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The design of the chain plate rolling machines by drawing on its revolving roller contacts the role of friction will be rolling the metal body (work piece) dragged into the roll gap between the roll under pressure, mainly in the work piece thickness. Completion of the direction of plastic molding.

The Design of this include: the selection of motor, transmission part of the design, the design of speed reducer, shaft components, design, cabinet design, the main chain plate rolling machine, rack design, including reducer such as lubrication and sealing. The design process in accordance with the National Institute of Standards and mechanical design criteria for design.

Shaft design and the design is the focus of this design, the design of the mechanical design reference manual for the precise design, and check the strength.

The design of the chain plate rolling machine structure is simple and inexpensive to use and in line with the design requirements, mainly for the processing chain for the volume of the material plate designed. Can be processed to ensure good product performance, high surface finish, plate type, and to meet the requirements.

Key words: chain plate rolling machine; reducer; shaft components; transmission parts


摘要 (Ⅰ)

Abstract (Ⅱ)

第 1 章绪论 (1)

1.1选题的依据,意义和理论及在应用方面的价值 (1)

1.2本课题在国内外的研究现状 (2)

1.2.1国外相应机器的研究状况 (2)

1.2.2国内相应机器的研究状况 (2)

1.3课题研究的内容及拟采取的方法 (3)

1.4 课题研究中的主要难点以及解决的方法 (3)

第 2章设计方案的确定 (4)

2.1 传动方案的确定 (4)

2.1.1机械传动系统拟定的一般原则 (4)

2.1.2 确定最终传动方案 (5)

2.2确定各传动结构的传动效率 (6)

第 3章电动机的选择 (7)

3.1 选择电动机的类型及结构形式 (7)

3.2 电动机功率的选择 (8)

3.2.1 电动机功率的计算推演 (8)

3.2.2 确定电动机具体型号 (8)

3.3确定各轴的功率 (8)

3.4确定各轴的转速 (8)

3.5确定传递的转矩 (9)

第 4章带传动的选择及设计 (10)

4.1带传动的选择 (10)

4.2 带传动的设计计算 (11)

4.2.1 设计计算功率 (11)

4.2.2 确定带型 (11)

4.2.3 选择传动比 (11)

4.2.4 小带轮基准直径的确定 (11)

4.2.5 大带论的实际转速为: (11)

4.2.6 带速的计算 (11)

4.2.7 初选轴间距 (12)


a (12)

4.2.9 计算实际轴间距 (12)

4.2.10 计算小带轮包角 (12)

4.2.11 确定单根V带的基本额定功率 (12)


4.2.12 确定额定功率的增量


4.2.13 计算V带的根数 (12)

4.2.14 计算单根V带的预紧力 (13)

4.2.15 确定带轮的结构尺寸 (13)

第 5章减速器的设计 (15)

5.1 选择减速器的类型 (15)

5.2 减速器中齿轮传动的设计 (15)

5.2.1 确定齿轮精度等级、齿轮类型、齿数和材料 (15)

5.2.2确定结构尺寸 (19)

5.3 齿轮轴的设计 (20)

5.3.1 材料选择 (20)

5.3.2 轴的设计计算和校核 (21)

5.4 减速器的箱体 (29)

5.4.1 箱体材料 (29)

5.4.2 确定结构尺寸 (30)

5.4.3 减速器的润滑和密封 (31)

第6章分轴器的设计 (32)

6.1 齿轮传动 (32)

6.2 齿轮轴的校核 (32)

6.3 机座和箱体 (38)

第7章轧制机主体 (39)

7.1 确定工作轧辊的材料 (39)

7.2 机架 (40)

结论 (41)

参考文献 (42)

致谢 (43)
