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Dressing (沙拉酱 Thousand Island (1000Island Italian Dressing 千岛汁意大利汁French DressingBlue Cheese Dressing 法汁奶酪汁 VinaigretteOlive Oil 油醋汁橄榄油MayonnaiseHerb 蛋黄酱香草 Cooking Time 时间 Rare Medium Rare 二成熟三四成熟 Medium Medium well 五成七成 Well Done 全熟餐饮服务应用(一) Page 1 of 15 西餐服务用语 2011-10-10 食品烹饪方法 Cooking Method 煮放在摄氏 100度的开水中煮. Boiled To cook in water at 100 红烧放在有盖的锅里慢慢的烧(干 Stewed To cook in water or juice, slowly in closed dish 烩放在有盖的锅里,带水或汁慢慢的烧Braised To cook slowly in covered pan 烘放在干热的炉中烘 Baked To cook in using dry heat 炸放在煮开的油中炸(很多的油 Deep-fried To fry totally covered in oil or fat 煎放在小量的油中煎 Fried To cook in hot fat or oil 扒直接放在高热上或下中烤Grilled To cook gravitated or over direct heat 煎放在没有油的锅中煮 Pan-fried To fry without oil or fat 卧(波放在没有烧开的热水(恒温中煮 Poached To cook in water under controlled heat (not boiling water 蒸放在蒸气中蒸 Steamed To cook by allowing steam to heat food 炒用少量的油,高热中炒 Sauteed To cook quickly in a little hot oil or fat 醺把食物放在烟中醺,带给食物一个特别的味道 Smoked To preserve and give a special taste to meat by hanging in smoke 烧在烘箱中或明火中烤 Roast To cook by dry heat in an oven or over an open fire 餐饮服务应用(一) Page 2 of 15 西餐服务用语2011-10-10 What can you say when you greet the guest 当问候客人时你可以说些什么Good Morning /Afternoon / Evening 早上好、下午好、晚上好 How are you? 您好吗?We haven’t seen yo u for long time. 很久不见了。 Where have you been? 您去哪里了? You look great. 您看上去棒及了。 Courtesy Words 礼貌及礼貌用语 -Please

请 -Thank you谢谢 -May I …我可以 -Excuse me / I am sorry对不起 -I am glad to …我很愿意 -It is my pleasure to …我的容幸餐饮服务应用(一) Page 3 of 15 西餐服务用语 2011-10-10 We should be always courteous and friendly to our guest. Here are some examples. 我们应该时刻对客人保持礼貌及友善。以下为一些例句 When a guest say’s “Thank You” You always reply 当客人答谢你时 -You are welcome -With pleasure -It’s my pleasure If you need to interrupt a guest, Say 当你需要打断客人时 -Excuse me, Sir / Madam -I am sorry to disturb you If you didn’t hear what the g

uest said 没听清楚客人的话时 -Pardon me -Would you please repeat -I am sorry When a guest asks you to doing something, avoid do it without any answer, always say 当客人要求你做某事时,应先回应客人 -Yes, I will be right back -Yes, I will bring it for you When you want to clear the guest table / plates 当你要帮客人收盘子或清理桌面时 -May I take the plate -May I clear the table 餐饮服务应用(一) Page 4 of 15 西餐服务用语 2011-10-10 The Simple Restaurant Dialogue 简单餐厅对话 Taking a Breakfast Order Waiter: Good Morning Sir, How are you doing this Morning Guest : Good, thank you. Waiter: My name is Jason, I will be your waiter this Morning. Are you ready to order? Guest : Yes, I would like to have American breakfast. Waiter: What kind of fresh juice or fruit would you like? Guest: I would like some orange juice. Waiter: How would you like your eggs, Sir? Guest: Fried eggs, over easy. Waiter: Would you like your eggs served with ham, bacon or sausage? Guest: Bacon please. Waiter: What would you like to drink Guest: Coffee please. Waiter: Sure, would you like to have anything else? Guest: No thanks. Waiter: May I repeat your order? Guest: Yes, please Waiter: You have ordered … … Guest: That all right Waiter: Thank you Sir, I will be back soon to serve your order. 餐饮服务应用(一) Page 5 of 15 西餐服务用语 2011-10-10 Taking Food Order (if the guest decides to take a la carte Waiter: Excuse me Madam, May I take your order? Guest : Sure, I would like grilled beef tenderloin. Waiter: How would you like your beef to be cooked? Guest : Medium. Waiter: What sauce would you like? Guest: Red wine sauce. Waiter: Would you like to have an appetizer? Guest: What is your soup of the day? Waiter: Cream of mushroom. Guest: I would like that, please. Waiter: Would you like to have anything else? Guest: No thank you, that’s all. Waiter: May I repeat your order, Madam? Guest: Yes, please. Waiter: You have ordered …… Guest: That’s all right Waiter: Thank you Madam, I will be back soon to serve your order. 餐饮服务应用(一) Page 6 of 15 西餐服务用语 2011-10-10 Taking Beverage Order Waiter: Good Evening Sir, Would you like to have some thing to drink before you order your food? Guest : Do you have fruit juice? Waiter: Yes, we have freshly squeezed orange juice, watermelon juice, and apple juice. Guest : Watermelon
