impact on the surrounding environment, should be three also conform to the contract design, construction and put into use at the same time, the principle for the need to adapt to the local environmental protection work and project, to make the effluent quality meet the national urban wastewater treatment factory two emission standard.
