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1. a pen pal 一位笔友

2. be from=come from来自于

3. in the United States /the United Kingdom在美国/在英国

4. live in+地点住在某地

5. what language 哪一门语言

6. Japanese for Kids 儿童日语

7. our world in English 我们的英语世界

8. her favorite subject 她最喜欢的科目

9. want a pen pal in China 想有一位来自中国的笔友

10. a very interesting country 一个很有趣的国家

11. a little French 一点法语[a little修饰不可数名词]

12. like going to+地点=like to go to+地点喜欢去某地

13. go to movies with+人和…一起去看电影

14. write to+人给…写信

15. tell me about yourself 告诉我关于你自己的事情

16. post office邮局

17. near here =around here在附近

18. on busy Central Street 在繁忙的中央大街上

19. across from对面

20. next to 紧挨着,隔壁

21. on Eighth Avenue 在第八大街上

22. in the neighborhood 在附近

23. just go straight 仅径直走

24. turn left/right 向左转/右转

25. down Bridge Street 沿着Bridge大街走

26. on the right /left of 在…右边/左边

27. off the busy street 离开这个繁华的街路

28. enjoy the city’s quiet streets 置身于城市中寂静的街路

29. take a walk through the park 步行穿越公园

30. a small house with 一个附带着…的小房子

31. [at] the beginning of the garden tour 游园开始

32. a good place to 一个…的好去处

33. have fun 玩得高兴

34. if you’re hungry如果你饿了

35. buy some food 买一些食物

36. arrive at/in/on 到达(小地点/大地点/岛屿或现场)

37. tell you the way to告诉你去…的路

38. take a taxi from+地点从…打车

39. pass a bank on your right 你的右边路过一个银行

40. turn left at New Park 在New Park处向左转

41. go through 穿过

42. have a good trip [to] 一路顺风

43. kind of 有点儿(副词词组,修饰形容词、动词)

44. want to +动词原形想要做某事[She wants to have supper.]

45. want +名词想要某件东西[She wants an apple.]

46. let’s see (let’s=let us) 让我们一起去看看

47. in South Africa / Europe 在南非/在欧洲(地名前不加冠词)

48. other animals其它的动物

49. be friendly to 对…友好

50. five years old 五岁(a five-year-old boy 一个五岁男孩)

51. be quiet 安静

52. during the day 在白天(强调整个期间)

53. at night在晚上

54. get up 起床

55. relaxes 20 hours every day 每天轻松20个小时

56. eat grass/leaves 吃草/树叶

57. shop assistant 商店服务员

58. bank clerk 银行职员

59. want to be 想要成为…

60. A+as well as+B与…同样好(谓语动词要随A的人称、数而变化)

61. work with/for与…一起工作/为…而工作

62. give sb. sth./give sth. to sb. 把…给谁

63. getsth. from sb. 从…那获取

64. wear a white uniform 穿着白色制服

65. help sb. (to) do 帮助…去做

66. in the day/at night 在白天/在晚上(强调某一点)

67. work late/hard 工作很晚/很努力

68. be busy doing 忙于做…

69. go out to dinners 出去就餐

70. like taking to people 喜欢与人交谈

71. ask questions 问问题

72. at/in the(a) hospital 在医院里

73. an exciting/interesting job 一份令人兴奋/有趣的工作

74. a newspaper reporter 一位新闻记者

75. a table for (two) (两)人一桌

76. police station 派出所

77. TV station 电视台

78. police officer 警官

79. the answer to ……的答案

80. have a job for you as a …这有一个给你准备好的….

81. call Al’s Restaurant at 打电话…给Al餐馆

82. write stories/ a story 写文章

83. want to be in the school play 在校本剧中扮演角色

84. a busy but exciting job 繁忙而又兴奋的工作

85. the Evening Newspaper 晚报

86. help wanted 急聘

87. an international school 一所国际学校

88. for children of 5-12 为五至十二岁孩子准备的
