综合教程IIUnit 9 What Is Happiness课后练习参考答案
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A. superb
❀ B. fantastic C. whole D. incomplete
6. A White House spokesperson declared that there would
be no change in the Administration’s policy on Iraq.
e.g. Your mother would never allow it, and for that matter, neither would I. 你母亲决不会允许,就这一点来说,我也不会允许。
For that matter she would drive herself and keep the whole event within her control. 同样,她宁愿自己开车,将整个事情置于自己的控制 中。
flawless perpetual
5. We heard the rumble of a tank engine ___a_p_p_r_o_a_c_h_in__g___ from behind.
6. As a violinist his technique was __f_la__w_le__s_s___ but somehow he lacked passion.
face: aspect 方面
e.g. The unacceptable face of this house is that it is too expensive. 这个房子不可接受的方面是它的价格太高了。
in nature: essentially 事实上,本质上
e.g. This rule is scientific in nature. 这个法则在本质上是科学的。
7. What this could mean I could not even guess: I ___v_a_g_u_e_l_y______ suspected that it wasn't anything good.
8.diCslceipalrinliyngthey will have to play a large part in _______________ themselves.
4. The report contained details of the poison gas and ______________ examples of accidents involving
inherent discipline
approach vaguely
need them.
A. shipped
❀ B. donated C. provided D. allowed
2. This child is clearly very disturbed emotionally and may
require long-time therapy.
A. checkup
❀B. treatment
C. inspection
D. observation
3. Most of the city’s leading artists display their works in
the local art gallery. A. paint B. list
C. sell
❀D. show
3. The project has been a success, thanks to the ___d_e_d_i_c_a_ti_o_n_ (dedicate) of all of our staff.
4. His first _c_o_m__m__e_rc_i_a_l __ (commercialism) venture was opening a small corner shop.
1. pursue
pursuer n.
追捕,追求;继续从事 追赶者,追求者 追求,追赶
e.g. 我知道她的追求者很多。 I know she has many pursuers.
我们为追求幸福生活而努力工作。 We work hard in pursuit of a happy life.
1. For many working mothers, balancing the demands of their children and job peisrpetaual_______________
2.funJcothionnshas a very good idea of how the civil
Education has become much more commercialized in recent years.
5. patriotism n.
爱国主义,爱国心 爱国者 爱国的
e.g. 我们都被他的爱国精神深深感动了。
We are all deeply moved by his patriotism.
3. dedicate v. dedicated a.
dedication n.
献出;致力于 专注的;献身的 奉献
e.g. 她毕生致力于教授英语。 She dedicated her life to teaching English.
我们尊敬他是因为他以无私奉献的精神廉正地为民 众服务。
We respect him because he serves the public with dedication and integrity.
disapprovingly ad.
不赞成 不赞成 不以为然地,不赞成地
e.g. 母亲不同意我们俩人的婚事。
Mother disapproved of our marriage.
He showed disapproval of your proposal.
8. starve
2. deceive
欺骗 骗局,诡计,欺诈 迷惑的,虚伪的,欺诈的
e.g. 他骗我买了一个假冒产品。
He deceived me into paying for the fake product. 他靠欺骗拿到了钱。
He gets the money by deception.
e.g. Music is more than a medium of commercialism. 音乐不仅仅是一种商业媒介。
for that matter: it is also true that … (The phrase “for that matter” is used to emphasize that sth., though mentioned second, is also true, important, or relevant as what has been mentioned earlier.) 就此而论,在这方面
1. A deer suddenly ran across the road, with a hunting dog in hot ____p_u_r_su__it_____(pursue).
2. I’m sure many businessmen use some kind of ___d_e_c_e_p_t_io_n___ (deceive) at times, to achieve their objectives.
4. commercial
commercialize v.
commercialism n.
商业的 使商业化 商业主义,营利主义
e.g. 商业电视是有效的广告宣传工具。
Commercial television is an effective medium for advertising. 教育近几年更加商业化了。
commercialism: the activities or attitudes of people who think that making a profit is more important than anything else; emphasis on the maximizing of profit 商业主义
4. An educational effort to heighten awareness about
global warming is currently underway.
❀ A. awaken B. increase C. force
D. develop
5. From where I was standing I had a partial view of the
starvation n.
starving a.
挨饿,受饿,饿死 饿死,饥饿 饥饿的
e.g. 那个可怜的老妇人被饿死了。 The poor old lady died of starvation.
我的钱不够用。 I’m starved for money.
1. Blankets and warm clothes will be issued to those who
service ______________, because he has been part of
3. However, this theory does not reflect the cocmipteldexities __________________ in real life.
Unit 9
un-American: not typical of the attitudes, ways of life, etc., that are approved of or considered normal in the US 非美国 式的
e.g. In a land so devoted to the pursuit of happiness as ours, crying is rather un-American. 在这一块如此专心致志追求幸福的土地上,哭的确不 是美国人的特点。
Governance of crisis, in nature, is the crisis of social capital. 治理危机就其本质而言,是社会资本的危机。
inherent discipline
approach vaguely
flawless perpetual
7. Not many people are able to indicate their __d_i_s_a_p_p_ro_v_a_l_ (disapprove) without causing offence. 8. The homeless and _____s_ta_r_v_in_g______ (starvation) refugees of the war were flocking to the cities.
5. The concert ended with the singers and audience singing ___p_a__tr_io_t_ic_______ (patriotism) songs.
6. It was so convincing that I had to remind myself that they were ___f_ic_t_io_n_a_l___ (fiction) characters, not real people.
She is a patriot to her country.
6. fiction n. fictional a.
虚构,杜撰;小说 虚构的;小说的
e.g. 我喜欢读科幻小说。 I like to read science fictions.
7. disapprove v. disapproval n.