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建筑学院、景观系(Landscape)和城市与区域规划系(Town and RegionaI PlannIng)共同组成建筑学部(Facu时of ArchiteCturaI Sludies),这三个系在各自领域名列前茅,共同形成了一个重要的建筑和自然环境研究中心。



Academic staff:学术人员

Professor Heather Campbell

Professor of Town and Regional Planning

Room number: D21

Telephone (internal): 26306

Telephone (UK): 0114 222 6306

Telephone (International): +44 114 222 6306

Email: h.j.campbell@


Academic profile(学术经历)

I was awarded a BA in Geography from the University of Durham in 1987 and an MA in Town and Regional Planning from the University of Sheffield in


I completed my PhD in the Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield in 1990 and was appointed as Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer from 1991 – 99.

I was made Professor of Town and Regional Planning at the University of Sheffield in 1999 and was Head of Department in the Department of Town and Regional Planning from 2003 – 2007.


我在1990年获得英国谢菲尔德大学城市与区域规划博士学位,从1991年至1999年被委任为英国谢菲尔德大学城市与区域规划系讲师和高级讲师,1999年,成为英国谢菲尔德大学城市与区域规划教授,并在2003年– 2007期间,任城市与区域规划系系主任。

Research interests:当前研究

How can we judge between better and worse in relation to decisions concerning place and space?(关于场所与空间的决策,我们如何做出好与坏的评判)

More particularly how can we ensure justice in relation to place-related outcomes and processes?尤其更重要的是在如何确保场所相关结果和过程的公平公正性?

These are the central questions which dominate my research interests and activities. 这是我研究兴趣和活动中的主导核心问题。

Current research

In my recent writing I have focused attention on issues of ethical values, just outcomes and the public good as well as the nature of the relationship between knowledge and action. I seek to get beyond critical analysis of inequality and injustice to consider how policy interventions can be rendered more just and equitable. I explore the nature of judgement and justice arguing that just planning is the `art of situated ethical judgement´. This in tu rn links to the work of others in the Department, who are concerned to explore and develop contemporary conceptualisations of social justice. Complementing this research has been an exploration of the role of `technical´ information in policy-making. This has involved studies of the process of technological change, in particular the organisational and institutional issues influencing the effective implementation of computing technologies, such as GIS, and the role of the resulting knowledge in policy-making processes. I currently lead the
