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音标______________________________________________________________________________________ 英[se?] 美[se]
释义______________________________________________________________________________________ vt. 讲;说明;例如;声称;假设;指明
vi. 讲;表示;念;假定;背诵
n. (Say)人名;(土)萨伊;(法、老、柬)赛;(英)塞伊;(匈、罗)绍伊
短语______________________________________________________________________________________ Say Yes次求婚侗意;片
I say:我讲;我都会说;我要说;我说
say no:拜托我的女朋友;将我的女朋友交付给你;拜托我的女友;我的女朋友
Say GoodBye说再见;说再见吧;送客;我的心里布满灰尘
Better say: 倒不如说
They Say他们说;据说
say on:说下去;接着说;说上;说在
Say Hey艾尔文和花栗鼠;出版者
people say:有人说;人们说;人们所说的
音标______________________________________________________________________________________ 英[h???tel] 美[ho 'lt]?
附加______________________________________________________________________________________ [ 过去式hotelled 过去分词hotelled 现在分词hotelling ]
释义______________________________________________________________________________________ n. 旅馆;酒吧;餐馆;(无线电通讯中)字母H 的代码
n. (Hotel)(美)奥泰尔(人名)
短语______________________________________________________________________________________ Hotel California: 加州旅馆;加州旅店;加州酒店;老鹰乐队
Grand Hotel: 大饭店;圆山大饭店;大酒店;格兰德酒店
Hotel Transylvania: 精灵旅社;尖叫旅社;怪物旅店;怪物酒店
Cecil Hotel:塞西尔酒店;塞西尔饭店;塞西尔;塞西尔旅店
Heartbreak Hotel: 绑架猫王;伤心旅馆;伤心旅店;伤心的酒店
Beijing Hotel: 北京酒店;北京宾馆;香港北京宾馆
Park Hotel:香港百乐酒店;百乐酒店;国际饭店;公园酒店
Shilla Hotel:新罗酒店;新罗饭店;首尔新罗酒店
1. N-COUNT A hotel is a building where people stay, for example on holiday, paying for their rooms and meals.
音标______________________________________________________________________________________ 英[k??l] 美[k?l]
释义______________________________________________________________________________________ vi. 呼叫;拜访;叫牌
vt. 呼叫;称呼;召集
n. 电话;呼叫;要求;访问
n. (Call)人名;(瑞典、罗)卡尔;(英)考尔
短语______________________________________________________________________________________ call centre: 呼叫中心;电话中心;呼叫中心客服;电话服务中心
call up:打电话;召集;征召;使人想起
The Call:电话;后街男孩
call instruction: 呼叫指令;
Emergency call:调用指令;得指令;呼唤指令
incoming call: 紧急呼叫;紧急电话;急救电话;紧急援救电话cold call: 被叫通话;
DEBUG CALL呼入;打进的电话入呼叫
missed call:联系完全陌生的人;陌生电话;主动与准客户接触;冷不防电话
Russia n
释义_____________________________________________________________________________________ adj.俄国的;俄语的
短语_____________________________________________________________________________________ Russian blue:俄罗斯蓝猫;蓝灰色;瘦长;浅蓝色
Russian Empire俄罗斯帝国;沙皇俄国
russian wikipedia:俄语维基百科;俄基百科
Russian Federation:俄罗斯联邦;俄罗斯;国家地区;国家
Black Russian黑俄罗斯;黑色俄罗斯;黑色俄罗斯人;黑色露西亚
Russian sturgeon:俄罗斯鲟;俄国鲟
Russia n dress ing:俄式调味酱
Russia n olive:沙枣
1. ADJ Russia n means bel onging or relat ing to Russia, or to its people, la nguage, or culture. 俄罗斯的例:...the Russian parliament.

2. N-COUNT A Russian is a Russian citizen, or a person of Russian origin. 俄罗斯人
例: Three-quarters of Russia ns live in cities.

3. N-UNCOUNT Russian is the Ianguage spoken in Russia.俄语
英[0 r??美[0 ro]
附加 _____________________________________________________________________________________ [ 过去式threw 过去分词throw n 现在分词throwi ng ]
释义 _____________________________________________________________________________________ vt.投;抛;掷
短语 _____________________________________________________________________________________
throw about:到处扔;乱丢;转向航行;抛撒
overhead throw:过顶掷球;边顶掷球;边线掷界外球
throw off:扔开;匆匆脱掉;仍掉
Throw Distanee:投影距离;投影间隔;投物距离
air throw:气炼射距离;气炼射间隔;空投;详细翻译
throw at:向;投向;送;投去
Long Throw:大力界外掷球;远距离掷界外球;大力界外球;大力掷界外球
throw errors:引发错误
fault throw:断距
例句 _____________________________________________________________________________________
1. V-T When you throw an object that you are holding, you move your hand or arm quickly and let go of the object, so
that it moves through the air. 投;扔
2. N-COUNT Throw is also a noun.投;扔
例: That was a good throw.

3. V-T If you throw your body or part of your body into a particular positi on or place, you move it there
suddenly and with a lot of force. 猛然移动(身体或身体部位)
例:She threw her arms around his shoulders.

4. V-T If you throw someth ing into a particular place or positi on, you put it there in a quick and careless way.(漫不经心地)扔下
5. V-T To throw some one into a particular place or positi on means to force them roughly into that place or positio n.
例: He threw me to the ground.

6. V-T If you say that some one is throw n into pris on, you mean that they are put there by the authorities.
例: Those two should have been thrown in jail.

7. V-T If a horse throws its rider, it makes him or her fall off, by sudde nly jump ing or moving viole ntly.(马)摔落(骑手)
8. V-T If a pers on or thing is throw n into a bad situati on or state, someth ing causes them to be in that situation or
9. V-T If someth ing throws light or a shadow on a surface, it causes that surface to have light or a shadow on it.投下
10. V-T If someth ing throws doubt on a pers on or thi ng, it causes people to doubt or suspect them.
11. V-T If you throw a look or smile at some one or someth ing, you look or smile at them quickly and suddenly.猛然投以(一瞥或一笑)[no cont]
例: Emily turned and threw her a suggestive grin.

12. V-T If you throw yourself, your en ergy, or your money into a particular job or activity, you become
involved in it very actively or enthusiastically. 投身于; 投入
例: She threw herself into a modelling career.

13. V-T If you throw a fit or a tan trum, you sudde nly start to behave in an uncon trolled way. 爆发(脾气); 耍(性子)
14. V-T If someth ing such as a remark or an experie nee throws you, it surprises you or con fuses you
because it is unexpected. 使吃,惊;使困惑
例: Her sudden change in attitude threw me.

15. V-T If you throw a pun ch, you punch some one. 打(一拳)
例: Everyth ing was fine un til some one threw a pun ch.

16. V-T When some one throws a party, they orga nize one, usually in their own home.(常指在家)举行
例:Why not throw a party for your friends?
17. to throw dow n the gaun tlet sejsun tlet
18. to throw light on someth ing lkghsee
19. to throw money at someth ing -moeey
20. to throw in the towel 4ow e e
See you tomorrow
释义______________________________________________________________________________________ 明天见
短语______________________________________________________________________________________ See e you tomorrow: 明天见yes see you tomorrow: 明天是见到你; 是明天见
See you tomorrow then: 明天再看到你;然后明天见;你明天再
see you tomorrow worship: 拜拜明天见
See You Guys Tomorrow:看到你们明天
to see you tomorrow: 在明日与你相会;明天就能见到你了
I see you tomorrow: 明天我想见你;明天看你;我明天去看你;我见你明天see you tomorrow boy: 看你明天的男
Bye see you tomorrow: 拜拜明天见
pine tree
释义______________________________________________________________________________________ 松树
短语______________________________________________________________________________________ pine-tree oil: 松树油
masson pine superior tree: 马尾松优树
pine e tree: 松树
pine-tree resin: 松脂; 松香
pine-tree dovetail: 枞树形叶根
pine-tree line: 松树线
pine-tree crystal: 枝晶;树枝状晶体
pine-tree array: 松树形天线阵;翻译
masson pine surplus tree: 马尾松优树
音标_____________________________________________________________________________________ 英[p a ?st]美[p? st]

past tense:过去时;过去式;过去时态;芳邻疑影
past history:既往史;过去史;去病史
Un forgettable Past:往事只能回味
brush past:擦身而过;擦肩而过;静水流深
fly past:飞机列队飞过;飞过去;掠过
Brushi ng Past:擦肩而过
Past Form:过去式;过去形式;情感历程
Past midnight:限时索命;越过午夜;子时已过
1. N-SING The past is the time before the prese nt, and the things that have happe ned. 过去
2. PHRASE If you accuse some one of living in the past , you mea n that they thi nk too much about the past or
believe that things are the same as they were in the past. 活在过去[表不满]
3. N-C0UNT Your past con sists of all the things that you have done or that have happe ned to you. 经历
例:...revelations about his past.

4. ADJ Past events and thi ngs happe ned or existed before the prese nt time. 以前的[ADJ n]
5. ADJ You use past to talk about a period of time that has just fini shed. For example, if you talk about the past
five years , you mean the period of five years that has just fini shed. 冈U过去的[det ADJ n]
6. PREP You use past when you are stating a time that is thirty minutes or less after a particular hour. For
example, if it is twenty past six, it is twenty minutes after six o 指钟点'(过>ck[num PREP num] 例: It ' s ten past eleven.
11:10 了。

7. ADV Past is also an adverb.过了[num ADV]
例: I have my lunch at half past.

8. PREP If it is past a particular time, it is later than that time. 晚于
例: It was past midnight.

9. PREP If you go past some one or someth ing, you go n ear them and keep moving, so that they are the n beh ind
例: I dashed past him and out of the door.

10. A DV Past is also an adverb.经过
例:An ambulanee drove past.

11. PREP If you look or point past a person or thing, you look or point at something behind them. 越过[v PREP n]
例: She stared past Christine at the bed.

12. PREP If something is past a place, it is on the other side of it. 在••另一侧[v-link PREP n]
例: Go north on 1-15 to the exit just past Barstow.

13. PREP If some one or someth ing is past a particular point or stage, they are no Ion ger at that point or stage.超过
例: He was well past retirement age.

英[mju? ' z??美[mju?z??n]
释义_____________________________________________________________________________________ n.博物馆
Guggenheim Museum:古根海姆博物馆;古根海姆美术馆;古根汉博物馆
Deutsches Museum:德意志博物馆;德国博物馆;博物馆;慕尼黑德意志博物馆
Neues Museum:柏林新博物馆;新博物馆
Design Museum:设计博物馆;伦敦设计博物馆;设计博物馆的新浪潮;博物馆
Ashmolean Museum:阿什莫林博物馆;博物馆;阿什莫尔博物馆;阿须摩林博物馆
Altes Museum:柏林旧博物馆;老博物馆;旧博物馆;博物馆
history museum:历史博物馆;史博物馆;博物馆
Shanghai Museum:上海博物馆;初中英语优秀作文范文
Stedelijk Museum:阿姆斯特丹市立博物馆沛立博物馆沛立美术馆;博物馆例句______________
1. N-COUNT A museum is a building where a large number of interesting and valuable objects, such as works of art
or historical items, are kept, studied, and displayed to the public. 博物馆
例:For mon ths Malcolm had wan ted to visit the New York art museums.

take a rest
短语______________________________________________________________________________________ take e a rest: 休息
You take a rest: 你休息一会;您休息休息;你采取一个休息
Go Take A Rest你去歇歇吧
Better Take A Rest:最好休息一下
take a midday rest: 歇晌
take a good rest: 好好休息;休息
Take a rest please:请您休息一下
to take a rest: 休息
Take A Rest Day那么休息一天
附加_____________________________________________________________________________________ [ 过去式wrote 过去分词writte n 现在分词writi ng ]
释义_____________________________________________________________________________________ vi.写,写字;写作,作曲;写信
write out:写出;写下;全部写出;写出来
word write:字组写入;字写入
write access:写入存取;写访问;写入访问
write penalty:写惩罚
write time:写时间;写入时间英语
write pulse:写脉冲
Write Allocate:写分配;写分配法;写时申请;按写分配
write gate:写入门;写选通;写闸
Sequential Write:顺序写;循序写入
1. V-T/V-I When you write , you use someth ing such as a pen or pencil to produce words, letters, or nu mbers.

2. V-T If you write someth ing such as a book, a poem, or a piece of music, you create it and record it on paper or
perhaps on a computer. 仓U作
3. V-I Some one who writes creates books, stories, or articles, usually for publicati on.
例:Jay wan ted to write. 杰伊那时想搞创作。

4. V-T/V-I When you write some one or to some one or write them a letter, you give them in formati on, ask them something, or express your feelings in a letter. 写(信)
5. nothing to write home about
V-T When some one writes somethi ng such as a cheque, receipt, or prescriptio n, they
put the n ecessary information on it and usually sign it. 填写 (支票、收据或处方 )
例: Snape wrote a receipt with a gold fountain pen.

7. V-I If you write to a computer or a disk, you record data on it.( 在电脑或磁盘上)写入(数据)[计算 机]
8. T see also writing , written
T see home
音标______________________________________________________________________________________ 英[li?v] 美[liv]
附加______________________________________________________________________________________ [ 过去式left 过去分词left 现在分词leaving ]
释义______________________________________________________________________________________ vt. 离开;留下;遗忘;委托
vi. 离开,出发;留下
n. 许可,同意;休假
短语______________________________________________________________________________________ leave alone:不打扰;不管所其自然
French leave:不辞而别;悄悄离去
Marriage Leave: 婚假
leave pay:假期工资;假期薪金
personal leave: 事假
digitalis leave: 洋地黄叶
leave balance: 积存的假期
leave salary :度假期间的薪金
leave quarantine: 留检
音标_____________________________________________________________________________________ 英[me?美[me]
释义_____________________________________________________________________________________ n.五月
May Day:五一节;五朔节;国际劳动节;劳动节
May Chin:高金素梅;金素梅
may well:很可能;充分理由;保不住;有充分理由可以
may modal:可以;也许;可能大概
May West:救生衣;梅耶威斯特
john may:梅约翰;梅;约翰梅;标签
Karl May:卡尔麦;梅;卡尔迈;卡尔梅
May Coup:军事政变
Sat May:发信站;飘渺水云间
例句_____________________________________________________________________________________ 1.N-VAR May is the fifth month of the year in the Western cale ndar. 5 月
例:Graduatio n cere monies are held in early May.

Why not?
释义______________________________________________________________________________________ 为何不…(用来提建议)
短语______________________________________________________________________________________ Why is not it: 为什么还是不行呢
Why do not school: 为什么不去学校呢
Why you not sad: 你不要难过嘛
Why can not translate: 为什么翻译不了
Why do not speak: 咋不说话
Why do not I: 为什么不是我呢
why do not respond: 为什么不响应;为什么不回应;为甚么没有响应
why you not answer: 你为什么不回答;为什么你不回答
oak tree

短语______________________________________________________________________________________ Adair Oak-tree ford: 爱尔兰Ackerley From the oak-tree meadow: 男性英文名字Two-Dependent-Oak-Tree: 两棵相依的橡树Oakes from the oak-tree grove: 男性英文名字
Oak Tree Inn:橡树旅馆;桦树园豪华宾馆;橡树酒店
To the Oak Tree: 致橡树
Cork Oak Tree栓皮栋树
Oak Tree Golf Club:橡树高尔夫俱乐部
Oak Tree Inn Cheye nne:夏延橡树酒店
音标______________________________________________________________________________________ 英[?'hed] 美[?'hd?]
释义______________________________________________________________________________________ adv. 朝前地,在前面;提前地;领先;(为进步而)向前地;(数量或价值上)更多,更高;将来;获得成功;占优势
adj. 在前的,领先的;提前的
短语______________________________________________________________________________________ get ahead: 进步
Dangerous Ahead: 险陡
FULL AHEAD海盗王;全速前进;前进三;前进三全速前进
Straight Ahead:主流爵士乐;一直向前;永往直前
Be nd Ahead:前方弯道
slow ahead:前进一;慢速前进;慢速正车;慢速前进慢速正车
push ahead:向前进;抓紧进行
Ahead Slow:慢车;慢速前进;安静航行;慢速
World ahead: 世界齐步走;全球超越计划;世界领先
音标______________________________________________________________________________________ 英[ ' sek)(n?d] 美[ ' sk?nd]
释义______________________________________________________________________________________ num. 第二;(规模、质量等)居第二位的;另外的
adj. 第二(个)的;(比赛、级别上)居第二位的;另外的;次要的
n. 秒;瞬间;第二名;二等品
v. 支持,附议;临时调派(工作人员等)
adv. 居第二位;第二,其次
n. (Second)(美)塞孔(人名)
短语______________________________________________________________________________________ leap second: 闰秒; 全球将迎来闰秒;跳秒
Seco nd Republic:第二共和国;第二共和;法兰西第二共和国;第二共和党
Seco nd half:下半时;下半场;后半时;后半埸
second job: 第二职业;第二生业;职业;第两职业
Seco nd Fleet :第二舰队
Seco nd Chorus :第二合唱队;二合唱;我一定会和你再相遇;蝶舞龙飞
minor second: 小二度
Seco nd Fiddle第二小提琴;二把手;小提琴
音标______________________________________________________________________________________ 英[0 ??]美[0 ??]
释义______________________________________________________________________________________ n. 事情;东西;事物;情况
短语______________________________________________________________________________________ Big Thing:大物;热门事件;大东西
sure thing: 十有把握的事;当然了;十有掌握的事;当然
Real thing:动真格;哼唱的高潮很唯美;实际的事情
Wicked thing: 缺德事
Geography thing: 地理事物interesting thing: 有趣的东西;有趣的事
a thing:正如某物;一项;某物;法权
best thing: 全世界最好的事;天赐之物
whole thing: 全部事情;整个事情;整件事;整个这件事
pla nt
音标 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 英[pl a ?nt]美[pl? nt]
释义 _____________________________________________________________________________________ n.工厂,车间;植物;设备;庄稼
n. (Plant)人名;(英、西、意)普兰特;(法厝朗
短语 _____________________________________________________________________________________ vascular plant:维管植物;管植物;导管植物;具维管束植物
Plant Cell:植物细胞;动物细胞;生物冰稻叶片卷曲基因鉴定
plant protection:植物保护;
Rubber Plant:植物保护学;工厂保护;植保
pla nt com muni ty: 橡胶厂;橡胶树;
Organic Plant:橡胶植物;印度橡胶树
Plant Biology:植物群落;植物社会;植物群降
Petrochemical Plant:全天然有机生产;全自然无机消费;全自然有机生产;全自然无机坐褥
Metallurgical Plant:植物生物学;植物学;植物生物;培植生物学
例句 _____________________________________________________________________________________
1. N-COUNT A plant is a living thing that grows in the earth and has a stem, leaves, and roots. 植物
例:Water each plant as often as required.

2. V-T When you pla nt a seed, pla nt, or young tree, you put it into the ground so that it will grow there. 栽种
3. planting N-UNCOUNT 栽种
例: Extensive flooding in the country has delayed planting and many crops are still under water.

4. V-T When some one pla nts land with a particular type of pla nt or crop, they put pla nts, seeds, or young trees into the land to grow them there. 将(土地)种植(植被)
例:They plan to plant the area with grass and trees.

5. N-COUNT A plant is a factory or a place where power is produced. 工厂; 电厂
例: ...Ford ' s car assempbynts.

6. N-UNCOUNT Pla nt is large mach in ery that is used in in dustrial processes.(工业用)大型机械设备
7. V-T If you plant something somewhere, you put it there firmly.(稳固地)放置
8. V-T To pla nt someth ing such as a bomb means to hide it somewhere so that it explodes or works there. 埋设(炸弹等)
例: So far no one has admitted planting the bomb.

9. V-T If someth ing such as a weap on or drugs is pla nted on some on e, it is put among their possessi ons or in
their house so that they will be wrongly accused of a crime. 放置(武器、毒品等以栽赃)[oft passive]
10. V-T If an orga ni zati on pla nts some one somewhere, they send that pers on there so that they can get
in formatio n or watch some one secretly. 安插(卧底)
英['su?p?; ' Sjl美['p?]
释义 _____________________________________________________________________________________ adj.特级的;极好的
n. (Super)人名;(英)休珀
短语 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Super Bowl:超级碗;超级杯;超等碗;美国橄榄球超级杯大赛
Super Girl:超级女声;迷你专辑;超级女生;亲笔签名
Super Boy:快乐男声;元气超人快乐男声主题曲
Super SONICO超级索尼子;第一宇宙速度;索尼子;超音速子
Super Spray:超级喷射;超级喷射系统;超级喷射粒子系统;超等喷洒体系
Super Nintendo:超级任天堂;移植到超任家用机;超级任天堂主机
Super Fish:大鱼奇谭;喻彦
Super Visa:超级签证;超等签证;父母及祖父母超级签证;超级
Super Cub:超级幼兽片;极速小绵羊;本田幼兽
例句 _____________________________________________________________________________________
1. ADV Super is used before adjectives to indicate that something has a lot of a quality. 超级地[ADV adj]
2. ADJ Super is used before nouns to indicate that something is larger, better, or more advaneed than similar things.超级的[ADJ n]
3. ADJ Some people use super to mean very nice or very good. 超好的[非正式,老式]
例: We had a super time.

nin th
英['na?n 0 美[na?n 0]
释义 _____________________________________________________________________________________ num.第九
短语 _____________________________________________________________________________________ ninth chord:九和弦;九以及弦
Ninth Happiness:九星报喜;九星送喜
Ninth symphony:第九交响曲;写了第九交响乐;第九交响曲贝多芬
Ninth City:第九城市
Lower Ninth:第九区
ninth h:第九;九度;九分之一
ninth con scious ness:九识
例句 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1.ORD The ninth item in a series is the one that you count as number nine. 第9
例:...January the ninth.

2. FRACTION A ninth is one of nine equal parts of something. 1/9
例: The dollar rose by a ninth of a cent.

英['val?| 美['val??|
释义 _____________________________________________________________________________________
n. (Violet)人名;(西)比奥莱特;(法)维奥莱;(印、匈、英)维奥莱特
短语 _____________________________________________________________________________________
crystal violet:龙胆紫;结晶柴;紫药水
methyl violet:甲基紫;甲紫;龙胆紫;结晶紫
violet ash:淡白紫
Violet blue:紫蓝色;紫罗兰蓝;紫蓝;紫光蓝
Pastel violet:崧蓝紫色;粉紫色;柔和的紫;帕斯泰尔贝
violet deep:暗紫
Pyrocatechol violet:邻苯二酚紫;儿茶酚紫;邻苯二酚磺酞;焦儿茶酚紫
African violet:非洲堇;非洲紫罗兰;非洲菫;非洲紫萝兰
Tropical Violet:哥拉斯彩虹
例句 _____________________________________________________________________________________
1. N-COUNT A violet is a small plant that has purple or white flowers in the spring. 紫罗兰
2. COLOR Someth ing that is violet is a bluish-purple colour. 紫罗兰色的
例:The light was beginning to drain from a violet sky.

3. PHRASE If you say that some one is no shri nking violet , you mea n that they are not at all shy. 羞涩的人
例: When it comes to expressing himself he is no shrinking violet.

n. 南极洲,南极地区
adj. 南极的
短语______________________________________________________________________________________ Antarctic region: 南极地区;南极区;南极区域;南极地域antarctic front: 南极锋
Antarctic Adventure: 南极大冒险;南极冒险;环游南极antarctic high: 南极反气旋
Antarctic Ocean: 南极海;南极的海洋;南大洋antarctic climate: 南极气候
Antarctic Centre: 南极中心
Antarctic meteorites: 南极洲陨石
例句______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. N-PROPER The Antarctic is the area around the South Pole. 南极洲
city flower
短语______________________________________________________________________________________ City-flower: 市花
Joyful City Of Flower: 动感花城
City Flower Fair: 城市花博览会
City Flower Park: 市花公园
Haikou City flower Association: 海口市花卉协会
Xian City Flower Hotel: 西安榴花宾馆
the city flower: 花展
City flower Expo: 城市花博览会
The Abnomal City Flower: 城市的畸形之花
英[f?' get]美[f?'g ?t]
n. (Forget)人名;(法)福尔热
Forget Him:忘记他;遗忘他;忘不了他
Forget Me:忘记我;忘了我;校花我爱你;忘了我吧
Forget fly:忘记飞翔;重新混音;记忆飞翔;诺里斯特写
Richard Forget:加拿大;弗杰特;理查德弗杰特
Forget Regret:忘决歉意;忘记歉意
Just forget:只是忘不掉;只是忘了;忘掉;刚才忘记
Forget love:忘记爱;不要忘记爱;忘了爱;忘不掉的挚爱
Forget work:忘了工作;不要忘记工作;忘记下班;忘记工作
Cant Forget:忘不了;无法遗忘;金钟国
1. V-T If you forget someth ing or forget how to do someth ing, you cannot think of it or think how to do it, although you knew it or knew how to do it i n the past. 忘了(某事物、如何做某事)
2. V-T/V-I If you forget someth ing or forget to do it, you fail to think about it or fail to remember to do it, for example, because you are thinking about other things. 忘记(某事物、做某事)
例: She never forgets her daddy ' s birthday.

3. V-T If you forget something that you had intended to bring with you, you do not bring it because you did not think about it at the right time. 忘记带(某物)
4. V-T/V-I If you forget someth ing or some one, you deliberately put them out of your mind and do not think about them any more. 忘掉(某事物、某人)
5. CONVENTION You say " Forget it " in reply to some one as a way of telli ng them not to worry or bother about
something, or as an emphatic way of saying no to a suggestion. 没关系; 休想[口语]
6. PHRASE You say n ot forgetti ng a particular thi ng or pers on whe n you want to in elude them in something
that you have already talked about. 另U忘了(某物或人)
例: Leave a message, not forgetting your name and address.

英[f?f 9 ]美[f?f 9]
释义_____________________________________________________________________________________ adj.第五的;五分之一的
fifth column:第五纵队;出版者;唱片名
fifth crusade:第五次十字军东征
Fifth power:第五权
Fifth Street:第五街;第五大街
fifth alarm:五级火警
Fifth PART:古惑仔一班人马到场
Fifth quadra nt:第五象限
Fifth Grade:五年级
Fifth Sympho ny:第五交响曲
1.ORD The fifth item in a series is the one that you count as number five. 第5
2. FRACTION A fifth is one of five equal parts of something. 1/5
例: India spends over a fifth of its budget on defenee.

3. N-SING If you take or plead the fifth , you take the . 《美国宪法修正案》第五条
a quarter to ten
释义 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 九点四十五分
短语 _____________________________________________________________________________________
at a quarter to ten: 十点差一刻
英['d?nj?⑺r? 美['d?nj?' ?]
释义_____________________________________________________________________________________ n. 一月
January Jones詹纽瑞琼斯;詹纽瑞;琼斯澹纽瑞琼斯
January effect: 一月效应;元月效应
January 0:月0 日
Jan uary Upris ing: —月起义
Captain January:—月船长;一月船主;一月站长;简瑞里船长
January Stars:一月星;从冬季夜空的点点繁星
th January: —月十三日
January day: 一月一至U二天
例句_____________________________________________________________________________________ 1.N-VAR January is the first month of the year in the Wester n cale ndar. 1 月
例:We always have snow in January.

音标_____________________________________________________________________________________ 英[ 'nd???] 美[ 'nd???]
释义_____________________________________________________________________________________ n. 印度(南亚国家)
短语_____________________________________________________________________________________ Portuguese India: 葡属印度; 葡印度
West India: 印度西部; 西印度;西印度群岛
Northeast India: 印度东北部
Colonial India: 欧洲国家在印度的殖民地;洲家在印度的殖民地
India Office: 印度事务部;印度部;印度局
India WHITE:印度白色;印度泊色
Light India:国际灯饰照明展;印度国际照明展;印度国际灯饰照明展;中国第一大组展商
India Song:印度之歌;印度颂歌
Google India: 谷歌印度。
