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建筑学院、景观系(Landscape)和城市与区域规划系(Town and RegionaI PlannIng)共同组成建筑学部(Facu时of ArchiteCturaI Sludies),这三个系在各自领域名列前茅,共同形成了一个重要的建筑和自然环境研究中心。
Academic staff:学术人员
Professor Heather Campbell
Professor of Town and Regional Planning
Room number: D21
Telephone (internal): 26306
Telephone (UK): 0114 222 6306
Telephone (International): +44 114 222 6306
Email: h.j.campbell@
Academic profile(学术经历)
I was awarded a BA in Geography from the University of Durham in 1987 and an MA in Town and Regional Planning from the University of Sheffield in
I completed my PhD in the Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield in 1990 and was appointed as Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer from 1991 – 99.
I was made Professor of Town and Regional Planning at the University of Sheffield in 1999 and was Head of Department in the Department of Town and Regional Planning from 2003 – 2007.
我在1990年获得英国谢菲尔德大学城市与区域规划博士学位,从1991年至1999年被委任为英国谢菲尔德大学城市与区域规划系讲师和高级讲师,1999年,成为英国谢菲尔德大学城市与区域规划教授,并在2003年– 2007期间,任城市与区域规划系系主任。
Research interests:当前研究
How can we judge between better and worse in relation to decisions concerning place and space?(关于场所与空间的决策,我们如何做出好与坏的评判)
More particularly how can we ensure justice in relation to place-related outcomes and processes?尤其更重要的是在如何确保场所相关结果和过程的公平公正性?
These are the central questions which dominate my research interests and activities. 这是我研究兴趣和活动中的主导核心问题。
Current research
In my recent writing I have focused attention on issues of ethical values, just outcomes and the public good as well as the nature of the relationship between knowledge and action. I seek to get beyond critical analysis of inequality and injustice to consider how policy interventions can be rendered more just and equitable. I explore the nature of judgement and justice arguing that just planning is the `art of situated ethical judgement´. This in tu rn links to the work of others in the Department, who are concerned to explore and develop contemporary conceptualisations of social justice. Complementing this research has been an exploration of the role of `technical´ information in policy-making. This has involved studies of the process of technological change, in particular the organisational and institutional issues influencing the effective implementation of computing technologies, such as GIS, and the role of the resulting knowledge in policy-making processes. I currently lead the
Planning Theory and Practice Research Cluster. For further information click here.
My teaching seeks to explore the interface between conceptual ideas and public policy-making about space and place. Currently I am teaching modules which examine questions of ethical values and knowledge in planning, justice and theory and ethics in the built environment.
I teach on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses including:
TRP326 Values, Theory and Ethics in Planning规划中的价值观,理论和道德
Aims/Description: This course explores the interrelationships between theoretical debates within spatial planning and everyday practice. The aim is to provide an introduction to the theoretical debates in planning with particular focus on the values and ethical dilemmas underlying spatial planning practice in Britain. It should be noted that the planning activity provides the focus for the course but that the issues and concerns are also linked to the work of other built environment professionals.
TRP 6403 Values in Planning规划价值论
This course explores the inter-relationships between theoretical debates within planning and everyday practice. An awareness of theoretical debates is crucial to understanding
the assumptions implicit in spatial planning practice and the challenges confronting practitioners - what frameworks are available to help planners to decide how to act and to determine whether their actions have been appropriate or otherwise? This raises fundamental questions about the very nature of spatial planning and the way it is currently practised. The course, therefore, addresses such questions as: what are the justifications for spatial planning and what goals should it have? What methods should guide the work of practitioners? Is the spatial planning system fair and just? What constitutes ethical action in spatial planning? Particular emphasis is placed on the dilemmas faced by individual practitioners in conducting their day-to-day work. The British planning system forms the focus for the course but it also draws on personal experiences derived from other work environments and planning contexts during the seminars.
TRP 6411 Theory and Ethics in the Built Environment建筑环境理论和道德
This module examines the interrelationships between theoretical debates and surveying practice. As such the module aims to provide an understanding of the context and practice of surveying from a theoretical perspective. The module explores the justifications for private real property and (property) markets, the normative goals of surveying, critical analyses of the role of surveyors in contemporary society and the methods used by them, and the ethical dilemmas associated with surveying practice. In so doing the module considers how debates more broadly in philosophy and the social sciences have framed debates concerning property, markets and the professions related to them.
TRP 6060 Values in Planning
This course explores the inter-relationships between theoretical debates within planning, everyday practice and planning research. An awareness of theoretical debates within planning is crucial to understanding the assumptions underlying both planning practice and research. This, in turn, raises fundamental questions about the very nature of planning as well as the priorities and responsibilities for those engaged in research. The course, therefore, explores such questions as: what is planning research? What is the relationship between research and practice? What are the priorities for planning research?
TRP 6291 / 4281 Justice, Judgement and Planning司法,审判和规划
The aim of the module is to enhance understanding of contemporary planning problems through the application of perspectives derived from moral and ethical reasoning
Crook, Emeritus Prof Tony Professor of Housing
Impact of housing, taxation and
planning policy on the supply side of
the private rented sector; impact of
planning gain on supply of affordable
housing; social housing and
regeneration policy.
Professor ADH Tony Crook BA MPhil PhD AcSS FRTPI FRSA
Professor Emeritus of Town and Regional Planning
Email: a.crook@
Profile and Current Research
I am Emeritus Professor of Town & Regional Planning and the former Senior Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University when, for a nine year term, I was responsible for academic planning, HR and capital projects, a position to which I was appointed after serving as Head of TRP.
Over the last three decades I have had a large research programme on the supply side of the private rented housing sector and the use of the planning obligations to secure affordable housing. My work has received research grants of over £3m and I have over 150 publications including books, research reports, journal articles and other output. My latest book, co authored with Professor Peter Kemp, ‘Transforming Private Landlords’, was published in 2011.
Research interests
My current research covers two areas: first, monitoring and evaluating government initiatives to create more corporate landlords and attract more institutional funding to the private rented housing sector and second, the use of planning obligations to secure land and private finance for new affordable housing
Key publications
• Tony Crook & Peter A Kemp (2011) Transforming private landlords: housing, markets and public policy Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell
• Crook ADH and Monk, S (2011) Planning gains, providing homes Housing Studies 26(7-8): 997-1018
• Crook ADH & Kemp PA (2002) Housing investment trusts: a new structure of rental housing provision Housing Studies 17: 741-753
• Crook ADH & Whitehead CME (2002) Social housing and planning gain: is this an appropriate way of providing affordable housing Environment & Planning A 34: 1259-1279
• Crook ADH (1989) Multi-occupied housing: the application of discretionary powers by local authorities Policy and Politics 17 (1): 41-58.
Other information
I am also very active in the world of policy and practice which brings me into close contact with policy makers in the public, private and not for profit sectors in housing and planning. I am currently Chair of the Board of Trustees of Shelter (the national housing and homelessness charity), Deputy Chair of the Orbit Housing Group (one of the UK largest not for profit provider of affordable homes), a director of Orbit Homes Ltd, a Trustee of the Coalfields Regeneration Trust (which is funded by the UK governments to secure economic and social regeneration of the former coalfields), and a member of the R oyal Town Planning Institute’s (RTPI) General Assembly. In past years I have been Chair of Sheffield Homes Ltd, an independent member of the board of the National Tenant Voice, Chair of the RTPI Accreditation Board, a member of the National Housing Federat ion’s National Council, Chair of South Yorkshire Housing Association, Chair of the RTPI Housing Panel, a member of the RTPI Research Committee, and Chair of ConneXions South Yorkshire. My overseas experience includes research, teaching, and expert advice in China, South East Asia, and North America. I also helped establish the South East Europe Research Centre (a joint initiative of the University of Sheffield and CITY College Thessaloniki) and chaired its Steering Group.
I was elected a Fellow of the RTPI in 2001 in recognition of my distinguished contribution to planning research. In 2004 I was elected as an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences in recognition of my standing as a social scientist and contribution to public policy. I currently serve on the Academy’s national council and chair the Academy’s ‘Campaign for Social Science’ Board.
Dabinett, Prof Gordon Professor for
Spatial policy analysis: urban and
regional policy and uneven spatial
development in Europe.
Professor Gordon Dabinett
Professor for Regional Studies
Room number: D11c
Telephone (internal): 26187
Telephone (UK): 0114 222 6187
Telephone (International): +44 114 222 6187
Email: g.e.dabinett@
Acad emic profile(学术经历)
I graduated in Town and Country Planning from Heriot-Watt University in 1976. I then undertook research on local economic development policy formulation at the University of Cambridge where I completed my MSc in 1981. My research and practice at the University of Newcastle and then Cleveland County Council and Sheffield City Council focused on uneven spatial development and how alternative local economic development practices might address such inequality.
I returned to academia in 1989 when I joined the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam. I was made Senior Lecturer in Urban and Regional Policy at the School of Environment and Development at Sheffield Hallam University from 1998 – 2002. I was involved in a range of applied and policy research projects for local and regional regeneration agencies, national departments and the EU.
In 2002 I was made a Reader in Town and Regional Planning in the Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield.
I was appointed as Professor for Regional Studies in January 2007.
My work has contributed to the study of uneven spatial development and the practices of public policy in securing greater spatial justice.
Research interests
Constructing meanings and understandings of spatial justice. The analysis and evaluation of regional and local policies to address uneven spatial development. Case study analysis of urban and regional development in the Sheffield city region. For further information click here.
Current research(目前的研究)
ESPON, the Regional Studies Association.
I’m currently undertaking research in Korea and presenting at WTA.
This year I will be teaching on the specialised option; Regional Constructs for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. I currently supervise 3 Phd students.
Key publications
• Dabinett, G., (2010). Spatial justice and the translation of European strategic planning ideas in the urban sub-region of South Yorkshire . Urban Studies. 47(11), pp.2389-2408.
• Dabinett, G. (2010). Spatiality and Fairness in EU Territorial Cohesion Policy. Scienze Regionali, Italian Journal of Regional Science. 9(1), pp.119-122
• Dabinett, G(2009). Doing strategic planning differently: the Yorkshire and Humber regional spatial strategy (in Conceptions of Space and Place in Strategic Spatial Planning) ,RTPI Library Series, Routledge, Abingdon pp.147-179
• Dabinett, G(2005) Partnerships and transformation of the state in urban Britain (in Metropolitan Democracies: transformations of the state and urban policy in Canada, France and Great Britain) Ashgate, Aldershot pp. 47-65
• Bohme, K., Richardson T., Dabinett, G. & Jensen, O.(2004) Values in a vacuum (in Towards an integrated multi-level analysis of the governance of European space) European Planning Studies 12(8), pp. 1175 –1188. (J)
Other information
I am honorary vice chair of the Regional Studies Association. I am also external examiner at Heriot Watt University. I’m a keen walker and skier and my interests include city histories, English beers and Sheffield Wednesday FC.
Flint, Prof John Professor of
Town and
Housing policy, housing management,
citizenship, crime and anti-social behaviour,
neighbourhood renewal and social cohesion
and religion.
Professor John Flint
Professor of Town and Regional Planning
Room number: D26a
Telephone (internal): 26902
Telephone (UK): 0114 222 6902
Telephone (International): +44 114 222 6902 Email: john.flint@
Academic Profile(学术经历)
I was awarded an MA in Politics from the University of Glasgow in 1994. Whilst continuing my studies at Glasgow, I lectured part-time in HM Prison, Saughton, Edinburgh before gaining an MPhil in Urban Policy in 1998.
I became a part-time Research Associate on the ESRC-funded Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime, within the Centre for Law and Society, University of Edinburgh and also joined the Department of Urban Studies, University of Glasgow as a part-time Research Assistant. I continued in both roles until 2000 when I was appointed as a full-time Research Fellow in the Department of Urban Studies and then Lecturer in Housing Studies in 2004.
I moved to Sheffield Hallam University in 2005, where I took up a post as Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research.
I became a Principal Research Fellow at Sheffield Hallam in 2006 and was appointed as Professor of Housing and Urban Governance in 2007.
In October 2011 I was appointed to the post of Professor of Town and Regional Planning in the Department of Town and Regional Planning at Sheffield University.
Research interests
Housing policy, housing management, citizenship, crime and anti-social behaviour, neighbourhood renewal and social cohesion and religion.
Current research
The common theme to all my research has been urban governance, citizenship and social justice. Major threads of this include crime and anti-social
behaviour policy, specialist interventions within the most vulnerable households, housing in neighbourhoods policy and evaluation and social cohesion –particularly ethnic and religious identity, social class and culture.
这主要贯穿涉及犯罪和反社会行为的政策,专家干预最弱势的家庭,临近提供住房政策,评价与社会凝聚力 - 特别是民族和宗教身份,社会阶层和文化。
My teaching combines social theory with up-to-date empirical research evidence and a policy focus. My primary teaching focus is on the history and development of urban places and housing policy and management.
I teach on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses including: TRP131 Making of Urban Places城市场所的形成
The module provides an introduction to the history of urbanisation and the development of systems of town planning. The first part of the module covers the history of urbanisation from the very first settlements to the present day. Though much of this part focuses on urban development in Europe, it also covers American urbanisation and the problems of urbanisation in the developing world. The second part of the module deals with the emergence of measures to regulate urban development from the middle ages to the 20th century. It ends with the passing of the 1947 Town & Country Planning Act.
TRP6402 Perspectives on Spatial Planning and Development 空间规划和发展的观点
This module is seen as core in developing initial knowledge and understanding of planning. It critically explores the role of spatial ideas in planning policy and practice, and plays a key part in students developing critical skills in understanding different contexts and environments relevant to that practice. The module covers place-making
at a range of scales, and addresses the economic, environmental, social, physical, cultural and political factors which shape spatial planning. In the practical assessment, students work in groups and individually to develop their understanding of the policy context in which planners operate within a 'real-life' sub-region of the UK.
I'm supervising 3 PhD students on Urban Policy in China, Culture and Urban Regeneration and Urban Regeneration in Smaller Towns and Coalfield Areas.
Key publications
∙Flint, J.,and Raco,M. (Eds) (2011). The Future of Sustainable Cities: critical reflections.
Bristol: Policy Press.
∙Flint,J. and Robinson, D. (Eds). (2008). Community Cohesion in Crisis? New dimensions of diversity and difference. Bristol: Policy Press.
∙Flint, J. (2009). Cultures, Ghettos and Camps: Sites of Exception and Antagonism in the City. Housing Studies,24(4), pp.417-431. REF2014 OUTPUT (Provisional) ∙Flint, J (2004) Reconfiguring Agency and Responsibility in Social Housing Governance in Scotland, Urban Studies, 41(1), pp.151-172. RAE 2008 OUTPUT
∙Flint, J (2003). Housing and Ethopolitics: constructing identities of active consumption and responsible community, Economy and Society, 32(4),pp.611-629. RAE 2008 OUTPUT
Other information
I’m a trustee of the Urban Studies Foundation and I’ve acted as an expert advisor for the Scottish Government. I am a member of sub-panel 16 for the 2014 Research Excellence Framework, reviews co-editor of the Housing Studies journal, and an editorial advisory board member of the Policy and Politics journal. I’m an executive committee member of the Housing Studies Association. I review research proposals for the ESRC, the Nuffield Foundation and for research councils in Canada, Israel, Hong Kong and the Netherlands.
Henneberry, Prof John Professor of
Structure and behaviour of the
commercial and industrial sectors
of the UK property market and
their interaction with the wider
economy and state regulatory
Professor John Henneberry: General Information
Professor of Property Devel opment Studies
Room number: D17
Telephone (internal): 26911
Telephone (UK): 0114 222 6911
Telephone (International): +44 114 222 6911
Email: j.henneberry@
Academic Profile
I was awarded a BA in Land Economy from the University of Cambridge in 1974. This was followed by an MA in Town and Regional Planning from the University of Sheffield in 1976 and an MA in Land Economy from the University of Cambridge in 1978.
I was a planning officer for Manchester City Council followed by Greater Manchester County Council from 1976 – 1980.
I was appointed as a lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University in 1980, Senior Lecturer in 1982, Principal Lecturer in 1987 and Reader in 1991.
I was appointed as Senior Lecturer followed by Reader at the University of Sheffield from 1993 – 1998 when I was made Professor of Property Development Studies.
Research interests(主要研究方向)
My research focuses on the structure and behaviour of the industrial and commercial sectors of the property market and their relation to the wider economy and state regulatory systems. In particular I am interested in the way that calculative practices – such as valuation, financial appraisal and portfolio analysis and management –shape property markets and affect urban and regional development.
Current research
Current and planned developments of my research agenda include:
• Within the field of the analysis, modelling and forecasting of property market behaviour, examining the aggregate effects of different aspects of inve stors’ decision-making on market behaviour, with investor familiarity currently being explored.
• Within the field of property, planning and urban and regional development, analysis of the process of urban brownfield regeneration: to explentore alternative constructions and articulations of the concepts of environmental risk and sustainability in property development and investment and in planning policy;; to consider the impact of the environmal improvement of brownfield sites upon decisions to invest in such sites; and to analyse the interrelations between (i) sustainable forms of urban development in river corridors and in association with green infrastructure; and (ii) the financial structure and economic value of such schemes (with colleagues in the EPSRC URSULA and the INTERREG IVB VALUE projects, respectively).
在房地产、规划、城市与区域发展领域内的城市棕地更新过程的研究:研究替代结构与构件在房地产开发和投资与规划政策中的环境风险与可持续性;棕色地带的投资决策对该地区环境改善的影响的考虑,并研城市河流廊道与绿色基础设施协同发展的可持续形式与该方案的财务结构和经济价值的内在关系【分别与EPSRC URSULA(城市河道流域可持续发展机构)以及INTERREG IVB VALUE项目的同事共同研究】。
• Also within the field of property, planning and urban and regional development, the use of calculative practice as a vehicle for developing and applying the concept of development cultures to a consideration of the way that value is constructed, distributed and consumed through the urban built environment by different development actors. A critical history of the application of DCF techniques to investment valuation and to development appraisal is the next part of this work.
TRP210 Urban Design and Place Making
This module provides grounding in the theory and practice of urban design, focusing particularly on conceptual and practical issues in place-making. The module is arranged in three parts: (i) environmental issues in site planning, including energy, infrastructure, site servicing and sustainability; (ii) urban design theory and the relationship between architecture and urban design; (iii) local planning, including site planning, housing, commercial development and conservation.
TRP235 The Development Process
The course explores the interrelationship between planning, design and development profitability. It considers the property market, property developers and the property development process. It also provides an introduction to the physical dimension of planning and to urban design. It considers the design process and proposals for the improvement of urban space; and factors that affect development profitability and the techniques used by developers to decide whether to pursue particular schemes. The course therefore includes coverage of: market analysis, development appraisal, development finance, the design process, the use of urban space and infrastructure design.
Watkins, Prof Craig Head of
Professor of
Town &
The structure and operation of
property markets, particularly local
housing systems, and the impact of
policy on market performance,
including the economics of local
markets and the relationship between
public policy and market behaviour.
Head of Department Professor Craig
Watkins: General Information
Professor in Town and Regional Planning
My current and recent research focuses on the structure and operation of property markets, particularly local housing systems, and the impact of public policy on real estate market performance. This research addresses theoretical and empirical issues and is generally, although not exclusively, located within a quantitative economic framework. There are four main sub-themes to this work:
Analysing the submarket structure and operation of local property markets. Measuring and modelling property market performance.
Exploring the interaction between planning, public policy and property market behaviour.
Methodological advances in property research.
I graduated with a BSc (Economics) from the University of Strathclyde in 1989 and, after a (very) brief period in industry, worked as a researcher
in the Department of Economics at the University of Strathclyde, the Department of Land Economics at the University of Paisley and the School of Planning and Housing at Heriot-Watt University. For much of this period
I also worked part time on a PhD (Land Economics) at the University of Paisley. In 1995, I was appointed to a lectureship in the Department of Land Economy at the University of Aberdeen and in 1999 was promoted to Senior Lecturer. I joined the Department of Town and Regional Planning
in February 2004 and was promoted to Reader in September 2004.
Telephone: +44 (0)1142 226925 Email: c.a.watkins@。